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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Don't miss out our biggest sale! https://www.boyss-sound-e-scapes.com/specials Discounts from minimum 60% off up to 90%* *On individual products, on bundles 50-60% off but for bundles regular price is already discounted one (20-33% or more), some bundles offer even more saving than buying individual products even now when they're on sale. All products pricing list is also on the link above
  2. Larry Shelby


    DiBiQuadro plugins are still on sale for the rest of this week: https://dibiquadroaudio.com/shop/
  3. $29.98 at Zero G and get Ethera Gold Lite FREE https://zero-g.co.uk/products/northern-lights-pad-machine
  4. Full Bundle is $599 https://www.timespace.com/collections/hot-special-offers/products/ujam-full-bundle
  5. $114.50 at Time Space https://www.timespace.com/collections/hot-special-offers/products/ujam-symphonic-elements-bundle
  6. $99 Each at Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/M-Audio/BX5-Graphite-5-Powered-Studio-Monitor-1500000298043.gc
  7. Synthmaster Expansions Bundle is $88.11 with code FORUM https://www.jrrshop.com/kv331-synthmaster-expansions-bundle and Synthmaster One Expansion Bundle is $34.71 with code FORUM https://www.jrrshop.com/kv331-synthmaster-one-expansions-bundle All the Synthmaster Sale is here.... https://www.jrrshop.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=KV331&order=relevance&dir=desc
  8. $7.56 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-stereopack
  9. Pro Tool HD 1 Year is $444.11 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/avid-pro-tools-hd-get-current-1-year-for-versions-older-than-latest and Pro Tools 1 Year is $221.61 with code FORUM https://www.jrrshop.com/avid-pro-tools-get-current-with-support-from-versions-older-than-latest
  10. With voucher Metric AB is $14.99 which you couldn't do in the previous sale and Shadow Hills A was excluded from the Sale
  11. 50% off VaporDrums features 25 drum kits inspired by the vaporwave music genre. The plugin features 80s drum machines recorded on VHS and audio cassettes. This is the perfect plugin to create drum tracks for vaporwave, chillwave, synthwave, or any 80s inspired genres. This is the only plugin dedicated to vaporwave drums! Available as a VST/AU for Windows 8.1/10 and macOS El Capitan to Mojave (not compatible with Catalina and up) as well as a sample pack for all OS. Best of all, as a subscriber, you can get VaporDrums at 50% Off by using the code pinkflamingos Simply copy/paste the code in the discount code field during checkout and wait a few seconds to see the price cut in half! Offer valid for 24h only. https://www.samplescience.info/2020/12/vapordrums.html
  12. we are proudly introducing a pocket lightweight edition of our all-in-one one-screen guitar solution - Electrum. ElectrumCore is available now with a huge introductory discount (€49/€9). Bare necessities ElectrumCore is basically Electrum stripped from all effects. But it offers all Electrum's amazing amp and cab simulations powered by intelligent audio input. All you need to get the fundamental guitar tone. 5 types of guitar amps and over 300 cabinet options can cover any style you want to play. Electrum Core's presets will get you to the goal within a second. Try yourself - a 15-days fully working trial version is available. Upgrade anytime ElectrumCore is compatible with the majority of VST/AAX/AU DAW applications on both Windows and macOS. The price is set to €49. But you may grab the intro price (81% off - €9) until the end of the year. And shall you ever feel you need more options, you may always upgrade to the mighty version of Electrum with a significant discount. https://unitedplugins.com/ElectrumCore/
  13. Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A The Limited Class A Edition. Red For The Master! The pinnacle of the Shadow Hills Sound - with TMT! $329 $79.99 *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. Save 75% with your checkout code: XMAS21-SHCA Code expires Dec 2, 11:59pm PST ADPTR Audio Metric AB Compare your mix to any reference mix in real-time, with a simple click of the A/B button. It’s designed to provide you with a clear, intuitive workflow and unique analysis tools. $199 $39.99 *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. Save 80% with your checkout code: XMAS21-METRIC Code expires Dec 2, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  14. A good watch...if you like The Beatles...
  15. My Dad's name, may he continue to RIP, was Dearl...but pronounced the same...
  16. The Deal for Discounters ended last night...but SSL can sell it as long as they desire...it's their product...LOL
  17. Let me also say...this was the BUSIEST...and also the WORST Black Friday that I can remember. The Deals were "meh"... Some late surprises...Like Slate Verbsuite Classics for $49... But still, all in all, not great. The Spitfire Sale was "meh"... Same prices as their regular sales, except for "The Ton" which was also "meh". That Black Friday Bundle was kind of lame too. $699. Granted, there were some "overpriced" Libraries in there, but even at $699 they were still overpriced. And you had to spend too much to get Apertur3...but hey...some most certainly will disagree!
  18. Here's teh Comparison Chart https://acoustica.com/mixcraft/compare-chart
  19. It counts...nobody said it had to be "Music Related"! LOL
  20. Anyone posts a picture of their full "moon"....I kill you! So, now that the dust is settling...tell us about the wonderful goodies you bought, and the duds also, should you be so inclined! BBC Core...which I have been after since BBC Discover (don't let the size of Discover fool you...it's a lovely freebie!) I honestly didn't think I'd ever be able to get it...and that's only thanx to the annual "Coffee Clatch"! Melodyne Editor also "appeared"...and Softube Amp Room! So again, my deepest, and humblest, gratitude to you all for making this old geezer's Black Friday a little brighter!!! Oh yeah...and ACTUAL COFFEE! I LOVE COFFEE!!!
  21. Hi...my name's Larry, and I'm a plug-a-holic!
  22. THIS from the Acoustica Forum Greg has indicated that it may be later this year - a good Christmas prezzie methinks
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