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Everything posted by musical

  1. https://www.rolandcloud.com/news/welcome-to-the-new-and-improved-roland-cloud
  2. Now from $3 per month... https://www.engadget.com/roland-slashes-the-starting-price-of-its-cloud-synth-subscriptions-070036849.html
  3. Is it just me or is that the worst teaser ever? It just has a 2.0 graphic and some synth noises for a few seconds. Or am I missing something?
  4. Just send the money to me.
  5. Effects rack for $99? Very hard to resist.
  6. I own both and didn't get a $9 credit.
  7. Really sorry about your brother. It is hard to believe but also inevitable that an obsession with dogma can overwhelm basic human decency. You deserved better in your hour of need. I hope you found it. I meet a lot of people whose loved ones have died by suicide. It is nearly always appalling for those left behind. Incredibly difficult. I wish you and your family all the best.
  8. Not the time to be trying to raise new funding, during the worst pandemic for over a century and with oil prices turning negative. Markets spooked and can't even hold meetings. Looks like a fire sale to me. InMusic has a track record of buying products and then milking them to death.
  9. Does anybody know the terms of the $99 voucher? If it is $99 to spend that is one thing. If it is $99 off a $299 spend, that is quite another. That's the key question for me.
  10. I think the IK download policy belongs to a different age when bandwidth cost a lot of money BUT it isn't what most people would call a 'few days'. It is 180 days. Which is about six months. The the cost to download again is $10 for all of your products. IIRC Spectrasonics charged $10 per product last time I needed another download.
  11. I sold Modo Bass for £50 today and bought Total Studio Max for £100. The transfer of Modo Bass cost £15, so my final cost was £65. I can live with that.
  12. Don't forget you get 20p for rating it...
  13. I'm not sure it does. The wording on the IK site says full version (or something similar) for the editor and I have CS and don't see the download. That is why I was asking whether SE counts as a full version or not. I have a lot of the ST4 MAX content already from ST3 MAX, ST4 CS and other freebies.
  14. Does ST4 SE give you the ST4 editor?
  15. Upgrade from M1 LE to Korg Collection 2 is $199. Tempted.
  16. The website is being hammered and going slow. Go back in the app in five minutes and it will appear. Exactly the same happened to me.
  17. I've just had some fun playing with the virtual keyboard in the player. For a freebie with cheap upgrades, it is pretty good.
  18. https://roli.com/products/software/roli-studio Costs £79.
  19. Head to roli.com/start and download and install ROLI Connect, the portal for all your ROLI Software and Sounds. Once ROLI Connect is installed, please create a new ROLI account or log-in to your existing account if you have one. Once ROLI Connect has been set up it will check for updates. You will need version 1.0.11 or later installed to redeem this offer. Go to the product registration icon at the top-right of the ROLI Connect window and enter your personal Reg Code. Your personal Reg Code is: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Once registered, head to the Apps tab and start downloading your free versions of ROLI Studio Player and ROLI Studio Drums. ROLI Studio Player and ROLI Studio Drums will install automatically once downloaded, so once complete, open your DAW and start making music with ROLI Studio. Once you have registered ROLI Studio to your account, you will be able to upgrade to any full version of ROLI's plug-ins (Equator, Strobe2 & Cypher2) with a $100 discount for each! Just go to the software store to purchase any of these upgrades!
  20. Gain a wealth of new synthesis and percussion possibilities from ROLI We’ve teamed up with our friends at ROLI to give you ROLI Studio, their smart production suite including ROLI Studio Player and ROLI Studio Drums - two sibling virtual instruments full of professionally designed preset synth sounds and drum kits. An intuitive, versatile and endlessly rewarding electronic music double-act, ROLI Studio Player and ROLI Studio Drums will transform your existing projects and inspire entire new ones with their sublime sonics and performance-orientated controls. You can download both ROLI Studio Player and ROLI Studio Drums for free from your Novation account until the 11th June 2020 (16:00 GMT).
  21. Great customer service. Email to all I imagine. Dear X, thank you very much for ordering our Origins Bundle and for participating in our Donation Flash Sale. The sale overwhelmed not only us but seemingly also our servers. Some downloads couldn’t be delivered, we’re sorry. We’ve fixed this issue and you should now be able to download the file from your account section on www.sonuscore.com (if you created an account) and also with the link in your order confirmation email. If the download still won’t work for you, please contact us via service@sonuscore.com We’re sorry for the inconveniences and we hope you enjoy your new Sonuscore software instrument. Best regards and stay safe, your Sonuscore Team
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