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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. And, NO, I don't work for JRR...I've just been doing this for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time...LOL
  2. Brian, for future reference GROUP code 16% off and FORUM is 11% off... When adding to cart, if the "Groupbuyauto" code shows up, then the GROUP code will automatically work...likewise, if you add to cart and it only shows 10% off, then the FORUM code will make that 11%!
  3. Extra discount with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion?dir=asc&order=name
  4. 63% off Pitch Innovations Fluid Pitch, now $29 instead of $79. Lowest price ever! extra discount with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/pitch-innovations
  5. Up to 30% off all Bitwig and Upgrades: Extra discount with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/bitwig?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  6. A fantastic collaboration with multi-Grammy-winning mastering engineer Howie Weinberg is coming very soon.. Log in to Facebook to view https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=3008464436060472
  7. Get an extra 20% off in orders over $30 using this code: BF20 https://audioassault.mx/collections/plugins
  8. You are correct...always the least expensive... Sadly, Presonus believes that they have "outgrown" the 50% off Sale that they used to have, and NOW the most you'll get it 30%
  9. Cheapest Prices of the Year, Bar None Forager and Harvest are both rock bottom prices, so if you're interested, it's the absolute best time to check them out. 61% off Forager and Harvest https://harvestplugins.com/forager/ https://harvestplugins.com/harvest/
  10. 20 to 60% Off https://thehouseofkush.com/pages/store
  11. This is probably one of the best "Budget" mics on the market!
  12. Until Nov 25th https://sendfox.com/lp/m87dp6?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=waves_berzerk_giveaway
  13. And get Deluxe Bucks and MFreeFormAnalogEQ for FREE https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/softube?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-4cc72bbdb5-310131497&mc_cid=4cc72bbdb5&solrsort=iss_commerce_price asc
  14. $299.99 at Yurt Rock https://yurtrock.com/products/bitwig-studio-free-producer-pack
  15. Use code SELECT21 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-13-select/pricing/
  16. I got...Free demo is enough for me...especially since I'm broke
  17. Covered in the other thread
  18. I mean, granted there are about $600 worth of libraries there... and $90 isn't outrageous by any means, but these are not something that most will "Jump" at...
  19. I'm seeing $91.79...is that the $10 discount price?
  20. Use code BLACKWEEK50 https://engineeringsamples.com/
  21. Get 66% off all plugins except the VCS-1 until November 28th 2021 (12PM CET): Use the following voucher during checkout: BFR21 https://fuseaudiolabs.com/#/pages/plugins
  22. I agree....BBC Orchestra Discover is FREE? Why is that included in this offer? Lame...
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