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Everything posted by satya

  1. Wait for this to go on sale , dont seethe price lol
  2. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/11695-SSL-4K-E-Plug-in Solid State Logic has announced the release of a new plugin which delivers the definitive software emulation of the 4000E console. The SSL 4K E channel strip plugin imparts all the vibe and rich non-linear analog character of the original console. 4K E Plug-in is a precise emulation, with modelling down to a component level, including the revered E Series EQ in all its flavours (Black, Brown, Orange), and hyper-realistic emulation of the Jensen T-115K-E transformer found on early 4000E mic pres. The dbx 202 ‘gold can’ fader VCA is also painstakingly modelled, offering multiple layers of harmonic saturation found throughout the circuit design. 4K E features Authentic emulation of the 4000E by the creators of the original console. The sought-after signature SSL sound; the sound of hit-records. First-class integration with UC1/UF8/UC1 via SSL 360° and the Plug-in Mixer. Detailed circuit modelling, down to component level: Jensen JT-115K-E transformer-balanced mic pre with adjustable saturation . Choose between Brown, Black and the rare ‘passive’ Orange EQ flavors. Revision 4 Dynamics – the classic Soft-knee and logarithmic release circuit. DBX 202 Gold Can VCA fader saturation. ‘HQ’ mode for intelligent oversampling. Compressor Mix control. Advanced settings: Compressor make-up gain configuration and VCA modelling on/off. Scalable GUI. Apple Silicon native support. SSL 4K E for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX) is priced $329.99 USD
  3. https://www.vengeance-sound.com/plugins.php?sub=Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger 2 167$ after discount code FRIDAY
  4. https://promixacademy.com/course/mixing-in-the-box-with-grammy-winner-phil-allen/ Free for 48 hr Reg 56$
  5. Login to view the replica copy
  6. https://musictech.com/news/gear/korg-mps-10-drum-pad-competitor-to-roland/ https://www.korg.com/uk/products/drums/mps10/index.php The new product has the typical setup you’d expect from a percussion pad with a total of 10 pads on board. Six of these are your usual sensitive pads that trigger sounds when hit, plus four small CC pads which allow users to apply filters and carry out drum rolls, tonal transformations in real-time, and more. The Korg MPS-10 is priced at £949.00
  7. POSTED https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/69511-sound-on-sound-dec-issue-free-out/
  8. https://www.soundonsound.com/digital-magazine?utm_source=nov2023home&utm_medium=nov2023home-website&utm_campaign=nov2023replica
  9. That's what's written, not compatible with Kontakt player
  10. https://splashsound.org/oldschoolkeys.html https://splashsound.org/indievoices.html https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/11/22/splash-sound-free/ Splash Sound offers the Old School Keys and Indie Voices libraries for Kontakt Player for free until December 8. Old School Keys is a library of five vintage keyboards that normally cost $43, and Indie Voices is a library featuring vocals recorded by professional singers that normally costs $27. You’ll need Kontakt 5.6.8 or higher to use the libraries, as they are not compatible with the free Kontakt Player.
  11. https://soundbytesmag.net This domain is open to buy
  12. I only bought 1$ serum pack for sonible limiter free and 3$ sonivox harpsichord to get ujam mellow 2 guitar , is it good purchase?
  13. https://www.ghosthack.de/ A cinematic piano loop sample pack "Free Cinematic Piano Loops" containing long phrases of up to 1 minute has been released and is being distributed free of charge. Their site is down
  14. I already got that for free be4
  15. https://teenage.engineering/products/ep-133 https://www.thomannmusic.com/teenage_engineering_ep_133_ko_ii.htm EP-133 K.O. II is a mobile sampler, sequencer and composer. That combination of features is probably what we’d usually call a groovebox. There’s an integrated microphone and speaker and a teeny weeny 64MB to sample into. It can handle 6 stereo or 12 mono voices and has room for 999 individual samples. It samples in 46.875kHz(?) and 16-bit with 32-bit internal processing. The price is $318, which feels uncharacteristically reasonable for a device of this nature. It’s currently available for pre-order and should be shipping Monday.
  16. satya

    Thenatan X-EIGHT 2

    https://www.thenatan.store/p/x-eight-2-808-vst/ Use code SANJAYBF to get it for 14$
  17. Use code - Tape23 https://www.thenatan.store/p/tape-lofi-plugin/
  18. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/231-Tokyo-Dawn-Labs Tokyo Dawn Labs has introduced a new bundle of 4 specialized audio plugins: TDR Special Filters. TDR Infrasonic TDR Elliptical TDR Ultrasonic TDR Arbiter Available for Windows and Mac in VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats, the plugins are on sale at the Tokyo Dawn Labs store and from distributor Plugin Boutique at a 40% discount until November 28th, 2023
  19. https://www.audiothing.net/effects/things-voice Will be available at PB too Based on our channel strip Dials it gives you everything you need to make your voice loud yet smooth. The compressor is an unusual and complex design from a German 1950 radio broadcast instrument. If you desire to get even closer to that unit’s vintage tone, add authentically modded tube gain with the saturation button. For an authoritative bass boost we have added a rather euphonic EQ that excites just the right frequencies. This is the seventh plugin in our ongoing collaboration with Berlin musician and video personality Hainbach. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux (VST/VST3, AU, AAX and CLAP), Things – Voice is on sale for the intro price of 9 USD/EUR (regular 19 USD/EUR). The iOS/AUv3 version of $1.99 USD in the App Store.
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