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Everything posted by satya

  1. Get Caelum audio Choric quartetCM and Lifeline Console Lite with CM325 Oct 2023 issue with sample packs https://www.musicradar.com/news/issue-325-of-computer-music-is-on-sale-now https://www.zinio.com/gb/computer-music-m3730
  2. satya

    MeowSynth FREE

    https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/08/08/meowsynth/ https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=b8UitalK People love cats. Cats love synthesizers. We all needed a cat synthesizer. And MeowSynth delivered. MeowSynth is discontinued but is still available for free download online. Use the link below to download MeowSynth for free. MeowSynth is available with 32-bit VST plugin hosts on Windows. macOS is not supported.
  3. https://viatordsp.gumroad.com/l/zyfng https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/08/07/viatordsp-rust/ ViatorDSP releases Rust, a free (pay what you want) lo-fi plugin for Windows and macOS. Authentic dust and hiss synthesis Adjustable age parameter for vintage distortion Precisely replicated mid-range distortion Low and high-frequency cutoffs for realism Seamless integration into popular DAWs
  4. https://vstalarm.com/product/retro-bundle-by-audiolatry/ VST Alarm has launched a limited time promotion on Audiolatry’s Retro Bundle, offering over 60% off on a collection of 2 virtual instruments for the next few day Audiolatry Retro Bundle is a collection of two Retro-inspired virtual instrument plugins exploring the 80s era with its iconic, bold and futuristic sound. The bundle contains Retromania, a vibrant & blissful instrument featuring hit-ready presets reminiscent of the 80s Pop era, and Cosmic, a deep modern take at the 80s cosmic pads and lush sounds. Available for Windows and Mac in VST/VST3 and AU plugin formats, the bundle contains a total of 186 multi-sampled presets. It is on sale for only $19.99 USD until August 21st, 2023.
  5. https://salisburyplugins.com/2023/07/24/salisbury-plugins-tonebox/ Introducing Tonebox, a powerful saturation and tone shaping tool that brings together the best of vintage warmth and modern precision Features: ⁃ Dual Mono Non-Linear Input Amplifier Emulation ⁃ Tilt Tone Control, A Tone Shaping Tilt Equalizer ⁃ Three Bands Of Fully Parametric EQ ⁃ High Pass Filter And Low Pass Filter ⁃ Gain Stage Button For -15dB Of Increased Headroom ⁃ HIGHDPI/RETINA Display Support ⁃ Windows VST3 And Experimental MacOS AUv2 And VST3 Support ⁃ 64-Bit Internal Precision
  6. Audio Plugin Deals offers Beast D-LAY by BeastSamples ($99.00 value) free with any order in August. https://audioplugin.deals/ https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/08/04/beast-d-lay-free/
  7. i read kvr some say plugin is not released , some say website under development , dont know i still cannot download, this one has a new gui https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=599837&start=30
  8. Lat year 5000 was distributed now only 606 , but that 606 hit hard
  9. https://eoinodowd.gumroad.com/l/layerengine Layer engine is a granular engine standalone vst3 for windows 10/11 and linux distros
  10. I copied from there ?
  11. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/nectar_elements.html https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/4554-Nectar-Elements Izotope Nectar Elements
  12. Cannot get the frohmager filter https://www.ohmforce.com/frohmager Is someone else able to
  13. satya


    Duplicate @Fleer ?
  14. https://www.stereo7audio.com/ Stereo7 Audio has announced the release of a new Kontakt instrument library that captures the rich, authentic sound of a traditional grand piano, with its full, realistic warm tones and intricate harmonics. Classicord is designed to be the ultimate solution for those seeking a rich, expressive, and authentic piano sound. Available for Kontakt and the free Kontakt Player, Classicord is available to purchase for $39 USD.
  15. https://www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/beat/beat-09/2023 along with 3 month Reason plus sub
  16. https://polyversemusic.com/products/filtron/ https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/08/02/polyverse-filtron/ Polyverse releases Filtron, a freeware modulated filter effect in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX plugin formats for Windows and macOS. Filtron is a self-oscillating filter capable of smoothly transitioning between several filter modes. It can morph between high-pass, band-pass, and low-pass filter modes while saturating the signal for additional impact.
  17. Umm , should i post the code here it is Simply add your desired Shreddage 3 instrument to your cart, and at checkout, use code: ISWSTR50KX5H https://impactsoundworks.com/series/shreddage/
  18. Check your mail for your personalised coupon and save $50 on ANY individual guitar or bass!
  19. https://karanyisounds.com/product/lofi-keys-summerspecial/ For 29$ limited time
  20. https://soundparticles.com/products/audiomatrix Sound Particles offers a quick and simple way to change a DAW track's channel routings. AudioMatrix supports up to 64 channels of audio, allowing any input to be routed to any output with a selection of helpful configuration options. AudioMatrix is supported on PCs running Windows 10 and above, and Macs running macOS 10.13 or later. VST3, AUv2, AUv3 and AAX plug-in versions are available. AudioMatrix is available now, and is currently (28 July 2023) being offered for an introductory price of £76.66 excluding VAT / €89.47, reduced from its full cost of £102.22 excluding VAT / €119.30.
  21. https://slatedigital.com/virtu/ Slate Digital have announced the launch of VIRTU, a new web-based assisted mastering service. Available exclusively via their All Access Pass subscription package, the service promises to give mixes the clarity, space and depth they need to compete with modern chart-topping hits. https://www.soundonsound.com/news/virtu-online-mastering-slate-digital VIRTU is live now, and is available exclusively via Slate Digital’s All Access Pass subscription service. Members are provided with three mastering credits per month, and can purchase additional credits for $2.99 each. Pricing options are as follows: Monthly with no commitment: $24.99 / month Annual paid upfront: $149 / year Annual paid monthly: $9.99 / month for six months, $14.99 / month thereafter A 30-day free trial is available, and trial users will also be provided with three mastering credits for use with the new service. Additionally, anyone who subscribes to the All Access Pass before 26 August 2023 will receive six credits at no extra cost.
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