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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Updated to 2.2 Arppe 2600 VA v. 2.2 FREE PLUGIN. Based on the legendary ARP semi-modular analog monosynth! This software synthesizer looks very close to the original ARP 2600. https://www.central-mao.com/arppe2600-va-v22-synth-virtuel-gratuit/
  2. Run the OLI to update
  3. Run the OLI to update
  4. Run Softube Central to update!
  5. At Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deals/native_instruments_cyber_season_deals_3668.html
  6. At EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=119
  7. 20% more off in cart at JRR... https://www.jrrshop.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Audiomodern&order=relevance&dir=desc Of particular note is Atom for $60.80 in cart! https://www.jrrshop.com/audiomodern-atom
  8. Larry Shelby

    Bela D BOGO

    BELA D BOGO allows you to purchase one product at full price and receive the second free of charge. Once a purchase has been made, return and contact us with your free product of choice. https://www.beladmedia.com/bogo/ This offer will expire on 11/24/2021
  9. It’s 12 Days of UAD! Make the most of it with 50% off preamp, compressor, and EQ plug-ins from API. Plus, save an extra $75 on the API Vision Channel Strip collection with today’s coupon. Just log in and check your cart to see your daily coupon codes. Ends Black Friday (11/26). https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/on-sale.html
  10. Get Deal $39.99 $299 KNIF-3999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends November 18 - 11:59 PM California Time This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/knif_audio_knifonium.html
  11. Let's not forget the mad dash to get the freebie for the limited number runs out!
  12. 40% Off https://www.leapwingaudio.com/
  13. Use the code BLACKVEMBER2021 at checkout to get 40% off your entire order in the Audio Damage store. Ends Dec. 5th https://www.audiodamage.com/
  14. up to 50% off 50% off all Gospel Musicians, starting at $9.99: https://www.jrrshop.com/gospel-musicians?dir=asc&order=name Gospel Musicians BASSalicious 2 Urban Synth Bass $65 Gospel Musicians BlueBeast Yamaha EX5 $49.99 Gospel Musicians FM Tines 2 $100 Gospel Musicians FM TiNES Expansion for Pure Synth Platinum $49.99 Gospel Musicians iFX Rack Digital Effects Rack $49.99 Gospel Musicians iFX Rack Expansion for Neo-Soul Keys Studio 2 $25 Gospel Musicians IMPULSation for iFX Rack Expansion $12.49 Gospel Musicians Mark VII Expansion for Neo-Soul Keys Studio 2 $20 Gospel Musicians MKSensation Xtreme Digital Piano $100 Gospel Musicians Neo-Soul Keys Studio 2 $125 Gospel Musicians Pure Sine Urban Synth $49.99 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth 8-Bit Expansion Pack $9.99 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth BASSalicious Version 1 Content $14.99 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth BASSalicious Version 2 Content $25 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth EDM Leads Expansion $12.49 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth Platinum 2 $100 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth Platinum Suitcase Expansion $25 Gospel Musicians Pure Synth Platinum Upright Piano $20 Gospel Musicians Rached 808 for Pure Synth Platinum $12.47 Gospel Musicians Talkbox Jr. $65 Gospel Musicians TGX-85 Yamaha SY85/TG500 $49.99 Gospel Musicians TGX-99 Yamaha SY99/TG77 $49.99 No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/gospel-musicians?dir=asc&order=name
  15. Ampbox update + Intro price extended for another day! Dear friend! Two important messages: 1. Ampbox got updated to 1.0.9 today. If you had a rare log in bug, preventing you from accessing Ampbox software, we encourage you to download the update from www.mercuriall.com. 2. Additionally, we have extended the Intro price availability for one more day (until November 17th, 11:59 PDT)! Grab a license from https://mercuriall.com/cms/details_ampbox
  16. reFuse Software has announced the release of Mulligan, a new standalone application for macOS that enables any MIDI hardware to act as a plugin and transport controller for Pro Tools. Mulligan is currently available from the reFuse Software site for an introductory price of $59 USD. reFuse Software founder Leigh Marble said: Interacting with a DAW via just a mouse can feel so limiting at times. That cursor only gives you a single point of control. There are times when I really want to grab two plugin controls at once, for both creative freedom and for a faster workflow. Pro Tools has been my DAW of choice for years, but unfortunately it has been a bit of a walled garden when it comes to hardware control surfaces. Mulligan creates a new entryway into that garden, by providing a comprehensive and intuitive path for plugin and transport control, without requiring expensive proprietary hardware. Mulligan's universal MIDI compatibility means that users can jump right in with the hardware they already own. And thanks to the exclusive Map All Knobs button, it takes only seconds to connect a new MIDI controller to Mulligan and map a bank of eight knobs for plugin control. With one mouse click, and a spin of a knob, users can be up and running with the MIDI device of their choice. To keep users aware of which hardware knobs are mapped to which plugin parameters, Mulligan provides a floating Heads-up Display (HUD) window. The HUD shows the eight mapped knobs in a window along the bottom of the screen. As the user switches between plugins, the HUD updates with the current set of eight mapped plugin parameters. The HUD window can be set for a number of different display modes, including a setting to automatically pop up only when the MIDI hardware is being used. In addition to its plugin control facilities, Mulligan also puts transport control at the user's fingertips, making play, stop, record, and other functions all assignable to MIDI buttons. A combined stop/play toggle button is included, to accommodate MIDI controllers that might be short on free buttons to assign to transport functions. Mulligan isn't reFuse Software's first foray into innovative Pro Tools connectivity solutions. Their eponymous first product release in 2002 was the standalone application reFuse. reFuse bridged Pro Tools and Reason, syncing timing and routing audio between the two apps, in the era before Rewire was offered in Pro Tools. Leigh concludes: With Mulligan, Pro Tools users will at last get to experience the freedom and speed of hands-on plugin control, using the MIDI hardware of their choosing. The power to mix using real knobs is an asset to any engineer, and can greatly enrich the experience of those who until now have been limited to using a trackpad as their sole input device. Mulligan is available for macOS 10.8 and higher. It is not currently available for Windows. Introductory Price: $59 USD. https://www.refusesoftware.com/mulligan
  17. Arobas Music Guitar Pro 7.5 - $65 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/93-Music-Theory-Tools/5504-Guitar-Pro-7-5 Hexachords Orb Composer Pro - $169 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/6108 Midi madness 3 - $55 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/4754 SongWish reMidi - $19 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/5935 all at Plugin Boutique and get FREEBIES
  18. Up to 70% off at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=8911
  19. Today’s new Groove Perk is offered by Prime Loops, a boutique samples store & music studio based in London. Known for developing excellent Hip Hop, Soul, Trap, RnB, Lofi and Orchestral sounds, they also stock diverse Instruments, unique African and Asian Sounds, plus many more precious gems! Prime Loops have made available this 500MB+ sample library played by soul session musicians ($38 Value) free to Groove3 users who have made any purchase on Groove3. The stems have been modernized and mashed up, re-sampled, and re-produced for the golden-era hip hop and lofi enthusiast. https://www.groove3.com/
  20. $114,44 each at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deals/ikm_best_service_exclusive_deal_3669.html
  21. Kontakt Version Required: 5.5.1 Full Version (Not for Kontakt Player
  22. Added today to the Mastering the Mix BF presale: MixRoom, BassRoom, and Reference2, all for $49.50 each until December 5. See a recap of all their current deals at https://everyplugin.com/mastering-the-mix.html
  23. https://www.uvi.net/ios-apps
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