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Everything posted by satya

  1. https://soundsonline.com/composercloud $19.99/mo sub
  2. https://minimal-audio-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/packs/media/movies/Morph/1 - Filter Morph-50468dcc1dec4cbc598cbb5267ad25cd.mp4 Its really cool
  3. https://www.minimal.audio/t/software 49$ FOR GREAT INTEGRATED FILTER MOVEMENT EQ
  4. I think new forcusrite people already have it
  5. satya

    NI FM8 for $12

    SO tracktion fem or NI FM8 ?
  6. Why not just subscribe for one month and then cancel 5o get all content banks for free ?
  7. does it work here https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/
  8. As a gift on friendship day please gift me ?. Happy friendship day ?
  9. For 47$ using code Sanjay38 at PB https://www.leapwingaudio.com/product/ultravox/ Purchase here https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/54-Vocal-Processing/8354-UltraVox Review https://www.musicradar.com/reviews/leapwing-audio-ultravox
  10. but i dont have any studio monitors . somebody do a giveaway to me
  11. satya

    Larry, where you at!

    Larry should at least give email , we should mail him
  12. I m already wasting it ?
  13. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/48135-wusik-freebies/ lars latest last deal wqs on wusik looks like he kidnappned our king
  14. Free until 21st Aug https://vstalarm.com/product/future-bass-future-pop-drums
  15. Its just a stripped down version of their instruments which u can use in unlimited machines. did someone buy the mag , i belive download are available only for subscribers
  16. USE CODE- SummerMusic https://www.thenatan.store/p/xsgn/
  17. Live looper for iOS Mac and Windows standalone and VST ? https://endlesss.fm/ Free since Dec 20 , Reminder if someone posted already
  18. https://www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/workzone/beat-workzone-02/2022
  19. https://www.avid.com/media-composer/comparison with Media Composer | First FREE and other sub its like video editing software
  20. Go read ur computer music and beat subs man
  21. Bro Scores is the name of c*nd*ms we get in here ?
  22. I made a list of programs that use high disk space in c drive ProgramData Arturia Akai Blackmagic Design kiloHearts Krotos Propellerhead Software Steinberg Surge And from appdata/roaming Acustica
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