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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. ALL Sforzando-powered libraries on SALE Get inspired by the great sounding presets. Powered by the FREE Plogue Sforzando Player. https://www.productionvoices.com/
  2. 15 GBP https://www.sonixinema.com/products/electric-organ
  3. The current Beat is a real summer smasher, as this issue features the Beat Workzone as an issue within the issue. That means 116 pages featuring the best Studio Synths 2021 and a Headphone Mixing Guide, plus the two software highlights Overloud TH-U Beat Edition and the Roland Juno-60 emulation Syntronik J-60. Plus a whole load more. A total of 26 GB of high-quality plug-ins and samples. Get this single issue at www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/beat-english/ or subscribe at www.plugins-samples.com where you’ll also get access to 90+ back issues
  4. Other instruments on sale as well https://neovst.com/sales/
  5. Gear Credits accepted in the Custom Shop
  6. The Alpine Project has launched a new and improved 2021 Edition of their orchestral instrument libraries for Kontakt (full version). The download is free and about 1GB: https://alpineproject.wixsite.com/main
  7. $83.06 at EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/lounge-lizard-ep-4.html
  8. $149 at JRR - no extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/integralstudiopack3
  9. Discounted IK Music Software: Syntronik Crossgrade $199.99 $39.99* Syntronik $299.99 $49.99 Syntronik Deluxe Crossgrade $269.99 $54.99 Syntronik Deluxe $399.99 $79.99 Syntronik Deluxe Upgrade $99.99 $19.99 *JamPoints accepted at the IK online store, Gear Credits accepted in the Custom Shop https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=SyntronikKrazyDeal2021
  10. $17.78 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/indigisound-soca-starter-pack-vol-1
  11. $19.32 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/ohm-force-hematohm
  12. $17.80 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/boz-digital-labs-panther-stereo-manipulation
  13. $49 - no extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/sugar-bytes-cyclop
  14. $20.47 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/wavedna-liquid-rhythm
  15. $19.32 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/xhun-audio-ironaxe
  16. 2 Euros - ends June 30th - coupon 2BDEAL https://2bplayed.com/product/2b-shaped-filter/
  17. $16.89 at EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/insomnia.html
  18. I understand your frustration, but the "Big Button" is in the CART...not the checkout page....as I STATED previously. It's DIRECTLY UNDER the Item in your cart. And the "Big Button" says "REMOVE" to take the items out of your cart once you get back to it from the Checkout Page. I was simply trying to help you, because it's NOT intuitive...
  19. Mibby....right under JST it says "Cart"...that's a link to get back to the cart, where you can remove the product...
  20. This code gets you30% off LATENIGHT11
  21. There is a BIG button right under the Product in your cart that says "Remove"
  22. Time to add to your toolbox of sound morphing fun! Now is the time to take advantage of our 50% off Summer sale at SoundMorph. It's only going to last for 24 hours, so don't miss it! Code: SUMMER2021 https://www.soundmorph.com/
  23. Expressive E summertime deals start now! Get 40% off all plugins and sound expansions. https://www.expressivee.com/cat/3-software
  24. ANNOUNCING LAMELLOPHONES * * * A massive compendium of 17 inspiring and distinctive bespoke, hand-made instruments for Kontakt 6 Player Hopkin Instrumentarium: Lamellphones includes all of our unique Hopkin Instrumentarium libraries so far, plus the addition of two new instruments exclusive to this product: Cat's Face and CÍque. Made of wood and steel, each custom creation has its own organic tonal flavor, multiple microphone positions, and hundreds of ambient soundscapes. This library comes packed with over 18 GB of content that is guaranteed to make your tracks stand out from the rest. This collection offers you a broad, flexible palette of musical colors and comes equipped with easy-to-use layer mixing, performance tools, 140 custom fx and ambient presets designed for instant inspiration. It's made for Kontakt 6 Player and is compatible with Komplete Kontrol and S-Series hardware. You can purchase Lamellophones on sale now for only $159.00 (MSRP $199) Hurry, Sale Ends June 21st! https://soundiron.com/products/hopkin-instrumentarium-lamellophones
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