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murat k.

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Everything posted by murat k.

  1. What you still don't get is, when the issue is general, all I can give these kind of information. Not my GPU or the Codec information will help to fix the issue. Because it's GENERAL. It means there are too many people with too many systems are having this issue with too many video files. OK?
  2. You should understand what I'm trying to do at first, if you want to cooperate. This is a simple procedure. I didn't say anything about Editing. Promidi came with like I'm trying to make edits in the Cakewalk. Erik has a thought that this is issue is related to my system. I tried to tell this is a general issue. Tim has some thoughts like the same. I created this topic by thinking some other people will join and the fix become quicker. But things didn't go that way. No problem. I made some research in the day to explain that blinking black screen is a general issue and it is not related to my system. Codecs seems the reason because some of the video files works without trouble. Also changing the engine to DirectShow fixed the issue for some of them. You'll see that black blink on pause at 2:18 Another video, the blink is at 2:57
  3. There is no argument. And this is not a bug report to get a solution. This is a request for the file format compability for the playback of video files. If you have no trouble with the video files it depends on the file and the codec you use like I said earlier. Not your system. I have encountered the same issues with different machines which have different system specs. When the developers fix the playback issue it will work with every system configuration for every supported video file format like others do. So relax and watch. Thank you. ?
  4. This is not a bug report that depends on my system specs. This is an ongoing general issue for everyone who use Cakewalk. If you are not having trouble with video playback, this means you are using a video file which has no trouble with the Cakewalk. There are various video formats which use various codecs out there, Cakewalk is not dealing with them as others do. This is the topic.
  5. And @Lord TimI was thinking to write an answer to you but on second thought, I found that it is not necessary. I really appreciate your participation to this topic with your elaborate comment.
  6. ? That's the real answer right there. What the? Let me clear, this is for composing for a finished video. There is no need for video editing OK? Just playback. Simple. With the Cakewalk for now, I'm having trouble with the video playback. I need to see the Video Audio as a reference at the top with the Video Thumbnail. And I can do all these kind of stuff with the Cubase without an issue. And I want these for my own DAW. That's pretty much it.
  7. Actually I sent these requests years ago to the Cakewalk Support Team. Nothing happened. But I feel it's the time to fix these playback issues and interface arrangements for the videos. We got the Tempo and Articulation Maps. Now we need an improvement for the Video side.
  8. Also keeping the video audio with the video thumbnail would be great: By this way we can see the video audio as a reference with the video all the time even if we navigate between the tracks.
  9. I thought you were joking. No I think this issue doesn't depend on my system. Like I said in this phrase: It seems Cakewalk has issues with video playbacks regardless of my or any system. This is a problem and I think we don't have to deal with converters, other 3rd party softwares like @Promidi said. Cakewalk has to deal with the video formats automatically like Cubase do. This is the normal thing a normal user can expect.
  10. And same video files are working without an issue with the Cubase as a side note.
  11. And I'm having trouble to play MP4 files with Media Foundation engine even it says in the document: "Media Foundation generally supports most older formats supported by DirectShow as well as many newer formats such as H264 video. "
  12. I tried it with another video and I saw that black blink on pause again. I think this issue should be taken seriously by Bakers. That blink is really annoying when working with video clips. There are open codecs available out there, Cakewalk can download and run them when there is needed like a regular video player.
  13. Thanks. It worked. Now I don't see that black blink when I pause the video. I think DirectShow Engine should be the default. And I agree with that.
  14. Where do you get that idea that I'm trying to edit videos in the Cakewalk? But it is still a great idea to edit videos with a dedicated video editor.
  15. Cakewalk has still issues with video playback. Blinking black screens when pause, unsupported video and video audio formats etc. It needs to take a look there.
  16. I think adding an icon to the Punch Module and a keyboard shortcut to toggle "Extend Takes to Punch Out Time" will be great in the Final Release. Also "Mute Previous Takes" can be added to both in the module and keyboard shortcuts. By this way toggling will be much easier even while in the record.
  17. This means now we are able to install Windows 11 on our ARM64 phones/tablets then run Cakewalk inside them. Fabolous!
  18. murat k.


    Custom Default CC's can be assigned there. Up to 8 knobs maybe.
  19. If something's not obeying Quick Group rules. Try it with Ctrl+Shift instead of using with only Ctrl. Then it should be "bug reported."
  20. If you need longer fader for precise control, use Shift key while using any fader.
  21. Matthew I understand you. And thanks to everyone who tried to help. And the real help will be supporting this idea because it's better than workarounds.
  22. Thanks for the information Steve. It is not working every time as you see.
  23. This function can be toggled like the Note Snap. Sometimes you may want to disable it.
  24. While you dragging the nodes and when they close to each other, the dragging one will automatically snap to steady one. OMG. I can't believe that I had to explain it that much.
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