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Everything posted by satya

  1. https://youtu.be/HZGZlC4P8Yg https://www.bleass.com/2022/06/21/bleass-monolit-free-mono-analog-synthesizer/ ?
  2. dont know why this company like lenner digital doesnt make new products, either they are earning too much from their product or developers are not interested, if the 2nd thing s correct then this should be a released as open source in next few years
  3. We r finding so many reasons to spend money?
  4. satya

    Digitalis for 20

    Also watch video if interested https://youtu.be/IpCBRE5YhoI
  5. satya

    Digitalis for 20

    https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/8908-Digitalis Use code SanjayDSP at checkout
  6. https://u-he.com/community/clap/ Here's one from uhe
  7. its intresting Bandlab also launched zire https://blog.bandlab.com/introducing-zire-music-promotion-on-autopilot/ and opportunities https://blog.bandlab.com/introducing-opportunities/
  8. "The creators we choose are free to take on any creative endeavor they like, even if it doesn’t involve BandLab! We simply want to support them in pursuing and elevating their craft." https://blog.bandlab.com/announcing-50-million-users-creator-grant-fund/
  9. where is it , has it dropped
  10. https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections/free
  11. Choose one that suits ur workflow , both zampler and MPC have same samples , just routing is different. Those who have beat sub they already have it
  12. How to get that for free
  13. Now they will release coupon code to make it free. PA gone mad
  14. Cakewalk plugin window is resizeable if u click corners , n then sliders will appear which u can move ?
  15. https://www.waproduction.com/sounds/view/free-anniversary-collection-vol-8
  16. FREE with PURCHASE https://www.loopmasters.com/
  17. https://www.synthdawg.com/free-stuff CIick on the chart freebie
  18. now 44, on last day will be 49 i guess , i can feel the Inflation
  19. Bigger the better ?. Competitive to soundpaint
  20. https://youtu.be/bJ9mcUj-M5E
  21. Free form June 3 NAMM celebration https://apogeedigital.com/soft-limit-plugin-find-out-first
  22. softube when u log in, theres time and tone plus bundle which include fet compressor, but its for 99 and includes amp room and flanger phaser
  23. teach me too how to set up or do a youtube video, i was trying today but i messed up in daw mode???
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