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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. You can get Ambition plus 2 Expansions for $99 at Yurt Rock To sweeten things even more, we’re including 2 free Expansion Packs (Dawn & Relic), over 9 GB of content! when you download today. Click here to shop now https://yurtrock.com/products/ambition-plus-expansion-packs
  2. Forest Kingdom 3 - The Sounds of Forests and Jungles Mother Nature conducts what is probably the largest orchestra on our planet. The wind blowing through the leaves, the birds singing loudly - countless natural instruments are constantly writing new and unique music. Forest Kingdom 3 is the fantastic sequel to the very successful and award-winning Best Service Forest-Kingdom-Series that brings the sounds of forests and jungles to your computer-based composition-studio. The creator of Forest Kingdom 3 natural world of sounds is Eduardo Tarilonte, who is known for libraries like "NADA", "Dark ERA" and "Desert Winds". Due to his attention to detail, sampling master Eduardo manages to take musicians all over the world on a journey through deserts, forests and distant lands. $259 Registered users of Forest Kingdom or Forest Kingdom II can upgrade for only € 99 https://www.bestservice.com/forest_kingdom_3.html
  3. T-RackS Classic Clipper is free until June 29: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=T-RackSClassicClipperGiveAway
  4. 40% off with code TRAXX21 https://www.sampletraxx.com/
  5. $7 at 88% Off at APD https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiFuoqRgJrxAhUPam8EHR-vAtQYABAHGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2WO9d9kOMKS_SdfyXB4eFF4q-bcYbFqlISNNiFY0oU2gD9HlehXsPqXD1SuliRAk9RCRlgsUuPCeoYt3elTc&sig=AOD64_1p96XRjOQLHsjmXc6YdAQEm3qnAw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiJ1IKRgJrxAhVRHc0KHXyOBQAQ0Qx6BAgCEAEhttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiFuoqRgJrxAhUPam8EHR-vAtQYABAHGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2WO9d9kOMKS_SdfyXB4eFF4q-bcYbFqlISNNiFY0oU2gD9HlehXsPqXD1SuliRAk9RCRlgsUuPCeoYt3elTc&sig=AOD64_1p96XRjOQLHsjmXc6YdAQEm3qnAw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiJ1IKRgJrxAhVRHc0KHXyOBQAQ0Qx6BAgCEAEhttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiFuoqRgJrxAhUPam8EHR-vAtQYABAHGgJqZg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2WO9d9kOMKS_SdfyXB4eFF4q-bcYbFqlISNNiFY0oU2gD9HlehXsPqXD1SuliRAk9RCRlgsUuPCeoYt3elTc&sig=AOD64_1p96XRjOQLHsjmXc6YdAQEm3qnAw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiJ1IKRgJrxAhVRHc0KHXyOBQAQ0Qx6BAgCEAEhttps://audioplugin.deals/perception-by-rigid-audio/
  6. use code KIIVE30 for $30 off https://www.kiiveaudio.com/
  7. It has arrived - $199...they sent out personal WHOPPING $10 off for customers!
  8. OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. - $23 The Epic Themes adventure continues! This EZkeys MIDI pack picks up where the first Epic Themes EZkeys MIDI volume left off and continues to explore the majestic world of music for the silver screen. Unlike often at the movies, here is a sequel that is equally as epic as the original. https://www.toontrack.com/product/epic-themes-2-ezkeys-midi/
  9. Sample Logic has released Animation Station, a MIDI effect instrument plugin that they describe as "the next step in assisted music creation", with an introductory price of $99.99 (regularly $149.99) until June 29th, 2021. Here's what they say: With its intelligent "Step Animator" engine, creating powerful MIDI arpeggiation patterns and step sequences has never been easier. Play single notes, or chords and let Animation Station take your virtual instruments on a creative ride. Play, edit and even export the MIDI data to use outside of the plugin. Animation Station is the world's most advanced, and most flexible arpeggiator and so much more... step into the future. https://www.samplelogic.com/products/animation-station/
  10. Get 25% off Flatline - Mastering Grade Clipper by SubMission Audio https://www.submissionaudio.com/products/flatline RRP: $129 Sale Price: $96.75 Sale ends 30th June 11.59 EST - Discount Auto Applies.
  11. Run the Softube Installation Center to update to 2.5.18
  12. We are thrilled to introduce three new incredible expansions for Sienna! Volumes D, E, and F include the superb emulations of 12 studios, 23 speakers, 2 clubs, a grocery store, and a movie theatre. And the great news is you can get them all together and save 45% at checkout! Want to build the ultimate headphone mixing studio? Get all Sienna volumes together (A,B,C,D,E,F) and save 58%! https://www.acustica-audio.com/pages/promos
  13. Introducing Tape Echoes Tape Echoes takes the vintage vibe of the Tape plug-in you know and love and delivers old-school tape sounds that are even dirtier. Skillfully modeled to capture the sound and behavior of vintage tape delay, Tape Echoes offers both classic tape sounds and massive amounts of wow, flutter, drop-outs, and more—all in one easy-to-use plug-in. This intensely rich, lo-fi mojo machine the perfect complement to Tape for when you want your sound a little grittier. Special intro prices, plus 10% off Tape Echoes and Marshall: Amp Room edition are available now for special intro prices, which you can see if you log in to your Softube account. You can also get an additional 10% off the intro price of either or both – make sure you log into your account first to see the intro price and then use this checkout code: PROGEARVINTAGEVIBE https://www.softube.com/products/tape-echoes https://www.softube.com/products/amp-room-marshall-edition
  14. 45% off Puremix F. Reid Shippen Mixing Ingrid Michaelson and Inside The Mix - Robert DeLong With Adam Hawkins, now $25 each instead of $45: No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/puremix?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  15. FLUX:: Analyzer family now 50% off, base product and add-ons. https://everyplugin.com/deals/shopby/manufacturer/flux.html Ends Aug. 2nd
  16. Ultimate RMX 30K Bundle for only $89.99 at Time+Space. Better if you have loyalty points. The best part of this deal is both REX & RMX formats are included, so it is a useful package even if you don't have Stylus RMX. This is a timeless collection. I have 4 or 5 of these already, which I got for free for super cheap, so this deal (still) looks worth it for the 28 libraries in total. Not sure how long this sale will be running, so need to hurry (saying this to myself as I ready myself to take the plunge... ). https://www.timespace.com/products/ultimate-rmx-30k-bundle Choose "RMX + REX Format Bundle Download" before adding to cart.
  17. $99.99 - no extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/gospel-musicians-mksensation
  18. $39.90 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/image-line-sakura
  19. $69 - no extra discount at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/sugar-bytes-factory
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