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Everything posted by Lionel

  1. I think the best buys were the Melda and UVI offerings. Lowest prices I've ever seen. Definitely happy with my purchases.
  2. Get your purchases in now. These deals will go up $1 every anniversary sale ?
  3. These are amazing. I own 5” studio monitors from other brands and these monitors are quite big. Definitely perfect for a project/home studio. And they sound amazing. At this price, it’s a steal.
  4. Just a friendly reminder... 2 days left! ?
  5. Gotta get this next: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TCICONDock--tc-electronic-icon-dock-docking-station-for-icon-series-controllers
  6. Purchased this as well. Thanks for the heads up, Larry ?
  7. UF8 would be a dream to own. In the meantime, I've just gotta use my good ol logitech mouse
  8. Looks interesting, but I’ve given enough of my money to Digidesign/Avid through the years. They are notorious for not maintaining/updating their software drivers. Thus, eventually making their interfaces unusable for the latest Operating Systems and DAW updates. I’ve got two of their interfaces just collecting dust. Learned my lesson.
  9. Ableton Note New iOS app from Ableton to sketch out music ideas. App Store Price: $5.99 // https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ableton-note/id1633243177 More info // https://www.ableton.com/en/note/
  10. You should probably mention these are affiliate links... for transparency ? The typical web user wouldn't know.
  11. Good to hear from you! Welcome back! If/when you start to post on here again, you should start using affiliate links. I’ve never been a fan of clicking affiliate links, but for the hard work you’ve always put in, I’d be more than happy supporting you. I’m sure others would too! or don’t… it’d be great just having you back on here
  12. Okay, so this is a taboo topic. Cue the song, “We don’t talk about Larry.” All joking aside, we’re just genuinely concerned about Larry. The dude was awesome. And I’m very much concerned so that whatever happened to Larry hopefully doesn’t happen to any of us on this forum.
  13. Out of genuine curiosity, what exactly did happen to make Larry leave?
  14. Larry had some awesome posts that I would’ve missed if it weren’t for him. Got my latest set of studio monitors from his post. He would have made a pretty penny if he used affiliate links (which it seems is allowed on this forum). And I’m sure we’d have supported that.
  15. You never know. He could be checking in now and then.
  16. Hmm... I'm looking at the websites side-by-side. The interfaces look the same to me. I'm guessing they're the same.
  17. Thanks for the tip! Wasn't going to buy this, but now I am. Love Melda plugins... can't beat lifetime free updates!
  18. Thanks for that info. I’m probably going to get the limiter
  19. Anyone used the Tokyo Dawn Labs stuff? Any good?
  20. Holy crap… there’s a ton of great deals! Yep, I’m gonna be broke before BF/Cyber Monday sales ?
  21. Yeah, @ $9, this is no-brainer purchase
  22. It genuinely feels nice not having to worry about AAX plugins. I remember the days of RTAS too... *shivers* Love my VSTs and looking forward to CLAP
  23. Avid is getting desperate. Worst DAW upgrade pricing scheme ever. Glad I jumped the PT ship long ago.
  24. Not sure if it's been posted already, but there's some really nice discounts on their product lineup @ Sweetwater. Most notably, the Origin mic for $99. Been wanting this mic for some time now... just ordered mine. Get yours before they run out. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/manufacturer/Aston_Microphones
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