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Everything posted by teclark7

  1. I have been in contact with NI and had to roll back to 6.3.2. kontakt 6.4.0 had broken a number of key libraries - in my case, Cinematic Studio Strings. I understand other libraries from Spitfire and others may also be affected. NI have indicated over at VI-Control they are looking at this as a high priority.
  2. My VST plugins (approx. 2,100) need some organizing in Cakewalk using Cakewalk's Plugin Manager. But I will need to do the same for Cubase. Is there any way I can use my organization in Cakewalk in Cubase (or vice versa) so i don't need to do the same thing twice in both DAW software? Is there any third party software tools that will assist with the process?
  3. Same here. PEX-500 will be more third or fourth Pultec EQ. Will give it a go to see if it brings anything different to the table.
  4. Yes I paid in USD. Probably could have saved some more
  5. For those who have not previously done the survey, I did the survey got the $50 voucher, redeemed Monofilter Elements through Focusrite Collective for my $100 voucher and then bought SEQ-ST (Stereo version on special for $99) plus upgrade Monofilter Elements to Full version ($68) less $150 in vouchers for the grand total of $18. Pretty good deal! I could have upgraded Stereoizer Elements (instead of Monofilter) which I had previously got through Focusrite Collective but I decided the full Monofilter upgrade might be more useful to me. Others might want to upgrade the Stereoizer Elements if they have that.
  6. I have Platinum and Abbey Road collection which I have accumulated over the years. I shudder to think what I spent but it was a bit more than $223. If only I was starting out now, to think how much cheaper it would be ...
  7. Just a note to say thanks to Zo who was very helpful in his videos in influencing me to get Plini And helped me out on the first round of the group buy.
  8. Zo I confirm Plini for me
  9. I'll take Plini if spot available
  10. Worked for me yesterday (Friday night in Australia) without issue. Probably too many people for their server to handle. One advantage of living on the other side of the world!
  11. @Soundwise I picked up the BST100 from Nembrini and now I am interested in trying out Cabinet IRs using some of the Celestion IRs. I thought I might go with a 5 pick with Celestion Gold and Lead 80 in 2x12 open and Vintage 30, Greenback and A-Type in 4X12 closed for a range of tones. I note MCabinet is on sale at Audio Plugin Deals for a little bit longer. Would you recommend jumping in at this price or would using something like the free STL Ignite IR loader be a better way to start? Tim
  12. Simon The solo violin is virtuoso violin. The spitfire solo strings includes it plus 2 other violins. Spitfire solo strings is on sale and you should get an slightly cheaper upgrade price. Plus don’t forget the promo code for further savings. Any trouble, as Zo says, contact Spitfire support. PS I am thinking of the Spitfire Solo Strings at this price. Tim
  13. As an acoustic guitarist who has never really played electric guitar, I would love something to help me write basic electric guitar riffs. I would like to emulate classic riffs like Back in Black (AC/DC) or Money for Nothing (Dire Straits)? How flexible is Riffendium with the ability to slice up riffs? Or should I be looking at something like Riff Generation (also on sale) with the step sequencer for even greater flexibility?
  14. I should add, the interface is nicer to use on AR than Waves Nx. If I didn’t have Waves Nx, I might be tempted to buy this plugin if I was looking for something to help with mixing on headphones.
  15. Downloaded the demo. It seems to have no other functionality than Waves Nx which I currently use to mix on headphones. with my DT 990 headphones and headphone EQ on, the two plugins behave the same but the AR plug-in obviously has some sort of room EQ modelling to match the room at AR studios. AR sounds slightly nicer on my headphones to mix with, but I am not going to spend $69 as an AR bundle owner for slightly nicer. If it came up as $29 one day I might be tempted.
  16. Thanks Piotr. Happy Easter to all too.
  17. EastWest produce some of the best quality instruments on the market and throughout March all are half price (MSRP). Or 34% off the prices you'll pay at T+S! East West at Time+Space
  18. ENDS 30TH APRIL - FabFilter 15th Anniversary Sale Fabfilter at Time+Space
  19. Marc helped me swap one that I already had. He was quick to respond and great to deal with.
  20. AudioDeluxe seem to have some good IMSTA FESTA deals: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/imsta-festa-la-2019 I am thinking about finally taking the plunge on Eventide Blackhole for $49. (I've got more reverbs than I probably need but nothing quite like this for long. dreamy reverbs).
  21. Bought Fender Collection 2 and used 11 JamCredits to bring it down to EUR28.99
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