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murat k.

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Everything posted by murat k.

  1. At first I thought a Safe Mode with Sandboxing separate from the regular behaviour. But on the second thought I realized that we won't need Safe Mode. Because with the Sandbox Technology the DAW will be safe as heaven. It will be like all those naughty crabby plugins are buried in the sand in a box and problem no more, while we enjoy making music on a beach on a glamorous day. ?
  2. I saw it mentioned briefly here: It seems sandboxing is the ultimate way of preventing unexpected crashes because of the plugin errors.
  3. I just saw your comment. I'm talking about the same thing. There is already a sandboxing feature in the Cakewalk for searching VST's called "Scan in Sandbox" Since such a feature exists in the software, it can be an easy task than thought by using this feature on the project files which cause crashes.
  4. Or maybe you can make it automatic. I mean Cakewalk can load plugins with a technique like sandboxing in Bitwig and at project loading when a plugin crash, Cakewalk won't crash and it reports the crashed plugin.
  5. This is the factor. The command bound to the key scans the whole project to find the selected track(s). The command needs to see focused track, the selected tracks if there is any, without scanning all tracks. For now it doesn't.
  6. Thanks for the reminder Steve. The problem here is that the command takes into the calculation all the tracks, even though they are not needed. So there is nothing to do with creating an audio file on the drive. Also same command cause latency with the MIDI and the Instrument tracks as well.
  7. Thanks for trying it out. If it is yeah it is not a problem actually. It seems that latency is related to the system speed indeed. If it was related to the interface driver it should've happened with other situations. How does that command works I don't know but pressing record button works instantly, Auto-Arm with MIDI tracks works instantly as well. So there seems to be no reason why this command shouldn't work as fast as they do. Apparently Arm Tracks command is making unnecesarry calculations. An optimization would not be bad at all so that it runs at adequate speed on every system configuration.
  8. Thanks for your effort David. The command is: I thought I was clear but no problem. You may not seen an issue in that command because the issue can be felt especially on the big project files. You can see the issue by creating only MIDI tracks in an empty project. Since the effect of the issue increases depending on the number of tracks, 1000 MIDI Tracks are suitable for to see the issue better. When Auto Arm is enabled, you'll see recording a track starts instantly. But when you try to record a track when Auto Arm is disabled, and you use Arm Tracks command to arm a track, it starts a calculation to prepare the track for the record and it takes a couple of seconds. This is the issue in the command and can be rectified by an optimization.
  9. "Arm Tracks" command that we use for recording Audio tracks is not fast enough as compared to Auto Arm feature we use for MIDI/Instrument Tracks. The problem in this command increases and felt proportionally by the track amount in the project. MIDI tracks recording starts instantly with the Auto Arm preference when recording. But in the same project after applying "Arm Tracks" command to an Audio Track, we have to wait for the commands process completion to start recording. However clicking on the record button on the track completes the process instantly. So the issue is related to the "Arm Tracks" command. And what it does is directly related to the amount of the tracks in the project.
  10. Nevermind. I've found a preference which does the same thing already. This was the reason for the latency on Playback/Record. Checking Exclude Synth Inputs solved the issue.
  11. Playback/Recording Start and Stop Duration increases depending on the amount of SoftSynths in the Project. I noticed that at the beginning of the Playback/Recording, it calculates all synths, regardless of whether they are used or unused and whether they are recorded. This duration can be shortened by only calculating Synths which have MIDI Events on the project. As we add new things to the project, the Playback/Recording start and stop duration may increase by the amount of the Synths, FXs we used. I'm OK with that. But in an empty project, this duration should not be longer due to loaded and unused Synths. By this way we won't have to optimize the project manually by doing Archive on/off for every sound audition on tracks. It may work like "Automatic Archive"
  12. Thanks for the info scook. yes, link sharing is a way to share without this forum site's quota. Actually the server cost is affective for large files, here I am talking about sharing files smaller than 5mb. If the site was already well optimized, I would not have even reached half of the sharing quota yet. And please, we are talking about BandLab here. From a company that is powerful enough to buy Cakewalk and make it for free. If I were in their place, I would prefer to keep my information as local as possible.
  13. It's time to make a reminder for this. I almost reached the limit. And I don't have too much sharings actually. And there is an issue about the animated gif files we share, somehow website is converting it for to play on the webpage but this cause file increase. As an example I tried to share an animated gif file in my previous post which was 182kb, it converted it to 5mb file. Then I had to shorten that video.
  14. This is sometimes happening. When we do the selection and delete while the ripple edit function is selected, it shifts by the amount of the selected note, not as much as the selection. This happens in both Ripple Edit Selection and Ripple Edit All functions. It is not on the screen recording but after I duplicated the clip on the right, Ripple Edit Selection function worked as it supposed to be. It deleted the left clip and shifted the right clip by the amount the selection.
  15. I mean the one which has plugin controls.
  16. And of course a dockable Synth Rack support independent from the Browser Tab.
  17. You can't. Because it seems that these tracks belongs to the same synth. The command name is "Freeze Synth". So all tracks belongs to that synth freezes automatically when you click freeze one of them. "Freeze Track" command is for Audio Tracks. It bounces the Audio with all the FX on the track. So we need a command like "Freeze Instrument Track" which is not yet available.
  18. It does what you want. Tracks come as two separate mono tracks belongs to two different channels which were panned hard left and hard right. But yes, description can be like "Import as separate mono tracks" When I first saw it, I thought it'll turn it to a mono track when importing.
  19. Yes. And even Ripple Edit All cannot fix it when it's happened. Only you can do to fix this issue is creating an arrangement from begining to end of the project then commiting it. But after this action you lose all the other arrangement tracks. And this is an another old request: Keeping other arrangement tracks in the committed area.
  20. Thanks for sharing your idea @El Diablo At first It's not It's Cakewalk. And it's not It's BandLab. I just wanted to point at these because it seems that you care using of upper cases in brand names. Second the information you wanted shows on the Help Module. It says: "Click and keep the mouse button pressed for a brief moment to choose the desired record mode" There are more information than you wanted. But I think you already knew about the Help Module because you're familiar with the software and you're requesting it for newcomers to make Cakewalk learning easier. I agree with you. It's better when you see the information directly on the icon you hover instead of looking somewhere else everytime. As an example Autodesk use this kind of tooltips. They use extra information how to use the tool with the name and the shortcut information. They even use animations on the tooltips to help learning better. IMHO this can be an optional tooltip type you selected from Preferences. Otherwise I wouldn't want to see that kind of information all the time.
  21. Click the Track Name before the Paste. It will focus the track and your Paste's always be in the right place.
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