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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. It's for subscribers and their is a code to save 50% Check your emails! https://www.beladmedia.com/
  2. Introducing - Bankrollz - $29.95 Including 10 larger-than-life hip-hop construction kits and 167 audioloops, these beats kick open the door like they own the place and demand a shot of cognac. BUY NOW: https://shop.presonus.com/PreSonus-Bankrollz *Included with your PreSonus Sphere membership
  3. https://joeysturgistones.com/products/jst-clip
  4. Enjoy a spooky Halloween and make some bass noise! Use the discount coupon and get 40% off on crunchy bass plugins. PROMO CODE: SpookyBassHalloween! https://shop.audified.com/ FREE PLUGIN GK Amplification 2 LE has been improved macOS 12 and the newest DAWs compatibility for the smoothest operation on the newest systems. Stay up to date with our newest products and news with the added Audified news channel. More info about compatibility at audified.com
  5. $359 on GC POTD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Daily-Pick.gc
  6. which offers up to 70% off on whole product line until Nov 1st.During 48 Hours from now, it will have additional over $500 OFF on several products. This offer covers products category as Ethnic Instruments, Strings, Guitar&Bass, Piano/Keyboards and Audio effects. Sale page is here https://neovst.com/sales/ Highlights $330 OFF on Cadenza Solo Strings if you are on our newsletter list $100 OFF on Mega Blue, the ultimate steinway collection $99 OFF on Fusion X or BassTrio after you purchase one of them, you will get the another one for Free!
  7. Is there anything I have on my list that you'd take in trade?
  8. https://groovemonkee.com/ Don't forget Scott's 10% off code as well!
  9. $10 OFF CLA-3A Use this code during checkout: CLA3A10 Valid through Oct. 31, 2021 This coupon can be combined with the current 40% off coupon on Waves.com for additional discounts. https://www.waves.com/plugins/cla-3a-compressor-limiter
  10. Anyone have a spare one of these that they won't use lying around?
  11. Look at the posting time...I was in sandman land at the time...
  12. All MeldaProduction products (except for subscriptions) are 50% off until November 28th, in the MeldaProduction Black Friday Sale. Getting started on Monday, November 1st: Effects Instruments Bundles Upgrades https://www.meldaproduction.com/
  13. $149.99 at MF SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  14. + $30 off w/ promo code 93XSB65, limited offer - final price is $149.99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/sandisk-2tb-ssd-plus/p/N82E16820173423?Item=N82E16820173423&cm_sp=Homepage_SS-_-P1_20-173-423-_-10302021&quicklink=true
  15. $25.89 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/neewer-40096610-condenser-microphones/p/0UK-00D0-00257?item=9SIA94KAMA3496&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=DD103021&cm_mmc=EMC-DD103021-_-EMC-103021-Index-_-Microphones-_-9SIA94KAMA3496-S2A4A&ignorebbr=1
  16. 2/3 - ROUND TWO! YOUR 2nd CODE: PMPKN2999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Code expires October 31 - 11:59 PM PST. Previous code not valid anymore! This new voucher code is only valid 1x (once) Choose ONE of our plugins and get it for $29.99, except for the subscription bundles and the products* below. Please share this code with your friends! * These products are NOT included in this promotion: AMEK EQ200, Black Box HG-2MS, Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099, bx_console SSL 9000 J, bx_limiter TRUE PEAK, DS Audio TANTRA 2, dearVR PRO, dearVR MONITOR, Gig Performer 4, Lindell Audio 50 Series, Shadow Hills Class A, Unfiltered Audio LO-FI-AF
  17. HALLOWEEN SALE 66,6% OFF - Natasha, Pitchfork, Lamina and CinnamonRoll https://audiofb.com/plugins/
  18. Here are the expansions for $12.73 https://www.humblebundle.com/store/rytmik-ultimate-bundle?utm_campaign=01_0550&utm_medium=paid&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=single_brandtag_frame_catalog&utm_term=retarget_catalog_purchase_targeting
  19. (All time best price - 3 days only) https://fumemusic.com/black/
  20. 30 % HERE DISCOUNT EPIC BABIES AND DETONATOR RAGE Epic Babies https://www.pulsesetter-sounds.com/product/epic-babies/ Detonator Rage https://www.pulsesetter-sounds.com/product/detonatorrage/
  21. USE CODE "SPOOKY21" AT CHECKOUT FOR 15% OFF! https://runwayaudio.com/
  22. Even at 30,000....that's 5,000 over the goal!
  23. Go to your download directory...you'll find that under "Settings" and then "Default Content Path", and see if there is a partial download there that might be clogging the lane...
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