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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Full product is $69 https://www.bestservice.com/playbeat_3.html Update is $19 https://www.bestservice.com/playbeat_3_update.html
  2. $49 https://www.bestservice.com/beatmaker_idol.html $29 crossgrade https://www.bestservice.com/beatmaker_idol_crossgrade.html
  3. $87.20 in cart at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/audiomodern-atom
  4. DEMO FREEBIE 10 Cello Spiccatos & 16 Violin Sordinos Two register-limited patches from the forthcoming Pacific Strings Available at https://www.performancesamples.com/
  5. Download an amazing FREE full acapella kit now for music producers! https://www.ghosthack.de/free_sample_packs/essential-bundle-acapella/ 100% free and royalty free!
  6. Run the Kilohearts installer to update
  7. Run the Portal to update... ------ VERSION ------------------------------------- [*] (FEATURE) New layout [*] (BUG FIX) Minor bug fixes
  8. Run Cakewalk, or the BLA to update Release notes https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk/whats-new
  9. Check 'em out here https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials.html?&sou=bfatopbar
  10. $129.05 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/xils-lab-synx
  11. $74.99 with code EMCAYAA29 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/sandisk-ssd-plus-1tb/p/N82E16820173317?item=N82E16820173317&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL111121&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL111121-_-EMC-111121-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20173317-S1A14A&ignorebbr=1
  12. This Presets pack was inspired by the most emblematic tones from the 90's Death & Thrash Metal. Every preset works as a starting point for Amp Sim beginners or any producer in the haunt of new configurations. Get it now for only $3.99 USD This presets pack is only compatible with Blacksun Amp. https://audioassault.mx/collections/plugins/products/extreme-metal-presets
  13. November 11th and will last only until November 12th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to have our latest plugins for half the price! Just go to https://www.hornetplugins.com
  14. 2 bee...or not 2 bee...THAT....is the question
  15. https://www.zinio.com/beat-m37585?campaign_code=zenith.zinio.zinio.eng.p_flash501121.email
  16. Tomorrow. Get Free Angels: (has been free) A free instrument featuring over 1500 angelic ambiences, heavenly hits, and seraphic voices. Dive into the unknown with this collaboration effort of over 100 Sound designers. Kontakt version here https://8dio.com/instrument/free-angels/ Cinematic Ambiences offers over 900 handcrafted emotional ambiences. Designed for the sonic adventurer that wishes to expand their aural palette. I have no idea if these have been ported to Sound Paint or what...it doesn't say... https://8dio.com/
  17. Extra 5% Off in cart at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/soundtoys?dir=asc&order=name
  18. Plus, buy any 3 products, and get an additional 10% off (*Symphonic Destruction not included). All offers end December 8 at the Heavyocity site https://heavyocity.com/products/
  19. Add all VST plugins to cart, Apply coupon "Eleven Eleven", Get 85% discount. https://redrocksound.ru/macwin/
  20. $15.90 https://www.splashsound.org/guitarstrum.html
  21. GLUE YOUR MIX TOGETHER. Whether you're after individual modules from JST Bus Glue, Bus Glue Joel Wanasek, or Bus Glue Billy Decker (Vocals and Electric Guitar only), you'll find these individual Bus Glue compressors delivering dynamic control that no other bus compressors can. Can't decide on which individual modules you need? This month, we also have reduced pricing on all Bus Glue bundles! Head to the JST Store to checkout the sale price - no code is needed! https://joeysturgistones.com/collections/everything
  22. At Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=8969
  23. at Plugin Boutique - starting at $7.50 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=8858
  24. $46 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/20-Gate/8356-poltergate
  25. We're excited to launch the V1.2 update for Nucleus, which includes a number of content additions as well as engine updates. What has been added or changed: ADDED Brand new recorded instruments: Harp, Solo Bassoon, Solo Clarinet, and Atonal Percussion (Cymbal & Triangle). ADDED Re-tuned and re-balanced legato samples for soloists. ADDED Completely reworked legato script. ADDED Legato can now be triggered without overlapping notes. ADDED It is now possible to trigger legato intervals larger than an octave. ADDED Controller knobs now darken if they are not being used for the currently selected articulation. ADDED Harp Pedals script for Harp. ADDED Label highlighting when playing instruments or articulations. ADDED Hover help text for UI elements. ADDED Support for Vienna Ensemble Pro. ADDED Filter dynamics modulators for brass. FIXED Range of pads. FIXED Vibrato on 2Clrnts + 2Bssns 8va. To install the update, please follow these instructions here: 1. Make sure you have your existing product serial number on hand, then quit Native Access. 2a. If you are on Windows, delete these files (if you see any of them): "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center\NativeAccess.xml" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center\[LIBRARY NAME].xml" "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Service Center\NativeAccess.xml" "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Service Center\[LIBRARY NAME].xml" 2b. If you are on a Mac, delete these files (if you see any of them): "/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center/NativeAccess.xml" "/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center/[LIBRARY NAME].xml" "/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.[LIBRARY NAME].plist" 3. Restart Native Access and add your existing serial number again. If you don't have Nucleus yet, we're running an early Black Friday special at 33% off ($299 vs $449). Thank you all so much for your support!
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