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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. 10% OFF OneKnob Pumper Use this code during checkout: PUMPER10 Valid through Dec. 24, 2021, 5:00 AM EST. You’ll need to apply two coupons: HALF and PUMPER10. This coupon can be combined with current sale prices and additional offers. https://www.waves.com/plugins/oneknob-pumper#introducing-oneknob-pumper
  2. $10 https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2021/12/21/savage-future-bass-bundle-1/
  3. $35.97 with the Ethera Loyalty code if you already own an Ethera Product! ETHLOYA20 (NOTE - you MUST have bought your Ethera Title from Time Space for this code to work)
  4. Get up to 41% off in the Tokyo Dawn Labs End of Year Sale. Expires January 2nd. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=9348
  5. Guy in one of my Fakebook groups got this when trying to buy WUP at Waves
  6. Up to 60% Off - Extra discount with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Sound+Particles&order=relevance&dir=desc
  7. a new and FREE kick drum synthesizer plugin for Windows. (Soon will be avaible for MAC users.) https://sicknoiseinstruments.com/product/noizeclick/ + Sale on Trypticon and Serum Presets. End date not specified. https://sicknoiseinstruments.com/shop/
  9. I posted this earlier...but it was when the website was wigging out, so may have gotten "lost in the shuffle"
  10. Bellatrix Audio has 90% off everything (some dirt cheap deals on samples, Spire and Diva presets, construction kits, etc.): https://bellatrixaudio.com/
  11. MPC Breaks https://www.edinburghrecords.com/product/mpc-drum-breaks/
  12. Here's a coupon for 10% off your gift purchase: HOLIDAY10 https://babyaud.io/gift-shop
  13. Includes FREE Plugins with purchase! https://babelson.com/
  14. B Played Music has updated 2B Delayed Classic to v1.6 The update can be obtained via your 2B Played Music account or via the download link from the original order email, if you have already purchased the product. 2B Delayed Classic v1.6 Changelog: -Fix default values. -Fix reset parameters. https://2bplayed.com/product/2b-delayed-classic/
  15. Day 1 is the Softube Sale - See my other post
  16. Our weekend flash sales were just a warm-up for our REAL Holiday specials Go ALL IN! Just grab all of our products in-store right now (value of $545) for ONLY $129. Get your hands on the complete LoFi plugin collection (value of $397) for the price of a single plugin at $99 https://yum-audio.com/
  17. https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/presets/production-master-10-for-25-dubstep-holiday-bundle/
  18. It keeps cutting out....just poof...gone...
  19. EPS just released this new creative Superball Library with cassette mode and it is for FREE, but only until the end of 24th of december! Full Kontakt only! https://sounds.eduprado.com/products/tom-superball
  20. 22% on everything Code: XMAS2021 (until 04/01) https://www.xperimentaproject.com/
  21. Run the Flux Installation Center to update
  22. For the midi minded musicians: Enlightenspeed Player Bundle Spectacular Now only $45!!! Check out the product videos https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/bundle/enlightenspeed-player-bundle-spectacular/ Requires Reason, Reason Intro or Reason Rack Lite.
  23. with final spend of $75 or more after coupon code 60DIO https://8dio.com/
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