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Everything posted by satya

  1. EB-Resonator features a graphical interface and five sections of controls, which are the mixer, key select, resonant glide, reverb and EQ. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2024/08/16/ewan-bristow-eb-resonator/ https://ewanbristow.gumroad.com/l/EBResonator
  2. https://www.decadebridge.com/free-plugin-effects/ DecadeBridge SpeculumLITE is a free dual stereo delay plugin with independent filtering for each channel and a crazy amount of LFOs. On his website, there are still some 32-bit only relics. https://www.decadebridge.com/legacy-software/ With SpeculumLITE he has just published an all-new free delay plugin with an extensive feature set. DecadeBridge SpeculumLITE is now available for free download. It runs as an AU plugin on macOS Intel (no Apple Silicon support) and as a VST3 plugin on Windows.
  3. https://synthanatomy.com/2024/08/this-trick-makes-the-discontinued-cakewalk-z3ta-synthesizer-sound-again-on-ios.html In 2017, Cakewalk, formerly a Roland and then a Gibson brand, ceased operations. In the end, popular software products, including two great synths, Rapture and Z3TA+2, also went off the market. This was also available for iOS. However, it was hardly maintained and disappeared when the operations were ceased in 2017. However, it has not vanished from iOS devices. If you bought the Z3TA+ waveshaper Synthesizer back then, you can still download it from the App Store under the “Purchased Apps” section. I did that a few days ago and noticed it still works on my iPad with iPadOS/iOS 16.6 but without sound. Cakewalk Z3TA+ iOS Trick I did a little research on Z3TA+ to see any signs of a comeback under the Bandlabs brand. I didn’t find any news, but I came across a thread from the marvelous Audiobus forum that there is a little trick to make the app functional again with sound. Take your iPad on a journey through time. Go to the Date & Time settings and set the device date to 31/12/2015 or earlier. I set it to 17.08.2015. Then restart the Z3TA+ app and select a preset. Voilà, the app makes a sound again. I played it for about an hour, and it ran 90% smoothly. There are a few bugs but no crashes – impressive for an app from 2017. When you’ve jammed enough, remember to return the device to the current time; otherwise, services won’t work.
  4. satya

    Quetzalcoatl FREE

    https://github.com/publicsamples/Quetzalcoatl Open sourse An 8 layer vector "oscillator" with harmonic pitch control Multimode harmonic filter A flexible selection of modulators Diverse sound library sourced from vintage synths SFZ, WAV and AIF import
  5. https://www.alonso-sound.com/product/17-year-anniversary-pack We’re celebrating 17 years of creativity, innovation, and the community that made it all possible. To mark the occasion, we’re offering a special Anniversary Pack – 128 presets across Diva, Serum, Spire, and Sylenth1. It’s our way of saying thank you for being part of the journey. The future of sound is ours to create – let’s do it together. The Anniversary Pack is free to download until August 31st, 2024. Additionally, you can purchase individual sound packs at a 40% discount, get larger discounts on bundles, and unlock an extra 10% off when you spend $100 USD during the promotion.
  6. yup live now at PB https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/10160-Century-Tube-Channel-Strip
  7. looks like i m not able to provide any GAS anymore 😔
  8. https://www.starskycarr.com/patches/p/vintagedrums The Donner D1 is a sample based drum machine that comes in a very portable format, similar to their B1 Bass synth. It has 12 pads, stereo outputs, and room for 4GB of samples which are loaded into the drum machine using the Donner Connect app. I’ve spent a while creating a free sample pack containing 320 vintage drum tones. There’s some nice crunchy 12-bit and 8-bit samples as well as some crips and clean and processed ones from a tonne of vintage machines including DMX, Drumtrax, TR606, HR16, CR78.
  9. https://www.jhonatanlopez.com/es/diseno-sonoro/ Based on 1176
  10. Brainworx Heritage Bundle FOR 49.99 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/81-Bundles/97-Various-Category/12177-Brainworx-Heritage-Bundle Brainworx Musician Bundle Sale FOR 119.99 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/81-Bundles/97-Various-Category/12339-Musician-Bundle
  11. No it wasn't , it's one of the best clipper , even though previously given away
  12. https://www.facebook.com/Yriisem/ Yuri semenov plugins are always very good
  13. Oblivion: Aggression Designer was born from a collection of unique and stylized analog sources refined by advanced audio editing and processing techniques, resulting in unmatched intensity and untamed savagery. This process has created the most obscene, gritty, and powerful sounds, perfect for wreaking havoc and driving high-octane action. Available for Kontakt 7 and the free Kontakt 7 Player, Oblivion: Aggression Designer is on sale for the introduction price of $119 USD until August 23rd, 2024 (regular $149 USD). https://heavyocity.com/product/oblivion/
  14. https://www.hivetune.com/shop/relica/ Relica is the ultimate synthesizer plugin for anyone who loves the unique, nostalgic sounds of retro gaming. Whether you’re creating chiptune music or just want to add a vintage vibe to your tracks, Relica offers everything you need to bring those 8-bit sounds to life. Relica also stands out for its unique features. One of its standout features is the Pulse Width Modulation for all oscillator shapes, not just the square wave, allowing you to easily modify and nuance the tone of your sounds. Relica provides robust sound-shaping tools that give you precise control over your music. The dynamics (ADSR) section lets you tailor the attack, decay, sustain, and release of your sounds, allowing for everything from tight, percussive stabs to lush, evolving pads. The bitcrusher effect adds that gritty, lo-fi character, and the vibrato lets you introduce subtle or dramatic pitch variations, allowing your sound to be more expressive. Reloca is available to PC and Mac users (VST3 and AU).
  15. https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/11473-Scaler-EQ Regularly priced $59 USD, Scaler EQ for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU and AAX) is on sale for $39 USD until September 1st, 2024. A rent-to-own option is available for only $3.34 USD/month during the promotion.
  16. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/297-BLEASS BLEASS Fusion for Windows and Mac (VST3/AU) is on sale for $14 USD instead of $19.99 USD until August 21st, 2024.
  17. Start by adjusting the large “Depth” knob which controls the amount of LFO, and the “Mix” knob on the right for dry/wet signal mix. Next, change the “Rate”, “Delay” and “Feedback” to control the style of Chorus to add to your sound. Finally, since this is an analog emulation, adjusting the “Input” and “Output” will change the amount of saturation/distortion added to the effect. The plugin is free to download in VST3 and AU plugin formats for Windows and Mac.
  18. https://cymatics.fm/pages/ultimate-plugin-bundle With equinox sample pack + 7 plugins
  19. https://impactsoundworks.com/product/gameverb/ Impact Soundworks has announced the release of an essential tool for anyone looking to capture the sounds of an iconic video game era. With a single click, GameVerb gives you the signature reverbs of countless legendary Super Nintendo (SNES), Nintendo 64 (N64), and original PlayStation (PSX) games recreated with astonishing accuracy. GameVerb features 69 Mode 1 (delay-based) N64 presets with settings from classic games. 107 Mode 2 (comb-based) N64 presets with settings from classic games. 668 SNES presets primarily from classic games, along with several dozen ‘utility’ FIR filters (lowpass, bandpass, shelving, etc.) 9 classic reverbs from the PSX, each with its own unique character: Room, Studio Small, Studio Medium, Studio Large, Hall, Space Echo, Echo, Delay, and Half Echo. GameVerb for Windows and Mac (VST3, AU, AAX and CLAP) is now available to purchase for $49 USD. Existing customers can check their Personalized Deals to see if they qualify for a crossgrade discount on this or other products.
  20. https://focusrite.com/sign-up/immersive-audio-expert-guide Focusrite Group’s free Immersive Audio Expert Guide is a comprehensive document that demystifies immersive audio and will take readers’ understanding of this cutting-edge technology to the next level. Immersive audio is transforming the way we create, experience, and enjoy sound. It goes beyond the traditional stereo sound setup, enveloping the listener within multiple dimensions of sounds. Whether you’re in music production, post-production, broadcast, live performance, education, or just an audio enthusiast, this expertly crafted guide has something for everyone. The guide walks readers through the basics of immersive audio, the different listening platforms (virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), gaming, cinema, and music production) with an emphasis on the most widely adopted immersive audio delivery platforms are proprietary technologies from Sony, Dolby Laboratories, and Apple – best practices, career opportunities (audio engineer, sound designer, audio programmer/developer, VR/AR audio specialist, Game audio designer, etc.) and how immersive audio is consumed in the marketplace. This guide has been designed for individuals at all experience levels — from those taking their first steps into immersive audio to seasoned professionals seeking to refine their craft with the latest innovations. Dr. Lee Whitmore, Focusrite Group VP for B2B and Education, remarks: “Our latest expert guide is all about immersive audio for creators, including musicians, producers, sound designers, and audio engineers. Authored in part by multi-platinum mix engineer Joseph Chudyk, the guide covers the essentials and best practices for working with Dolby Atmos, Sony 360 Reality Audio and Virtual Mix Environment, and also describes careers that will benefit from knowing how to work in immersive audio.” Whether readers are aiming to learn the basics or seeking to elevate their professional offerings, this new guide serves as an invaluable tool in the journey
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