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Everything posted by synkrotron

  1. Thanks for confirming. I know enough about chord structures, including the Power Chord. If fact five of my six strings are tuned to root and fifth, Devin Townsend style (it was him I got the idea from). Yeah, that's me. I'd love to be able to, and I have done in the past, but not any more. I need to get my head around REAPER's take system... thanks again, Craig
  2. Well said, @Starise Okay, I should expand on that a bit... Having read the frankjcc post above I had a look at some hardware compressors, EQ's and stuff. Way out of my budget as well as expertise. With regards to the original post I would side with FabFilter simply because of the interface, ease of use and the excellent Dan Worrall videos.
  3. Yes, indeed it is Mark Yep, that is my opinion too. I pretty much always stretch everything around once recorded. cheers, and thanks, andy
  4. Hiya Craig What is a "mic-pre?" Joking, I have one, two, in fact if you include the pre's which come with my audio device. Both are Roland, so not entirely sure if they class as "decent." Not sure what you mean. Are we talking Music Theory here? Sounds like a plan... Yes, that is a possibility. My youngest lad's mate is also a Stunt Guitarist. I'm gonna see how it goes... may be that I don't need one if I go down the Simple Is Better route. I understand the principles of that but, as I mentioned above, mic'ing isn't really an option due to noise. So it's DI all the way for me and faff "in the box." Food for thought... I could send a pre-effects signal to another buss for different processing. EXACTLY! If I upload anything I'll send you a PM
  5. I have already tried to get Tim interested in Adaptiverb but I don't think he was impressed That was some time ago, though...
  6. I am my own worse critic, for sure @Tezza, but for good reason haha If you happen to hear any of my guitar stuff and think it sounds okay then I should tell you that I have to put a lot of work into post production to get it to sound worthy of release
  7. I watched the overview. So much to like. but no no no FFS NO!!! I need to get a job first
  8. Yeah, but, I ain't got your charisma or same circle of friends, and you are the Bapu after all. Plus I have let too many people down on the collaboration front in the past so I tend not to go down that route any more. While you're here... Aren't Bass Guitars heavy? And loooong... I'm gonna have to work out
  9. Hi @John Bradley Thanks for the tips. I'm a REAPER user (shock horror). I was a fully paid up member of SONAR until, well, you know... So I'm not so sure about AudioSnap. What I do instead is add transient markers manually and drag errant notes back into line, if the need is there. Sometimes I don't bother if I think I'm close enough. A time consuming task, I know, but I have the time at the moment. When you say, "dual-amp virtual rig," what do you mean exactly? Literally two amps within something like Guitar Rig? Or two different instances of virtual amps? I'm not very good with tone... I generally accept what ever comes out of the box. I usually use a EQ plugin at both sides of Guitar Rig even though Guitar Rig has it's own EQ tools. I prefer to use Pro-Q3 so that I can "see" what is going on. My ears are well f*!£%"^!! Interesting trick with the bass guitar. I wouldn't have thought of that one. As it happens, I do have one and I'm trying to write a bass part today. So I may give that a try. cheers, and thanks andy
  10. OMG mate! You've mentioned the melodyne word again! But, seriously, thanks for you're input. And as you have responded to this topic you have now been noted as a crap guitarist I have done what you suggested a few times and it does work, except it kinda detracts from "playing in the moment" if you know what I mean. But, at the end of the day, I may have to bite the bullet and do exactly that. Thanks, Mark cheers andy
  11. FFS! Don't mention that in the Songs forum!
  12. Oi! Strummy! I didn't expect a response from you as you are not a "crap guitarist." I suppose A minor could work, though not for my current "experiment" as I already have the parts down and I don't want to scrap it just yet. That said, my guitar is currently tuned to C G C G C E and I'm playing a lot of two string open chord stuff so, technically, all I have to do it introduce a strong A into the mix to con the listener into thinking that is the key. I ain't got any bass down yet so I could probably take a leaf out of Bapu's book and play a single note Am chord on my cheapo bass guitar. I'll let you know how that goes. Any advice on technique, though? Either playing or once you have a part recorded?
  13. Beyond "getting good," what do you do to get your crap guitar stuff sounding half or even fully decent? I know about doubling. Timing is a big issue for me so I have to spend time dragging those transients around. Sounds wise I stick with Guitar Rig. I have a cheap Blackstar amp which I have probably turned on a dozen times in the last five years. Mic'ing that up just isn't practical... Too noisy. I suppose I could sell all my guitars but as crap as I am I do enjoy playing.
  14. Could this be it, then... Stuck in a loop?
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