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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. https://www.beat.de/ Sad news on that link...Moody Blues Graeme Eagle has passed
  2. $59.99 on Musician's Friend SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  3. We, being only flesh, form our opinions mostly by our "indoctrination" and "experience" and those "opinions" may, or may not, actually be "factual"! We fail to grasp the concept that facts don't require us to believe in them...they exist outside of "opinion and belief"! The big problem is that most people don't want "facts"! They want what THEY PERCEIVE as facts to be reinforced by "external sources"! Hence why most, even when provided with UNQUESTIONABLE FACTS, will reject those facts - because that information doesn't "reinforce" their own "perception of the facts"! Truth is truth..it has no pre-requisite for ANYONE to believe it. It's TRUTH! The problem comes when "humans" relay that information to one another, where it get's "molded" into a "narrative" that supports our personal "perception", rather than what is factually accurate. To quote: Truth, after all, is so poorly lit As an example: Two people see an accident between a red car and blue car. One person is on one side of the accident, and is POSITIVE that the blue car is at fault. The other person, having seen it from a "different perspective", is POSITIVE that they red car is at fault. BOTH believe that their "perspective" is FACTUAL! However, NEITHER have considered ALL of the variables, but have passed judgement based solely on their "visual perspective and perception" but not on "Facts"! Hopefully that makes it understandable why it is SO IMPERATIVE that things be INVESTIGATED, and ALL possible known information be considered, BEFORE we draw any "conclusions" and decide what is "Factual"! Otherwise it's just a "self-reinforced delusion"! And THIS is WHY we have what we have TODAY! Politics and the Media have become about "molding narratives to shape the perception of reality, and controlling the masses", rather than about what is FACTUALLY ACCURATE!
  4. $159.99 on the Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Presonus/Eris-E7-XT-65-Powered-Studio-Monitor-Each-1500000320246.gc
  5. 25% off all 2021 Big Fish Audio releases https://www.bigfishaudio.com/Year-End-Sale-2021.html?&sou=bfatopbar Weekly Deals https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials.html
  6. $49 for me...and the Triad...which is crazy
  7. Right....I don't think the AHM 5050 is included in the Reamp Studio...so if you were looking for "that" tone, then that was what I was saying....
  8. Yep....and remember 20% more off with the code!
  9. Scalability....for $8...and plugins 20 times that amount can't get there...LOL
  10. Up to 70% off until Jan 6th, 2022 https://www.fluffyaudio.com/
  11. I don't think so...as we wouldn't (or shouldn't) be "advertising" over there to come "here"
  12. Bluesbreaker in da Hizoouse! What I find "odd" is that, no matter what you own "Marshall wise" the price of the Collection upgrade price doesn't change....
  13. I certainly would argue that point...and I certainly don't want it to be like KVR by any stretch... I just know that I would much rather deal with the people HERE than the people THERE!
  14. It's a really good mic for the money!
  15. Discover the first issue of FILTER magazine: mwtm.com/filter1 (Digital magazine - print version coming soon - only as part of the MWTM pro membership) This magazine will include exclusive in-depth interviews, very detailed technical articles, cultural insights, industry updates, societal discussions, curated Masters playlists, special games and much more. Don’t miss our first edition featuring a new interview with producer Illangelo, a detailed analysis & comparison of the mix busses of many top-class mixers including Jaycen Joshua, Chris Lord-Alge and Tchad Blake, playlists by Shawn Everett and Leslie Brathwaite, and other surprises! We hope you’ll love it and don’t hesitate to write us with any suggestions and feedback! https://mixwiththemasters.com/magazine/dec21/index
  16. Well apparently the "members" are interested...I just posted this and already have 6 "reactions" and 6 posts, and I'm sure that will grow as people come and go...
  17. That's a reasonable question....maybe Scook will chime in since he's a "Mod"
  18. I agree...even though I've only had ONE bad incident that, that did get resolved amicably... every time I do a deal there I'm apprehensive, because a LOT of people of their get raped quite often apparently. I've been there for 7 years now, and have a good reputation so that helps...but there's still always that "doubt" in my mind...
  19. That's what I always do....if it's something I'm interested in I get it...if I never play it...so be it...but it's in my Library should I ever decide to do so!
  20. What about a separate sub forum for "User Deals"? That would keep them from clogging "Deals" thread...and you wouldn't even have to go there if you didn't want to! And it would keep this groups sales HERE instead of at KVR, taking traffic over there... Just a thought!
  21. MixBox has been updated to version 1.3.3 for iOS users. This new version optimizes various functions and features as well as fixes a critical bug that's been affecting users since the v1.3.0 update. We recommend all MixBox CS users update for the best experience. Best Regards IK Multimedia
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