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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $24 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/3188-SynthMaster-One
  2. $29 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/6771-Sax-Fury
  3. $119 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/64-Virtual-Instrument/8033-CUBE
  4. Get 'em here https://diginoiz.com/series/free-sample-pack-meet-diginoiz/
  5. Slate Digital Fresh Air Plugin - Free For A Limited Time! For a limited time Slate Digital’s Fresh Air is back as a free plugin. Originally released as a time limited free plugin for Black Friday 2020, it’s back as a free download but hurry, we don’t currently know when this offer expires. Get it here https://slatedigital.com/fresh-air/
  6. Hadzi-Fia male West African vocal library $19 intro price, $39 regular. https://shop.karoryfer.com/products/hadzi-fia Beefowulf Bass bass guitar $9 intro price, $19 regular. https://shop.karoryfer.com/products/beefowulf-bass Both until February 25th.
  7. For $39.95 https://audioplugin.deals/cinematic-sfx-and-trailer-bundle-by-ghosthack
  8. Something is definitely not right here. If you do a Website Redesign, it's done offline, then, once completed, you make the switch, which is usually a few hours at most. They've been down now for 4 days...that's not a redesign! So there is obviously more to this than meets the eyes...
  9. $69 At macProVideo, we LOVE our students! On this special day, get inspired to make great music by watching some professionally produced education at macProVideo! For the next 48 hours only, get a yearly library pass for a passionately low price of just $69 - that's for a FULL YEAR of unlimited access to our training library! At just $5.75 per month, this is the best deal for professional education on the internet! Offer valid until February 15, 2022. Coupon 22ValentineMPV69 https://macprovideo.com/cart
  10. Run the BLA or run Cakewalk to update
  11. Cheaper at JRR with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/sonible?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  12. Also available at Plugin Boutique Dear Reality dearVR PRO: Total 3D Control Over Your Virtual Environment Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 PM PST on February 15, 2022. VR-PRO-7999 This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/dearvr_pro.html
  13. 50% off almost every plugin and 20% off bundles The sale is valid from February 14th and will last only until February 15th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to start the new year with our latest plugins for half the price! Just go to http://www.hornetplugins.com
  14. Add 2BCrushed to your cart and use code VALENTINE with purchase to get it FREE! https://2bplayed.com/
  15. Bring your mix to the next level with our state-of-the-art spatializer plugin. dearVR PRO provides you total control whether mixing in binaural, Ambisonics, or multi-channel speaker format. Visit our 48h Flash Sale and grab dearVR PRO for just $79.99! BUY FOR $79.99* Discover product page first $349.00 Save 77% https://www.dear-reality.com/products/dearvr-pro
  16. 24 Euros https://unitedplugins.com/FrontDAW/
  17. Audiolatry Valentine's Day sale – RetroVibes virtual instrument (ROMpler) plugin for Windows and Mac is 69% off ($2.17 instead of reg. $7) until February 14th. https://audiolatry.gumroad.com/l/retrovibes/valentines
  18. VirtualWavs Kinetic synth/Rompler plugin for Windows and Mac will be released on March, 10th. The intro price will be $32.99 (reg. $84.99), but it can be pre-ordered for $19.99 until its release. A demo version is available. https://virtualwavs.com/downloads/kinetic-vsti-plugin/
  19. At Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deals/internet_up_to_50_sound_it__3883.html
  20. Many Music Classes are free this week at Creativelive https://www.creativelive.com/onair MON 14 Studio Pass: Periphery ADAM "NOLLY" GETGOOD TUE 15 Mastering Metal Songwriting EYAL LEVI WED 16 How to Produce a Weekly Podcast ALEXANDRA DIPALMA THU 17 Mixing Master Class JOEY STURGIS FRI 18 How to Grow a Podcast Audience DAN MISENER SAT19 Intro to Apple Logic Pro TRAVIS KASPERBAUER SUN 20 Recording Rock Guitars ANDREW WADE  
  21. Larry Shelby

    Bela D Sale

    SAVE 40% FOR THE NEXT 4 DAYS Enter the promotional code: SAVE40 Notice - Discounts are not shown until the authorized promo code is added at checkout. Example - Paravox Youth Soprano Traditional Price: $139.98 New Price: $69.99 Sale Price: $41.99 Ends 02/17/2022 https://www.beladmedia.com/
  22. beatassist.eu has released AFX 2 - Acoustics Frequency Xperience 2. AFX 2 for Acoustics Frequency Xperience 2 is a drum machine with 8 slots that load .sf2 files. It is provided 7 banks of acoustic drum samples, modified in the digital world to create unique sounds for you to include in your productions. Changes: Possibility to map each drum to any of the 8 pairs of output channels provided. Reverb with mix control for each slot. Pseudo-Stereo spread for each slot. Master Compressor. Mac OS X version available. AFX 2 is available for macOS and Windows 64-bits VST2/VST3/AU. Price: $15 - Download Demo: https://www.psytranceplugins.com/beatassist.htm https://www.kvraudio.com/product/afx-2---acoustics-frequency-xperience-2-by-beatassist-eu
  23. Fanan team has released Yumbu 3, a free slot driven drum sampler. They say: Another upgrade to Yumbu drum sampler which brings some new features like magnitude control per drum element, improved drift effect per element, new library manager, new dark GUI and some important performance improvements including CPU and RAM consumption, as well as better compatibility with new and uncommon plugin hosts and D.A.Ws. Main features: 10 drum sample slots per kit. 14 drum element banks with full 30 drum-kits that adjusted to wide range of genres. Morphing system for blending any 2 drum elements together. Automation file manager. 4 additional wav. pages in the element menu for user's wav. files. Magnitude control section. Midi assignable start\end points manager. Master effects (including compressor, reverb and delay) with a unique F.R. feature. Graphical MIDI keyboard with assignable keyboard starting points. Full virtual mixer. random pitch manager knobs, round robin and pan knobs. drift effect per drum element. Scalable and customizable GUI. Dedicated modulation effects including phaser, delay and Zelda filter per drum element. Price: Free. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/yumbu-3-by-fanan-team
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