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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. Any recommendations? I would like to try the Comprexxor. I already own the Black 76, Classic clippe and EQ.
  2. So I've ignoring this thing a bit. But you're telling me if I were to buy Comprexxor for 129.99 now, when this thing is over I can get 6 (or more by that time) plugins of equal or less value for free?
  3. Rob keeps updating his plugins and adding new plugins, so I wouldn't worry about old. I would suggest the route like Brian did. Start with 1-3 seperate plugins and then upgrade. I personally love how they work, it's just something in the workflow and the sound I'm after. Predator 2 is really good (and can be overwhelming). The hidden gem for me is BIT. I'm constantly surprised when I load a preset (and there are a LOT) and tweak it, I get such great results. I know it's a taste thing, but there are many other synths which don't do that for me.
  4. Exactly my thoughts. I got extremely lucky with buying Arkhis seperately to find out later that it was only included in the Ultimate Collectors Edition (which I don't have), but I learned my lesson. I will not buy NI products before knowing what will be in de next Komplete Ultimate (my current level).
  5. https://riemannkollektion.com/products/riemann-rave-techno-3-24bit-wav-loops-oneshots Normal price € 29,95
  6. For about 72 hours there is a $1 AUD (or € 0,95) somewhere on their website. They don't say which one in the mail I got. Luckily my browser has a search function. So after checking 7 categories I got lucky and here it is: https://www.zenhiser.com/collections/deep-house/products/berlin-house-grooves-01 Normal price 30 AUD.
  7. This makes me very happy. For the first time in my life I have something that kinda resembles a studio. I'm talking about the 360 pugin. Unfortunately the zoom function shaves off the fader from view and without zoom I have empty space (2560x1440 monitor). This almost makes me want to dig up my old 1080 monitor from storage just to look at the mixer all the time.
  8. I could swear I purchased Lift 3 and got Lift 2 for free. But I will check when I'm at home.
  9. Huh? I'm looking at my Acoustica Audio Account and it says I bought Diamond Lift 3 last november. Did I time travel?
  10. Some good deals yes, but I'm holding out for black friday. Which is usually about the same discount but probably with the the a special BF freebie when you spend above x.
  11. Am I right you need the iLok dongle for this? Otherwise this seems like a very good deal. The dongle costs about 50. Add that to the 50 of the plugin and it is 100. Which is the same as the IK one. Without the trouble of an extra USB dongle.
  12. That famous Avicii (and more) piano. https://www.truepianos.com/
  13. Does it come with an extra i9 processor? For the price it should, and for the CPU usage of most Softube plugins I own, it definitely should.
  14. I'm getting Indie, Accordion and Bells & whistles. Those last 2 are basically free because the price doesn't change when you add them on top of Indie because of the progressive discount.
  15. I believe all Xfer stuff is a fixed price and it never goes on sale. I do find it strange that all his stuff is no longer available on Plugin Boutique since a couple of months. I was 'saving' for a discount on Cthulhu with their virtual cash.
  16. Well, I'm about 2 hours in, finally this filesilo system responded shortly. Apparently I clicked the wrong link and now I have tutorial files wav stems? This takes me back to 1999 when Kazaa was giving me Eifel65-blue.mp3.exe after 2 days of anticipation. Didn't use the right filter I guess...
  17. Yes, but is it a good read? For example, the first word on page 22? (below cover feature) ?
  18. Thanks to people who have knowlegde of certain words in CM, I do too. Slice that is, Carve not yet...
  19. I'm sorry, but I switched to Ableton a couple of months ago. Somehow I never got in the workflow of CbB, I had all sorts of MIDI issues and I guess I'm not smart enough to figure out the routing I wanted to do. Still no hate though. It was a nice re-introduction into current DAW's as I left the scene ages ago when we were still fiddling around with Trackers in DOS.
  20. Oh that's just great. I talked myself out of getting Mosaic Keys and Mosaic Bass, saying I don't really need it. And then I spent yesterday evening watching your playthroughs. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna spend money when I get home from work...
  21. Some vendors do this. I recently bought a Beyerdynamic headphone and it really put me off that they did this. Ah well, still bought it. But my tip is, keep a spreadsheet with your wishlist, the normal price and the lowest sale price you have seen. And don't (or hardly) buy anything that's not on your wishlist. Saved me a couple of times.
  22. Also, I would like to add that if you want the everything bundle (which is SM 2.9, SMOne, all expansions and a free upgrade to the upcoming SM 3.0), you can get it through their own website (https://www.synthmaster.com/synthmastereverythingbundle.aspx). Apply coupon NEWSLETTER10OFF and you're all set for 113 EU.
  23. If there is anyone willing to part with a 50 voucher, I would gladly be on the receiving side
  24. I had the same 'issue' with already purchased plugins not having an effect on the bundle price. Just email them, they are a great company to deal with.
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