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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Run Avid Link to update Pro Tools 2021.3.1 resolves the following critical bugs: The Parallel Task Optimizations preference is no longer missing from Pro Tools Software (PT-271772) Knife-edge automation will once again follow the edge of the clip boundary (PT-271659) Enhancements Pro Tools | Sync X Support for the initial release of Pro Tools | Sync X precision synchronizer. For product information, go to www.avid.com/syncx. Virtual MIDI Keyboard A new MIDI Keyboard window lets you play MIDI notes from your computer keyboard. It can be found in the Window menu or opened using the shortcut, Shift+K. Dark Theme Improvements Based on user feedback, numerous improvements were made to the Dark theme introduced in Pro Tools 2020.11. Changes were made to the various clip states and edit selection treatment so that they are easier to tell apart. Other changes were made to improve overall visibility and usability across the entire application. Dolby Atmos™ Improvements Easier Setup of Stereo Objects It’s now possible to automatically create stereo mapped objects based on the connected renderer input configuration. This can be done by selecting “Use Dolby Atmos Renderer (Stereo)” in the I/O Setup bus tab, and then clicking the default button. There is also an option for mono. Bed/Object Fold Down Beds are now included in the fold down path making it easier to monitor a rough mix when a Dolby Atmos renderer is not available. Always Fold Down You can now choose to always enable the channel-based fold down path for a Dolby Atmos mix. This is useful if you require a rough headphone mix for editorial while the main mix is fed through a renderer. It is also useful if a system does not have a renderer connected, and the mix needs to be monitored for non-mission critical tasks. Faster ADM Bounces to Network Storage A new preference has been added, called “Use Local Cache When Bouncing to Network Volume.” This significantly increases the speed of the bounce process in certain circumstances. It works by automatically bouncing to a local cache location when pointing the Bounce Mix window to a network volume. When the bounce completes, the cached file is immediately copied to the network location, and then the cache is cleared. While this was primarily designed to help bouncing to WAV (ADM BWF), it also works with WAV (BWF) when using the Single File Delivery Format option with multi-stem bounces. HD Device Improvements In order to support Big Sur, Pro Tools and the HD Driver have been updated to use modern interrupts (MSI). This change may also prevent or minimize conflicts with other PCIe devices on any supported operating systems. This requires a firmware update for both HDX and HD Native. This firmware is backward compatible with earlier versions of Pro Tools and HD drivers. ⚠️Pro Tools HDX and HD Native firmware update process ⚠️ Dynamic Transport Improvements The ‘Dynamic Transport Follows Timeline Selection During Playback’ preference allows users to choose between two different Dynamic Transport behaviors: Enabled: When a timeline selection is changed, the playhead will immediately jump to new timeline selection and begin to loop within the new boundaries. Disabled: When a timeline selection is made outside the current timeline selection, the playhead will continue to play without interruption. Once the end of the selection is reached, the playhead loops within the new selected range. If a timeline selection is made before the current playhead position, the playhead will not jump to the new selection. Include Instrument/MIDI Output Assignments A new option to save and recall MIDI Output assignments, on Instrument or MIDI tracks, has been added to Track Presets and Import Session Data. Improved Zooming Performance on Network Storage A new preference, ‘While loading waveforms, display in low resolution’ has been added to the Processing tab under the Misc section. When selected, Pro Tools will draw low resolution waveforms temporarily to maintain performance until all the needed data is read from the cache. This prevents performance issues and improves responsiveness when working with network storage devices or older non solid state drives. This preference is not selected by default. Apple Lossless (ALAC) Stereo M4A Apple Lossless (ALAC) files may now be imported and converted to the current session audio file format. This makes it easier to import files directly from your iTunes or Apple Music library. Bounce Mix MOV Improvements Several stem formats have been added to the Bounce Mix window for the MOV file type. The available stem formats now include all of the following: Mono Stereo 5.0 5.1 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.1 7.1 SDDS Audio only MOV bounce is now available. Bounce Mix to MOV is no longer considered a public beta. Parallel Task Optimizations The Parallel Task Optimizations is now available in Pro Tools Software. It was previously only available in Pro Tools Ultimate. The default value of the preference has also been changed from ‘Off’ to ‘High.’ This preference speeds up certain actions by allowing Pro Tools to multi-thread certain tasks that appear in the Task Manager, such as Workspace indexing, waveform calculation, and Elastic Audio rendering. See the Pro Tools Reference Guide for more details. Bug Fixes AAF AAF's with multi-channel tracks and mixed frame rates will no longer result in some channels of audio importing out of sync (PT-270099) Field recording channel names will now import from Media Composer subclips in an embedded AAF (PT-270062) Fixed an issue where the wrong clips could be referenced if both new track and match tracks is used when importing an AAF with clips that reference the same file (PT-264681) Fixed a case where importing an embedded AAF on network storage could hang or take a very long time (PT-264337) Exporting an AAF with Media Composer compatibility will now only mute the track in the AAF if a single static breakpoint exists on the track (PT-270788) Non-integer frame rate AAF's from sample accurate sources will now import at the correct frame rate with correctly aligned audio (PT-269088) Markers that are imported through an AAF will now support a 255 character limit (PT-268231) Audio to MIDI Fixed a graphic defect when dragging audio to a MIDI track from the Workspace or operating system (PT-268260) Fixed a bug that was causing Melodyne to crash after using the Extract MIDI to New Track command (PT-266382) Automation The auto-match indicator now illuminates when in trim mode (PT-270569) Automation lanes on tracks inside folder tracks can now be re-ordered (PT-266980) Crashes and Errors Fixed a crash when importing certain files that contain AAC audio (PT-269090/PT-268525) Fixed a crash when importing some OP1a MXF files (PT-271116) DigiTest no longer crashes on launch when Pro Tools is launched (Mac, HDX/HD Native) (PT-269811) Dolby Atmos Workflows Pro Tools can once again properly read the input configuration from the Cinema RMU (PT-268537/PT-268744) Fixed an issue where Object metadata is not recorded accurately until reaching an automation breakpoint change. Occurred when "Link Object and Audio Recording" is disabled and the audio track is not record-enabled. (PT-243543) Fixed an issue where audio track metadata was not always captured accurately while punching in. (PT-251156) Fixed an issue that would erroneously cause "The current session has an output bus mapped to this output and may not be remapped to an object" after importing session data from another session (PT-258602) Clarified the dialog that informs users that the Dolby Atmos Renderer input configuration does not match the session (PT-270419) Bounce to WAV (ADM BWF) will now abort mid bounce if an error is detected during the bounce process (PT-269852) The I/O Setup window is now large enough to include the Bed/Object Group column by default (PT-265344) Track Presets window now only lists "Bed/Object Assignment and Toggle Settings" once (PT-268290) "Untitled" is no longer appended when creating a new Bed/Object Group name on Windows OS (PT-266460) Editing Markers are once again included when editing in Shuffle mode (PT-269679) Fixed an issue where previously selected Playlist clip were deleted from timeline after making another Playlist clip selection (PT-266949) Fixed an issue where edits on frozen tracks were being applied to the underlying clips (PT-265143) Fixed an issue where fades would be deleted when a clip was partially dragged on top of them (PT-265270) Fixed an issue where trimming clips with fades caused unpredictable results (PT-267501) Fixed an issue where trimming a clip would clear automation where the clip was trimmed (PT-257832) The selection in the time field in the Space Clips dialogs is now predictable when using keyboard shortcuts (PT-266186) Changing a meter change event will now open the Time Operations dialog if there are other meter change events further down the timeline. This allows better user control over the results. (PT-258345) Fixed a bug that caused the wrong plug-in to be selected after hitting Enter from the plug-in menu (PT-268335) Fixed an issue that prevented creating clip groups across tracks with different timebases (PT-261364) Fixed a crash when importing a mixed clip group from the Clips list to the Edit Window (PT-270267) Fixed an issue by preventing file names not supported on Windows to be created during Track Commit (PT-270086) Fixed an issue resulting from certain file names not being supported on Windows (PT-268424) Elastic Audio Fixed a crash that was caused by deactivating Elastic Audio tracks during playback (PT-268863) Export/Bounce The Export Mix window will now save and recall all location options with the session (PT-269153) "Error 32" will no longer occur after canceling a bounce to MOV on Windows OS (PT-270364) Fixed an occasional "FF_AudioProcessMixer.cpp", line 33" or "Cmn_ExportProgressTimeoutException" error that would occur when bouncing to QuickTime (PT-267474/PT-267456) Export Mix will no longer adds a minute of silence when doing an open ended bounce to WAV or AIFF files (PT-268734) The ability to bounce to 32-Bit audio in an MOV file has been removed from the Bounce Mix window because it does not function (PT-268554) Removed a redundant question, asking it you'd like to replace the file in the bounce location because it already exists (PT-268350) The cancel button in Track Bounce window no longer needs to be clicked 3 times if the window was opened via a key command (PT-267576) Import Selecting an SRC pull value in the Import Audio Window will once again use the correct value for sample rate conversion (PT-269035) Choosing not to import volume automation, when overlaying the main playlist in Importing Session Data, will no longer remove existing volume automation (PT-257629) Importing Session Data from a session with a later start time, and overlaying the main playlist, will no longer remove automation before the incoming start time (PT-267898) Importing multiple videos to the timeline will once again place the videos consecutively on the timeline with the audio on the same track (PT-268071) Drag and dropping an OP1a MXF will now import the video as well as audio (PT-269783) OP1a MXF files will once again import the audio to the timeline with the video (PT-268914) Fixed an issue where audio would not import from some XDCAM OP1a MXF files (PT-268064) Fixed an import bug caused by having a tempo map included in a mixed Clip Group (PT-267913) MIDI Events in the MIDI Event List can once again be copy, pasted, and deleted (PT-256493) Fixed an issue that caused the Trim Tool not to work when opening the MIDI Editor with notes selected (PT-267716) Fixed and assertion when dragging and dropping looped MIDI clips between tracks with different timebases (PT-268173) Performance MIDI Editor window responsiveness when MIDI CC automation data is displayed, has been improved (PT-240439) Track height switching speed has been improved (PT-254927) Fixed a performance problem stemming from using the Mouse Wheel to scroll (PT-268061) Fixed a performance issue zooming in and out while using MXF audio on a network storage device (PT-236414) Fixed a performance issue caused by closing a Folder Track while in record (PT-268839) Plug-ins Fixed an issue where plug-ins could be momentarily bypassed while opening a session. (PT-267014) Pro Tools | Carbon Audio dropouts/artifacts in 10.15.7 and 11.2.3; Resolved in future Big Sur release (PT-268800) No Audio Output over AVB; Resolved in future Big Sur release (PT-268662) Workaround: is to run the following Terminal command in, then reboot: $ sudo plutil -remove "Plug-In\.com\.apple\.audio\.AppleAVBAudio" /Library/Preferences/Audio/com.apple.audio.SystemSettings.plis Unable to create Session at new Sample Rate; Resolved in future Big Sur release (PT-265729) Workaround: Select different AVB configuration or After OS restart - de-acquire and acquire device in Network Device No Audio device in Audio Midi Setup; Resolved in future Big Sur release (PT-268874) Workaround: Toggle Carbon on/off in Audio Midi Setup's Network browser "Cannot Communicate w PB Engine"; Resolved in future Big Sur release (PT-268881) Workaround: Toggle Carbon on/off in Audio Midi Setup's Network browser Fixed an issue where Talkback Mic input could distort. (PTHW-218) Delay compensation when using both hardware inserts and AAX Native plug-ins on the same track is now calculated correctly. (PT-268293) Delay compensation for hardware inserts on DSP Mode-enabled tracks is now calculated correctly for bounced/committed audio. (PT-267502) Fixed an issue where a hardware insert assignment could be deleted after restoring I/O settings from session. (PT-266606) DSP Mode now works correctly for mix groups. (PT-268738) The "DSP Mode has been automatically enabled..." dialog is no longer redundantly shown after freezing a track. (PT-268275) Fixed a case where a dialog would incorrectly indicate that the clock source is not valid. (PT-267542) The "Pro Tools can't communicate..." dialog now appears immediately after Pro Tools | Carbon is disconnected from the Mac. (PT-267393) Fixed an issue where monitor output level would be louder when recording to DSP Mode-enabled tracks with count off enabled. (PT-270388) Fixed an issue where line outputs 1-4 would be muted after disabling Alt 1 and Alt 2 monitors. (PT-269069) Production Management / Interplay All tracks are no longer muted when checking in a sequence to Production Management (PT-270788) Routing and I/O Setup Defaulting stereo outputs with C24 or XMON will no longer cause gaps for assignments beyond the first output (PT-267431) Fixed an issue where making a Send inactive during playback no longer mutes track outputs when track is Input Monitor enabled. (HDX) (PT-263123) Satellite Link Improved satellite stability if a if one of the systems in the satellite network encounters a crash (PT-261834) Synchronization Opening a session that was created on a system with SYNC HD, after it was opened on a system without SYNC HD/Sync X, now correctly preserves the Video Ref Format setting. (PT-235841) Fixed a SYNC HD issue where LTC was not consistently generated if VSO value was greater than +1 semitones. (PT-256663) Track Presets Track Presets created in Pro Tools 202.11 and newer are now backwards compatible with older versions (PT-268882) Recalling a Track Preset no longer changes the MIDI Output assignment if it was stored with the preset (PT-266217) Fixed a bug preventing Track Presets from being imported on Mac (PT-269142) UI Fixed an issue where sliders in dialogs such as Strip Silence and Color Palette were becoming stuck to the ends, or disappearing (PT-268466) Improved the progress bar feedback when opening a large session during the "Locating Audio Files" step (PT-244720) Fixed an issue where the sends were not redrawn to show their actual fader level (PT-269341) Fixed an issue on Windows where pasted text was not inserted at the correct cursor position (PT-268337) Fixed an issue where Clip FX parameters were not being displayed (PT-267916) The Pencil Tool on audio clips will once again show a line as you draw (PT-268274) The text on inserts, sends, and I/O selectors have been toned down to match those on the Mac in Dark theme (PT-267980) Fixed an issue where some items in pop-up menus were shown in black. Classic theme only. (PT-269520) Fixed an issue where some graphic defects appeared on the Marker ruler. Dark theme only. (PT-268746) The destination line is once again shown when dragging tracks in the New Tracks dialog and other windows. Dark theme only. (PT-267315) Fixed an issue where the workspace would not draw completely when opened during playback (PT-252142) Fixed a graphic defect when dragging audio from the Workspace or operating system to the timeline (PT-267399) Corrected a problem that was truncating text in the Melodyne activation window (PT-268336) Fixed an issue where toggling Dynamic Transport mode left graphic defects in the rulers (PT-271156) Fixed a graphic defect that occured when closing certain dialogs on Windows (PT-268652) Prevented a screen redraw that occured on a Folder Track's timeline when moving a marker (PT-268647) Video Video playback will no longer freeze if a "bad" frame is encountered in the file (UME-1531/UME-1466) Audio is no longer placed in the Clip List if "Main Video Track" is chosen when importing a video (PT-269555) Fixed a case where "The video engine reported an error…” would be seen when importing certain QuickTime files from Adobe After Effects (UME-1612) Fixed an issue where the video engine would hang on launch if the "Manage auditing and security log" policy is defined on a system using Active Directory (UME-1538) Fixed a case where video failed to import with the first attempt after launch (PT-263700) MXF OP-Atom video, created with Nucoda, will once again import and play (PT-265780) The video window is no longer closed after bouncing and relaunching Pro Tools (PT-261973) Improved error messaging when the video engine can't play due to system instability (PT-265556) Workspace Fixed a case where the workspace could show a SMPTE ID in a file that doesn't exist (PT-260377) The relink window will now remember its previous configuration while Pro Tools is still launched (PT-260294) Fixed a crash that occurred when hovering over a column in the Workspace Browser (PT-268045) Fixed an assert caused by clicking on tags in the Workspace Browser (PT-267936) Miscellaneous The Dashboard window is now in focus after launching Pro Tools with the video engine enabled (PT-257107) The main timecode counter will now reflect the correct timecode when changing the hour value with the arrow key while using a drop frame rate for the session (PT-268558) Fixed an issue where the Setup menu > Hardware doesn't open when the playback engine is an Eleven Rack. Windows only. (PT-270573) Fixed an issue where the Setup menu > Hardware doesn't open the first time with Dark UI theme. Windows only. (PT-270564) The reliability of the HDX firmware update process has been improved, particularly for configurations using external chassis (PT-267707) Fixed an incompatibility issue between Ableton Link and synchronization peripherals (PT-270144)
  2. Jewel Empire II captures the versatility and specific character of the GEM Imperial II electronic organ. The GEM series of instruments were manufactured by GeneralMusic in Italy sometime during the late 80s and early 90s. This large electronic organ comes with two key beds and a large variety of voice tabs, a dedicated Bass voice section, and draw bars to control a lot of voice functions. $19 Intro Price This library features a large selection of sustains and staccatos – both normal and bass – to capture the varied character of this Italian instrument. https://soundiron.com/products/jewel-empire-ii
  3. HALFBLOOD and HAUNTED STRINGS EASTER FLASH SALE! Get these two killer libraries for just £9.80... That's 87% OFF! They have never been available at this price point before. HAUNTED STRINGS Is an eerie string instrument, perfect for injecting tension and suspense into a slow and brooding piece. With twisted sound manipulation controls, including 'Glitch', 'Fear' and 'Pitch' dials playing with extended techniques and harmonic scrub layering, randomised volume dipping & section tuning drift. HALFBLOOD Is a hybrid organic super synth engine with over 100 unique and intriguing starting textures, that can be layered together and independently manipulated and modulated. Giving 1000's of possible pallet combinations. Textures include sound designed and processed sounds originating from the following; Piano, Guitar, Autoharp, String Ensemble, Brass, Winds, Duduk, Voice, Drums, Thumb Piano, Shakers, Sousaphone and a collection of Synth wave textures! With 80 included presets, that load as snapshots, to get your creative juices flowing and inspire you to take the plunge in creating patches of your own from our 'Blank Canvas' Patch (hint... it's empty!) https://insanitysamples.com/ Whilst this is our biggest sale item currently, the store does also have a SPRING SALE on with between 30-50% savings to be had storewide.
  4. We have released a maintenance update to all Elements plug-ins. We recommend updating your copy of Stereoizer Elements to v1.2.0.6, Monofilter Elements to v1.1.0.6 and Stereoplacer Elements to v1.1.0.6. Download here. This update includes A new preset browser. Updated to JUCE4 framework New preset browser Removed support for RTAS, VST2 and 32-bit Fixed HPF control (Monofilter Elements only) This is a recommended free update for all existing owners. To update download here https://nugenaudio.com/log-in/
  5. From composers Si Begg (Parasite, Blade Runner 2049, Midsommar) & Aaron Harris (Us, Your Honour, Cobra Kai), TANK features over 220 unique sounds and FX, built for composers and editors. Recorded in a striking industrial brewery, TANK is an intense, visceral & mechanical beast. 20% OFF - MEMBERS ONLY USE THIS LIMITED TIME CODE AT CHECKOUT: XXXPERSONALXXX BUY NOW $49
  6. 20% off MULTI-MODULAR FX PROCESSING TOOL EnRage is a highly addictive multi-modular FX processing tool that opens up unlimited possibilities in how you tweak and process your sounds. It will easily handle your daily FX plug-in needs but will also introduce you to a world of insanely wicked sound processing. EnRage is super responsive and extremely precise.To put it simple: EnRage will change the way you experience sounds. LEARN MORE 20% RELEASE DISCOUNT Order EnRage today and save 20%, but only until April 20th! https://sonuscore.com/shop/enrage/
  7. http://everyplugin.com/bundles/shopby/manufacturer/waves.html
  8. 70% OFF WEEK SALE using SOLDANO70 code on checkout (offer valid until April 18 11:59 PM CEST) BST100 V2 SUPER OVERDRIVE GUITAR AMPLIFIER PLUGIN (modeling of Soldano SLO100*) THE BEST OF BOTH WORLD BST100 V2 Super Overdrive plugin is modeled on Soldano SLO100* using a hybrid technology of modeling(white box) and profiling(black box) in a way to achive the best of both techniques. BUY NOW To create the BST100 V2 Super Overdrive Guitar Amplifier plugin, Nembrini Audio has carefully modeled and fine tuned every nuance of this iconic amp. https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections/guitar-amplifier/products/bst100-v2-super-overdrive-guitar-amplifier
  9. Good combo deal get the following Liberis Angelic Choir - $498 Basstard - $198 Advanced Steel String Guitar - $148 Electric Violin - $148 and the Hybrid 8D8 ($248) free Total list price $1,240 Grand Total = $161.20 with code CREA20
  10. $48 each https://8dio.com/instrument-category/guitar-and-plucked/?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=121031708&utm_content=121030571&utm_source=hs_email don't forget Hybrid 8D8 is FREE with $98 purchase
  11. Also for EZKeys https://www.bestservice.com/ezkeys_midi_contemporary_r_b.html
  12. $ 29.00 https://www.bestservice.com/ezbass_midi_contemporary_r_b.html
  13. Ilya Efimov Production is having Spring Sale offering 30% discount for each and every instrument. https://www.ilyaefimov.com/
  14. AudioThing is celebrating its 10th Anniversary with 35% off plugins and a free plugin, Things - Tilt, with every purchase. The discount and the free plugin are automatically added at checkout. https://www.audiothing.net/plugins/
  15. $89.99 on Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Daily-Pick.gc
  16. $29 TH-U Rig Library Giant Pack (228 rigs) Bogie Dual Recto 3CH is the TH-U expansion library, created by Choptones, seeking to recreate the sound of an authentic Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier* head. The head has been captured with the original 6L6 power tubes: a second capture with the EL34 tubes has been done to recreate a darker sound, rock oriented tone. See the full gear list in the library... https://www.overloud.com/rig-libraries
  17. $7 RM-2 Our favourite console emulator, simply place it in your track and hear it come alive! RM-2 Analog Channel captures the warmth of an uncelebrated Japanese console, the Panasonic Ramsa WR-S4424. Take it to the extreme and it's great for squeezing the juce out of any track! Best of all it's only $7 for the next 48 hours! (Offer extended) I Want RM-2!
  18. Bring the beat in Today, we're excited to release a new percussive instrument plug-in: Slammer! Slammer is Swedish for "clatter" / "rattle", and it can surely produce a lot of bang and crash, yet there are still lots of options for keeping a clean sound. Slammer is a multi-sampled drum plug-in that contains 30 different instruments made from a large number of carefully recorded and edited samples. Integrated custom-built real-time effects combined with some clever routing makes Slammer a versatile and flexible virtual instrument that is capable of rendering anything from natural acoustic to heavily distorted and compressed drum sounds. We've made more examples than ever – to get a quick idea of what Slammer is capable of, check out the sound examples! Each sound can be customized with a wide array of settings like pitch, filtering, effect sends, decay time, velocity mapping and much more. There’s also a “Dirt” section for distortion and compression, a reverb and tone control. The amount of “dirt” and reverb can be tweaked individually for each instrument. On top of all, Slammer comes with a set of factory presets, covering anything from light and slick to heavy and gritty. If you're looking for a drum instrument, giving you 'instant gratification' from the first hit, this is it. And no, you don't have to load your own samples. Read more / Try free demo Intro price - 37.5% off macOS/Windows AU/VST/AAX plugin $24.99 $39.99 Buy now Intro price valid until 2021-05-03 ? Also available for iPad as AUv3 plug-in on the iTunes App Store ? https://klevgrand.se/products/slammer
  19. Perfect your audio productions Get Samplitude Pro X6 Suite now for free ahead of release - when you purchase the current Pro X5 Suite. Diverse effects from coreFX Suite and Convology XT Complete for legendary reverb are also included for free. Get ready to discover the latest versions of Celemony Melodyne essential, iZotope RX8 Elements and Steinberg SpectraLayers 7 + 8 (update to version 8 will be delivered free of charge when available), Sound Forge Pro 14
  20. $24.36 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/harrison-consoles-ava-multiband-compressor
  21. now $19 for Eighty Eight Ensemble and $29 for The Compilation instrument bundle, $9.99 for Twist, $19.99 for Vocalizer Pro No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/sonivox?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  22. No extra discount at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/nomad-factory-blue-tubes-bundle
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  24. HoRNet Flash sale almost every plugin 50% off, bundles 20% off 50% off every plugin and 20% off all bundles The sale is valid from April 14th and will last only until April 14th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to have our latest plugins for half the price! Just go to https://www.hornetplugins.com
  25. Brainworx bx_limiter True Peak is a completely new design. Use it to confidently hit your loudness targets without leaving behind any distortion-inducing inter-sample peaks, and without compromising on the sound quality of your masters. Bundle Subscription ESSENTIAL, MIX & MASTER, MEGA, and Brainworx Bundle users simply download the plugin and activate it at no extra cost. Done. Plans starting at just $10/mo* Perpetual License Yes, you can purchase a single, perpetual license for this plugin. List Price $299, Intro Offer Price $249.99 Your Intro Price: $149.99* with voucher code TRUEPEAK-INTRO-14999 Use this code during checkout. Offer available until May 10. Feel free to share the code with your friends. PA Partner Offers Save BIG if you already own bx_limiter, bx_digital V3, bx_XL V2, bx_masterdesk, elysia alpha compressor, AMEK EQ 200, Bettermaker EQ232D, Dangerous Music BAX EQ, ADPTR Audio Metric AB, SPL HawkEye, ProAudioDSP DSM V3, Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor (or Class A), SPL IRON, Black Box HG-2 or Black Box HG-2MS. Log in to your account and simply add the bx_limiter True Peak to your cart! Special License Offer: $129.99* https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_limiter_true_peak.html
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