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Everything posted by satya

  1. Sound Magic have released blue Grand3D Limited Edition re-issue, available for only $19.00, increasing to $49.00 after the promotion. The offer ends September 30th https://neovst.com/product/blue-grand3d/
  2. For 39$ https://karanyisounds.com/product/pre-order-lofi-keys/ Lofi Keys VST, AU plugin for Mac & Windows brings the classic lo-fi sound to your music productions with a revolutionarily simple user interface. It features legendary electric pianos and synth classics, all resampled on vintage tape players, cassettes, and VHS players. Create smooth, dreamy themes for your lo-fi beats or add lush-sounding hybrid soundscapes to your scores. Release 23 sept
  3. Continuo 2 Pro and Polyscape Pro both for 19$ https://karanyisounds.com/shop-on-sale Require full Kontakt
  4. But i want SONAR DANCER just like FRUITY DANCER ?
  5. Don't worry i will Suicide in Metaverse
  6. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Drumlogue--korg-drumlogue-hybrid-drum-machine Sweetwater has 599 ?
  7. Would u grab even if u have the Brainworkx one
  8. I don't understand this ext offer , after purchasing will it show in pa account on which plugin can be activated on only 3 machine. Or i get a coupon code which i can then redeem at original store
  9. https://www.synthanatomy.com/2022/09/korg-drumlogue-new-analog-drum-machine-with-a-flexible-hybrid-core.html Korg drumlogue is a new drum machine hosting modern analog and innovative digital synthesis with sample support in a compact device. Preorder at 499$ https://www.thomannmusic.com/korg_drumlogue.htm
  10. SUMMER35 - FOR 35$ off at checkout https://www.kiiveaudio.com/plugins
  11. https://www.kiiveaudio.com/pa-ext Help out with PAEXT ?. I dont know if it's deal or not
  12. Whos the devloper? Eddie Lucciola, maybe this last name does not sound very familiar (perhaps), but if I tell you Kiive Audio or Mixland Audio, surely you already know what I am talking about: Warmy EP1A, Tape Face, The Filkchannel Strip, FreeTILT! and more (quality).
  13. https://purafied.com/ Liquid Death Snare - over 500 Samples of Snare
  14. Also multitrack studio and bitwig https://www.multitrackstudio.com/index.php
  15. also answer this https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/49393-does-cakewalk-support-clap/&tab=comments#comment-376587
  16. https://nakst.gitlab.io/apricot/ 2 main oscillators, with 6 different subtractive waveforms, modulatable phase offset and panorama, with unison modeled off the JP8000's supersaw. There is also an additional third oscillator, with less parameters, intended for use as a sub-oscillator. Sample layer. This can run with key tracking enabled or disabled, and can run in both a looped mode or one-shot mode. 2 mod envs and 2 LFOs, each with 2 dedicated modulation slots. There is also a modulation matrix with 8 additional modulation slots, for a total of 16. Arpeggiator and sequencer. 5 effects, Multi-mode filter Available as CLAP 32 and 64 bit plugin and FLStudio Native format NO VST
  17. I got the Apricot plugin which is only in CLAP format , and when i scanned it in cakewalk after adding the CLAP plugin location , it did not show up in list of VST . So does cakewalk support it?
  18. AT https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/68-Sample-Packs/9551-3-for-10-September-Sample-Pack-Bundle-Exclusive- INCLUDES Glitchmachines Biomorph Loopmasters Ambient Pulse Minimal Audio Inertia
  19. I litrally just copy pasted Larry post. really missing that dude
  20. The last low for spire was 98 $ 48% off, this is lowest
  21. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/3187-Spire Now for 94$
  22. Minimal is offering Rift Feedback Lite musical feedback processor plugin for Windows and Mac as a free download (reg. €29) for a limited time. https://www.minimal.audio/products/rift-feedback-lite
  23. Just edit and write delete everywhere, mods will delete it
  24. But it will look good with that m audio interface ?
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