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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. 60% OFF - ONLY THIS WEEKEND FOR NEWSLETTER MEMBERS USE COUPON: NEWSLETTER at checkout. https://2bplayed.com/product/filter-friend/
  2. Tone2 Winter Sale is still on - up to 50% off on synths, up to 86% off on sound bundles and up to 83% off on synth & sound bundles. Some synths, like RayBlaster, have been updated and the updates are free for existing users. End date not specified. https://www.tone2.com/index.html
  3. 70% OFF MASTERCLASSES FOR THE NEXT 48H ONLY! Florian Meindl showing you how to produce track on hardware, mastering and arrangement as well as how to bring your studio to the next level! Get them here https://riemannkollektion.com/collections/riemann-kollektion-masterclasses-online-courses
  4. Run Aquarius to auto-update
  5. Check 'em out here https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials.html?&sou=bfatopbar
  6. $43.61 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/boz-digital-labs-10db-compressor-equalizer-bundle
  7. $229.99 with code EMCBP543 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/wd-elements-14tb-black/p/N82E16822234411?item=N82E16822234411&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=DD020522&cm_mmc=EMC-DD020522-_-EMC-020522-Index-_-DesktopExternalHardDrives-_-22234411-S7A4A&ignorebbr=1
  8. Unfiltered Audio SILO: A revolution in reverb thanks to cutting edge granular processing Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 PM PST on February 6, 2022. SILO-2999 This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. $29.99 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/unfiltered_audio_silo.html
  9. The only thing that rivals Bapu's post count is his plugin count!
  10. Daniel Gergely has released Emergence v0.3, a free granular FX processor plugin for Windows and Mac. https://www.patreon.com/posts/emergence-v0-3-61501395
  11. At Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/6100
  12. This weekend only... $399 https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/hans-zimmer-strings/
  13. This was there also FOUNDATION: BRASS coming soon...
  14. Abletunes has released Foundation Strings, a free collection of 30+ instrument racks for Ableton Live, featuring orchestral and non-orchestral string instruments. Their previous release, Fundation Keys, is available with the same download. https://abletunes.com/free-ableton-packs-instruments-foundation
  15. Ya think? Of course I do...but what difference should that make? Maybe I want two of them...or 12 of them....it shouldn't matter at all how many I already own! Excluding those who have paid money to your company is NEVER a "winning" strategy!
  16. The problem with IK is that they can't seem to land in the "go zone"! They do something REALLY great, like a Group Buy, THEN they do something REALLY stupid...like offer FREE stuff that's only free if you don't have it! Some people may want 2 of them...or 12 of them...what does it matter? If you are offering something for FREE you shouldn't be excluding your PAYING customers! That's just COMPLETELY IDIOTIC!
  17. From Dirk Ulrich on Fakebook I got a (German) email from our team today, and I am downloading 11.7 GB of M1 ready updates to my Mac as you read this! A little bit more testing with our BETA team, and we will roll the 1.22 PA ALL Update out to y'all. Please stay tuned. Before you ask: sorry but no, we can't invite you all to test already. Please do not pm me about this, we can't do that right now. — feeling excited.
  18. Ok...so I went back and checked out again at APD. Got another code went to Epic Stock, and this time it worked...
  19. They send you a coupon to use in the Epic Stock store... When I go to use it it says Coupon limit reached. Try again later.
  20. https://audioplugin.deals/ambient-cinematic-guitars-by-epic-stock-media/
  21. This limited-time collection of top-rated downloadable video tutorial series will teach you specific mixing strategies that will transform your mixes from dull and cluttered to dynamic and expansive! You’ll learn new ways to create space, use effects, generate excitement, create motion, and much more. $30 https://www.groove3.com/promo/the-modern-mixing-bundle
  22. $93.89 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/symphony_ecs_channel_strip.html
  23. MAD RockScore features a detailed sampled and deeply nuanced drum set library that makes creating realistic drum parts a breeze. The intuitive interface has lots of flexibility and control including extensive mic options to fit any sonic environment. Available at the introductory price of $119. https://www.bestservice.com/mad_rockscore.html
  24. $89.15 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deals/strezov_sampling_darbuka_x3m_intro_offer_3868.html
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