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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $54.27 with code PBTurboEQ at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3249-MTurboEQ
  2. E2 Deesser, Lustruous Plates, Fresh Air, Repeater, Virtual Buss Compressors, and Virtual Tape Machines are updated. Run Slate Connect to update
  3. Mentioned before, but get it here “The main change in this version is the way the plugin behaves after the 15-days fully working trial version expires. Instead of generating noises, the plugin remains fully functional (soundwise). QuickBass 1.3 turns into a free second-hand version and only loses the chance to tweak some of the parameters. Presets made with a full version remain functional in the free version.” https://unitedplugins.com/QuickBass/
  4. up to 50% off plugins and 20% off all bundles The sale is valid from October 18th and will last only until October 19th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to have our latest plugins for half the price! Just go to https://www.hornetplugins.com
  5. $339.99 with code EMC2AAZA827 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/western-digital-blue-4tb/p/N82E16820250121?item=N82E16820250121&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL101821&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL101821-_-EMC-101821-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20250121-S1A8A&ignorebbr=1
  6. $239.99 with code EMC2AAZA852 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/wd-elements-14tb-black/p/N82E16822234411?item=N82E16822234411&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL101821&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL101821-_-EMC-101821-Index-_-DesktopExternalHardDrives-_-22234411-S3A1A&ignorebbr=1
  7. Get Deal $39.99 $249 OBER3999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends October 19 - 11:59 PM California Time This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_oberhausen.html
  8. discoDSP 33% off Halloween Sale is starting now throughout Nov 2nd. https://everyplugin.com/discodsp.html
  9. Studio One 5.4 Update is NOW AVAILABLE! This update includes Apple Silicon (M1) support, something we call "Plug-in Nap", Realtime Chord Display for Chord Track, Multi-format Mixdown Exporting, and more! https://my.presonus.com/
  10. Coming on October 21st Trust the touch .. in Soundpaint. 127 dynamic velocity layers on every key. Coming 10.21.21 and this Steinway is ... for free!
  11. BBC Orchestra for $200....I'd be all over that like a fly on excrement if I had the cash...
  12. Yes... New purchases must remain in your account for 90 days before they can be resold though...just FYI
  13. Sennheiser e 604 Dynamic Cardioid Instrument Microphone Save: $50.00 Now: $99.95 Regular Price: $149.95 https://www.guitarcenter.com/Daily-Pick.gc
  14. Whenever you see these at this price...BUY... These are great plugins for that kind of money
  15. $19.95 at Zero G E.V.E = Extreme Vocal Environments https://zero-g.co.uk/products/extreme-vocal-environments
  16. Had 11 freebies...took the 4 X-Gear Pedals....still have 7 to figure out
  17. Yes Zo...a 9 month old, a 5 year old, and a 12 year old...
  18. I'm baaa-aaack! Completely exhausted... Will catch everyone up later...back to regular posting tomorrow!
  19. I'm back...today will be catch up for me and back to regular posting tomorrow! GREAT TO BE HOME!
  20. Larry Shelby

    Gone again!

    Well...again I'm out for about a month... Back to Kentucky! Isn't life grand! One good thing is that I'll be spending the first week in October in Myrtle Beach! See ya when I get back!
  21. Run the Flux Center to update
  22. JUST $39.99 TODAY* ACME-XLA-3999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends September 12 - 11:59 PM California Time This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/acme_opticom_xla-3.html
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