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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Strezov Sampling has released The Felt Seiler piano library for Kontakt Player, available as Pro and Free edition. The intro for the Felt Seiler Pro is €49 (reg. €89( until January 21st. https://www.strezov-sampling.com/products/view/the-felt-seiler-pro.html The free edition can be downloaded here: https://www.strezov-sampling.com/products/view/the-felt-seiler-free-edition.html
  2. Read about it here https://themusicnetwork.com/caldecott-music-group-bandlab-technologies/
  3. $149.99 on Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Daily-Pick.gc
  4. 2021 Has been a great year for Martinic. We've met a lot of new friends, added a lot of new users, launched a new instrument, and started the process on some incredible new developments for this next year. As a "Thank You" we're offering a special coupon code for 40% OFF your entire order at our online store. Simply visit martinic.com and use code: 2021THANKS when you check out to recieve your discount. https://www.martinic.com/en/products
  5. Down to $95 from $199 Ends 31st December https://oscillotaudio.com/
  6. Get 60% off the list price for Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer Use this checkout code in the next 48 hours to get Weiss MM-1 at an exclusive price of $79 (reg. $199): 60WEISS-MM1 $79 https://www.softube.com/products/mm-1
  7. $17.70...that's pretty good
  8. EHhhhhhhhhhhh....I was wrong...it will be reset in 24 hrs...the email was an alert to use it before it's reset
  9. Digital Pro Sounds Christmas Sale - up to 75% off + free Prophecy Drum Kit (reg. $40). Ends January 1st. https://digitalprosounds.com/shop/ FREE Prophecy Kit here https://digitalprosounds.com/prophecy/
  10. EARLY ACCESS We are excited to introduce the Lindell 902 De-Esser plugin. ESSENTIAL, MIX & MASTER and MEGA bundle users have unlimited access as of today. If you haven’t subscribed to one of the bundle plans yet you can still grab a FREE 14-day trial. The sale for this new plugin starts on January 4. Learn more: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/lindell_902_de-esser.html
  11. $15.96 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-nexcellence PSP Nexcellence is a rich-sounding, spring emulation inspired by and modeled after “Necklace-type” reverb units. It provides two different spring set processors and can use one or both of its processing engines simultaneously. The algorithm has improved on the original hardware by providing a handy set of parameters to let you control inherent aspects of the spring reverb.
  12. Just the Mega Sale Voucher MEGA-SALE-20OFF I thought the limit was $32 for the Survey Voucher
  13. Well, if I did, I would have it..and I don't...so there we are...
  14. There are many artist kits available for Kontakt...but for the "Infinite Player" for Kontakt, and are available at "Esoundz", (no Andy Johns though), but for these artists https://esoundz.com/landingpages/infiniteplayer.php
  15. I can't get the Interface to show in the Mndla Player. No matter what instrument I load it's just a Black screen with the keyboard keys! The instruments play fine...you just can see the inteface
  16. Larry Shelby

    Drum Thrash

    Get 20% off DrumThrash Drum Software for PC. Free drum kit included with download. Use promo code "drum-fills" without the quotes at checkout. https://www.drumthrash.com Offer expires Saturday Jan 15, 2022.
  17. We were speaking about using BOTH the $20 voucher and the Survey Voucher stacked. The Survey Voucher still works, but you can only use one or the other...not both
  18. The Talos Principle is on sale for $7.99 and I HIGHLY recommend it! I had it on the PS4....one of the few games I've ever played, as I'm not a "gamer" per se... https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/the-talos-principle
  19. Most definitely lower quality. Session Drummer is ok for a "starter", but there are certainly far better... and I've never even cared for it, but that's just me comparing to the alternatives.
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