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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. I'm curious about that too...I'm leaning towards Sienna before the intro deal expires...
  2. SAGUARO features electronic, dark and suspenseful soundscapes stemmed out in Pads and Drones. AVAILABLE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY 22rd - 29th APRIL 2021 $127 https://www.umlautaudio.com/products/saguaro
  3. We are pleased to announce the release of Astral Beings, a new Phase Plant Content Bank by Dash Glitch. On a beach in Goa, southwest India, night turns into morning to the rippling thrum of an acid squelch. Your blood feels warmer than your veins, your skin cooler than the breeze in the palms. A spacey arpeggio floats across your consciousness and awakens the smooth revolving pad which was already there. Stars and circles and red and green and yellow all dance together. The sun is up, the ice is crackling in your glass, and you're feeling the wonder of psytrance... You can pick up this Content Bank for $29 in our Content Bank Shop or, if you are a Kilohearts Subscriber, you can just run your installer and update to add Astral Beings to your Content Bank collection immediately. See you in the next dimension...! https://kilohearts.com/products/astral_beings
  4. The definitive anthology to create blockbuster scores, featuring an array of extra signals recorded and mixed at AIR Studios, London. Save 40% on all individual products until May 30, and save up to 50% off the full price of all Symphonic and Chamber libraries via collections.
  5. Save up to 50% across the range https://www.spitfireaudio.com/spitfire-symphony-orchestra
  6. Looking For An Evolving Pad Library That Never Feels Static? Quantum by Emergence Audio is an innovative easy-to-use sample library that creates a blend of pads, textures, drones, soundscapes and pulses, unlike anything before it. Get it for $68 (reg.$79) use coupon code: EAQINFINITE offer ends soon! Powered by the Free Kontakt Player 6.4+ https://emergenceaudio.com/product/quantum/
  7. VR Interactive Bundle: Three advanced software solutions for immersive audio in one package: dearVR PRO, dearVR SPATIAL CONNECT, and dearVR UNITY. $599 https://www.dearvr.com/products/dearvr-interactive-bundle Unity Create ultra-realistic acoustic environments in Unity with a true perception of direction, distance, reflections, and reverb. $99 https://www.dearvr.com/products/dearvr-unity
  8. 17.29 GBP https://www.lootaudio.com/category/bundle-deals/loot-bundle/guitar-bundle
  9. This month's Spark plugin is Xodoi and is available exclusively for Spark subscribers. You will get it immediately when you sign up for Spark along with new plugins every month. Learn more about Spark. https://puremagnetik.com/collections/spark-packs/products/xodoi-granular-drone-cloud
  10. Hi there! Big spring sale by Splash Sound. Up to 90% Off. Offer is valid until May 9 https://splashsound.org/
  11. $27.36 at Zinio https://www.zinio.com/beat-m37585?campaign_code=zenith.zinio.zinio.eng.earth50flat0421.email
  12. https://www.audioassault.mx/ahm5050.php
  13. $69 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/81-Bundle/82-Plugin-Boutique-Bundle/7383-KHORDS-2-Free-Expansions
  14. Ensemble Drums for $74.50 https://heavyocity.com/product-category/sale-percussion/
  15. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY MUSIQUAL GREEN SE 40% OFF 29 Euros https://mialaboratories.com/product/musiqual-green/
  16. $29 https://neovst.com/product/neo-eq-grand-collection/
  17. $23 at Time Space https://www.timespace.com/products/sound-dust-table-of-elements-for-omnisphere-2
  18. I decided to us my $199.99 voucher to do this... Your Order 1 SPL Vitalizer MK2-T $99.99 1 Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor $299 1 Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS $329 1 Unfiltered Audio TRIAD $299 Subtotal $1,026.99 MIX & MASTER Bundle Monthly - PA-Ca$h-Back $199.99 (Code: MIX-MASTER-M-Z58MDZ7) -$199.99 Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor for $69.99 (Code: SLO-Shadow-Hills-MC-6999-H77) -$229.01 SLO: Black Box HG-2MS for $69.99 (from classic Black Box HG-2) (Code: bbhg2mskjdckjdnv) -$259.01 TRIAD for $49.99 (Code: triad49-akpk12447ljahsd) -$249.01 SPL Vitalizer Mk2-T for $29.99 (Code: SPL-VIT-2999) -$70 Total $19.97 I probably could have gotten maybe 1 or 2 more if I waited for the Mega Sale - but why take the chance and miss these by waiting? I'd say this is a pretty decent deal ! $5 a plugin!
  19. Cymatics Producer Week - up to 70% off on all products until the end of the month. Plus extra $15 off - use coupon code “PW15“ (It can be used on any sample pack and expires in 72 hours.) https://cymatics.fm/collections/store
  20. Larry Shelby

    WD 2 TB SSD

    $189.99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/western-digital-blue-2tb/p/N82E16820250089?Item=9SIA994DU47267
  21. $134.99 with code BEYERDT99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/black-beyerdynamic-dt-990-other/p/0TF-00D2-00003?Item=0TF-00D2-00003&cm_sp=Homepage_dailydeals-_-P2_0TF-00D2-00003-_-04222021&quicklink=true
  22. Mastering The Mix Mixroom on sale for $47.99 - No extra discount http://everyplugin.com/mixroom.html MIXROOM is an intelligent EQ that guides you to set the perfect balance of richness and clarity whether you’re working on a vocal, a synth, or mastering your music. MIXROOM analyses your audio and shows you which frequencies could be adjusted to improve your sound. The EQ target suggestion helps you get a solid starting point, from which you can tweak your sound to suit your preference.
  23. https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/
  24. 49 Euros https://unitedplugins.com/Autoformer/ https://unitedplugins.com/FirePresser/
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