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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. Mr. Whatabout?? Anyway, the moderator has got the train back on the rails. I do love all those sites that save us money.
  2. Or The Sax Pistols, but not The Copulating Pistols. I agree, that is a great album. Thanks for the reminder. It goes into today's play list.
  3. I never really knew who Harry Nilsson was. Now I do.
  4. Evocative and emotive! I play with that Fender set too, and you dialed that in nicely, such a distinctive tone. The grit is there!
  5. Excellente el Commandante!
  6. Hello Tom, no I don't wear girdles. I find them to be to confining. I also burned my manzier several years ago in protest. I found that it inhibited my movements and was oppressive to my freedom. I do wear socks though, and of course briefs, unless I don't; it is a matter of how I feel at the moment. I am liberated in that way. When I get bored I sometimes go for a walk. Great to hear from you!
  7. Thanks hockeyjx, it looks like this pick journey will take a little time to come to conclusion. I'm finding that not all pick companies show thickness in mm. The manufacturers use vague terms like thin, heavy. Dunlops seem to be around quite readily.
  8. I started out with a pick, and then exclusively played with just my fingers for the longest time. When on a whim I tried a pick again I found out how they can help in many instances. I will take a look at those sharkfin too. Thank Andy
  9. Thanks for the info Brian. I'm learning a lot from everyone. I never realized there was that much variety in picks. The bluechip is going to be out of my price range right now. I would need to put it on a lanyard and get one of those ping devices that show me where I left it when I set it down inadvertently. The v picks are a lot less scary price wise. I can afford to try one of those. The next time I get back to a city I will go by the local GC and buy several different picks and continue to experiment. I might even try to make a few picks out of different materials to get more knowledge.
  10. Thanks Rain, it seems that most guitar players change picks at various stages for different reasons. I am going to try the .73 dunlops to see how they fare. Now I must go listen to some Metallica!
  11. Those DAVA picks look interesting, the price is big. I'll have to see if the local store carries them to try one out first, but maybe you can't buy singles. The pickini. You've posted that pic before. I love the beach.
  12. Oh, I'm cool Kenny, no need to worry about that. You be you Kenny. I hope you feel better soon!
  13. How long did it take you to find the right guitar pick? For the longest time I thought I needed to use light picks even though they were difficult to hold on to. One day I was out and the only pick to be found was a medium, and what a difference it made. I guess I need to try other kinds and materials and styles. Does anybody have any opinions which picks to try? Thanks
  14. Kenny, I suggest you take a deep breath, have a bran muffin, then take a nice nap. It will do wonders for you.
  15. very interesting Will!
  16. Led Zeppelin: Live on TV BYEN/Danmarks Radio
  17. Aw, come on, don't be such a buzz kill.?
  18. Oh Kenny, jeepers. Thanks for the edumacation though. Who's Jimi Hendrix?
  19. Technically you are not a nobody. I know who you are Reid, and appreciate all you do. I am a nobody too, if you use the google analytics that is. There are more nobodies than somebodies. Most somebodies are malevolent boors, (not that I know any somebodies.) I'm perfectly happy to be a nobody, but I do wish I had been hugged more as a child, but maybe not.? Just remember that and I will remember you until I die, or lose my mind, along with some of the other nobodies on this forum, regardless of their post count.
  20. This from wikipedia concerning the album this song was recorded on "Consistent with all of the Partridges' eight studio albums, the record was produced by Wes Farrell for Coral Rock Productions, and released on Bell Records. Farrell arranged the rhythm tracks, and Mike Melvoin arranged the strings and horns. The disc was engineered by Bob Kovach, with assistant engineer Winston Wong. As with all of the group's releases, the album features some of the era's most highly regarded studio musicians, better known as "the Wrecking Crew": Hal Blaine (drums), Mike Melvoin (keyboards), Dennis Budimir (guitar), Louie Shelton (guitar), Larry Carlton (guitar), Tommy Tedesco (guitar) and Max Bennett (bass). And once again members of the Ron Hicklin Singers – brothers John and Tom Bahler, Ron Hicklin and Jackie Ward – feature prominently as backing vocalists throughout the album, with arrangements by John Bahler." My whole point is that we often dismiss great music based on perceptions, not reality, although it has been said "perception is reality," but maybe not the truth. Besides Kenny, admit it, you thought Susan Dey was wonderful, and to bad Shirley Jones was more mature than you.?
  21. The Ethereal Collective Mind Project #5 Going to the Market Today https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14507037
  22. new The Ethereal Collective Mind Project #4 Sure Could Use a Shooter https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14506697
  23. I would love to buy a new guitar I would love to build a new guitar but I already more guitars than money a 71 Hohner Acoustic an 81 gibson firebrand 335 an 89 Goya Acoustic a american deluxe strat and a MIM Roland Ready Strat but I sure do love reading about all this cool stuff one of these days
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