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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Get 61% off in the Audio Damage Grind Flash Sale. Expires March 28th. "A true powerhouse of audio warfare, Grind puts the "damage" in Audio Damage. From subtle tube-style saturation to full-on mangled wavetable distortion, Grind is a Swiss Army Knife of sound design. Buy now for only £14.95 / $19. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/30-Distortion/5646-Grind
  2. I agree! To me they personify what a musician, and a band, should be...joyously dedicated to their craft, and to the perfection thereof, and to each other as a band. It is a rare thing to find, and to do!
  3. Just Add Sequel 2 and Vinylistik Drums in the CART, And the price will automatically get changed to $79. SAVE $119 https://www.beatskillz.com/
  4. $52.15 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/boom-library-uberloud
  5. on March 23rd https://www.reaper.fm/download.php Changelog Media Explorer add option, toolbar button to display detected pitch while previewing files add actions, option to adjust pitch by +/- 1 cent support toolbar/menu feedback for actions to set pitch to X semitones shift+drag applies the previously selected pitch knob behavior (rather than always applying either continuous or semitone changes) improve transition smoothness when adjusting preview pitch via actions add preference to preview .RPP files add preference to suppress auto-render of proxy when previewing .RPP files • when renaming .RPP file, also rename matching .RPP-PROX file • fix context menu issues when media explorer is opened via keystroke Render add action to re-display statistics from most recent render in web browser add option to display/not display RMS in render statistics add option to automatically return to render setup window when render is finished • enable "save settings" button when changing render tail setting ensure progress bar and stats are updated after rendering very short regions gray out add-metadata button when "embed metadata" is unchecked greatly improve render speed when rendering many regions at once avoid extra work relating to updating status in dock on macOS Notation editor action to identify chords considers all notes playing, not just notes that start at the target time position • allow user-provided chords (from .ReaScale files) to override default chord names • don't show track/measure settings menu on left-click • treat click on measure start area as a click on the first beat of the measure, even if there is a key signature or time signature change Peaks building display remaining file statistics rather than remaining items improve behavior when reordering tracks/items improve multiprocessing use (4 or more cores when available) optimize spectral peaks/spectrogram calculation Batch converter add option to force single-threaded processing fix minimum window size when Windows display scaling is used • PCM extremely minor tweaks to rounding when writing PCM in all formats improve LSB rounding when writing 24-bit and (17-23)/24-bit encodings of WavPack/FLAC • fix incorrect truncation when writing 16-bit WavPack files • Actions window match UK spellings of various words when searching Automation items when looping in latch mode, ensure there is an automation item to record into • Custom menus fix menu after reset to default on macOS FLAC update to libflac 1.3.4 FX fix display of ReaLearn UI on macOS JSFX fix channel mapper/downmixer text alignment on non-retina macOS displays macOS improve default extension behavior of save dialog on newer macOS systems • MIDI editor add actions, menu items to load/unload .ReaScale files MIDI peaks fix under-draw issue in continuous scrolling • Opus fix memory leak when writing files and resampling Project settings add dropdown menu to support setting/resetting project start offset and project start measure ReaFIR add automatable parameter to adjust gain of EQ/threshold/noise profile curve ReaPlugs show longer, more descriptive parameter names Text drawing fix cropped glyphs for some fonts/italics combinations • Theming in themes that overlap controls and track icons, draw track icons below controls Wildcards support $channels wildcard in render, batch converter, and bounce Windows add legacy_filebrowse=1 .ini file option to use old file browsing open/save API for accessibility purposes
  6. Whether you feel like creating beats, sampling, or layering melodies, playing with iOS' most realistic-sounding piano, or adding algorithmic reverb to your existing projects, we have you covered! Offer valid through March 31st https://www.uvi.net/ios-apps
  7. It's the full documentary - and it's Amplified, which is a legit page, not some Joe off the street posting it
  8. That's a bummer...It's the Rush - Time Stand Still documentary
  9. I had no trouble with it...but I replaced the link and hopefully that solves it
  10. We're delighted to share with you our latest creation, Neo Woodwinds - Modern Soloists... 99.99 GBP Intro Price NEO WOODWINDS is a library collection of astonishing world class woodwind principal musicians. With decades of credits both on stage and on screen through film scoring sessions. Playing as principal chairs for the UK’s top orchestras. This collection really is the cream of the crop and we’ve poured our hearts and souls into bringing this collection to life within the software world. Alongside the meticulously captured ‘bread and butter’ articulations, there is an assortment of unusual and cutting edge performance techniques on offer that really set this collection apart from the crowd. From spellbinding true legatos that shine, to cutting edge tongue ram techniques and plosive percussive textures. NEO WOODWINDS can take you there with 21 articulations to work with. Head HERE to find out more from hearing demos and watching contextual demos. To our 20 minute extensive in-depth walkthrough.... I'd also like to take this time to mention that our SPRING SALE is in full swing now and running through April... So grab a bargain and add to your collection! Thanks as always to our amazing customers, stay creative! https://insanitysamples.com/collections/out-now-haunted-strings-2/products/neo-woodwinds-modern-soloists
  11. $49.99 at Musician's Friend SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/sterling-audio-vms-vocal-microphone-shield/h77381000000000
  12. $39.99 ReAmp Studio The most complete Amp Suite is for only $39.99 for the next 48h. Get over 70 ultra-realistic amps, 36 Stompboxes, 35 IRs and FX Rack for this incredible price never seen this year! https://audioassault.mx/collections/plugins/products/reamp Use code THIRTY for another 30% off!
  13. Run the Kilohearts Installer to update
  14. $29,.99 Grab a knob, twist it and everything at the bottom end sounds great. WS-LOWEND-2999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends March 27, 11:59 PM PST This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/ws-ws-lowend.html
  15. $69 at Plugin Boutique Get 42% off in the Image Line Harmor Sale. Expires March 31st. "Harmor is a powerful additive/subtractive, image synthesizer as well as an audio resynthesizer. Save 40% off Harmor and buy now for £64.95 / $69 at Plugin Boutique!" https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/172-Harmor
  16. 69 Euros https://vstbuzz.com/deals/62-off-broadway-gig-by-fable-sounds/
  17. Just saw an ad for "Trails" on Facebook which said "Coming Soon"...so that's probably going to be the first release off of that list
  18. Our apologies, MNDALA V1.8.0 will be slightly delayed until we get to the bottom of some unforeseen issues, as we take stability very seriously. We're a small team and sometimes bugs can slip through the cracks ? For anyone who downloaded MNDALA V1.8.0 while it was briefly available on our website, please revert back to V1.7.12 (available for download here). If you hadn't downloaded it yet, then you have nothing to worry about! As an apology for any inconvenience this might have caused we want to offer you a discount code for 30% off any instrument. Just enter the code 30%offmarch at checkout Thank you for supporting Mntra, we can't wait to share all the exciting new projects we've been developing for all of you. https://www.mntra.io/
  19. Dreamsynth Update You asked, we delivered! In the latest update to Dreamsynth, we have added Poly Aftertouch as a polyphonic modulation source. A mod destination can now respond with individual articulation for each note, enabling more expressive performances. https://store.cherryaudio.com/bundles/dreamsynth-synthesizer
  20. For a limited time only, huge 25% off on multiple award-winning RipX DeepRemix & DeepAudio apps (including all upgrades) Sale ends 4th April (midnight GMT). https://hitnmix.com/buy-ripx/ This page is loaded with information and videos'. https://hitnmix.com/2022/03/07/ripx-deepremix-for-djs-remixers/
  21. At Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/8016
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