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  1. Hi Ive been trying for weeks to sort this out please send me a link you think works to set up a metronome click track thanks
  2. Hi there can you please send Link to your answer eg the process also my set up doesn’t have the loop construction in views just to say I am trying to build acoustic instruments into a recording by importing them into BandLab the very initial start of any project is having the correct tempo e.g. the clinical metronome just to let you know that’s what I’m trying to achieve
  3. Hi don’t need that as I’m sending the metronome track to another person the drummer I’ve tried the above and get no sound it doesn’t record thanks for any help
  4. Hi as a beginner is all the above applicable when you’re sending an audio click track for people to play over into an audio track if that makes sense kind regards
  5. Hi could somebody put this in English please as I’m not familiar with the jargon you’re using what are envelopes thank you so much


    Hiam new to cakewalk have just finished my first project 1 this is a project of five saxs so i had to transpose some that was fine when i close the project the reopen and start again i loose all the transposed instruments and they revert back to their original pitch please help not sure how i can save as i tried to save and the file just disappeared not on my desktop please help i want to bundle the whole thing into one MP3 I TRIED AND ONLY GOT ONE INSTRUMENT ON THE FILE PLEASE HELP ALSO IM GETTING THE MESSAGE BOX THE FOLLOWING TRACKS AND BUSES ARE CURRENTLY ASSIGNEDTO A SILENT HARDWARE OUTPUT THEY WILL BE SILENT IN YOUR PROGECT UNTILL THEI OUTPUTS ARE REASSIGNED TO AN APPROPRIATE HARDWARE OUT PUT ????? THANK YOU I HOPE I GET A SPEEDY RESPONSE MARTIN
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