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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. What I got from Thomann, which is the cheapest you can this is an individual License for each of the following Izotope Elements Suite, Nimbus, R4, Massive, Guitar Rig 6 LE, Vocalsynth, Trash 2, and a Voucher to redeem at PA for the 5 Brainworx plugins (all at once) called the Soundwide Intro Bundle when you Redeem. Hope that helps!
  2. JIOVANI REVIVE - YOUTH CHOIR - SAVE 50% Discover this exciting and significant development in the world of sampled voice. The Giovani Edition was the first truly dedicated youth choir library determined to strike a chord with musicians ranging from the semi-pro to the most seasoned professional. Bela D Media has faithfully captured the glory of an authentic youth choir complete with 24-bit traditional church ambiance. SAVE 50% Traditional Price: $174.99 - New Price: $87.50 Sale Price: $43.75 Promo Code: BDM50GR https://www.beladmedia.com/giovani-revive/ The above offer will expire on May 14th, 2022. DIVA REVAMP - CLASSICAL SOPRANO - SAVE 50% DIVA Classical Female Soloist was created in 2003 and is the very first product ever produced by Bela D Media. Since that time, DIVA has sold worldwide and is used by many top composers for film, television, and video games. In the States, often one would be hard-pressed not to hear DIVA in use on many popular television stations – even to this day. SAVE 50% Traditional Price: $149.99 - New Price: $74.99 Sale Price: $37.49 Promo Code: BDMDR50 https://www.beladmedia.com/diva-revamp/ The above offer will expire on May 14th, 2022. PARAVOX - YOUTH SOPRANO - SAVE 25% Paravox is a youth Soprano voice with a soft and lyrical tone powered Bela D Media’s newest GUI and a stream-lined V script. Paravox includes vocal elements such as AHH OOH VOO and/or EEE QOO TAH for example and many more derived from chromatically sampled moving vowels. In addition, the user may manipulate “mini melodies” that are chromatically sampled as well. SAVE 25% Traditional Price: $139.98 - New Price: $69.99 Sale Price: $52.49 Promo Code: BDMPX25 https://www.beladmedia.com/paravox/ The above offer will expire on May 14th, 2022. NATIVE VOICE - SORA - SAVE 25% Featuring a female vocalist of Japanese descent, SORA (Pronounced: Sor – uh) is the first of four and certain to unleash your creative genius. Though the vocal phrases in use do not include actual words of meaning, the soloist sings with an indigenous tongue and the user is creating the illusion of language. Lebanese, Pakistani and Norwegian vocalist will be available in future installments of Native Voice. SAVE 25% Traditional Price: $139.98 - New Price: $69.99 Sale Price: $52.49 Promo Code: BDMSO25 https://www.beladmedia.com/native-voice-sora/ The above offer will expire on May 14th, 2022.
  3. They only mean the "Equivalent 33 instruments contained in Max" but not "Max" itself...that will NEVER happen, but, as usual, IK's "wording" is ridiculously vague and deceptive
  4. $99.99 with code BTLBS4237 at N ewegg https://www.newegg.com/model-wdba3a0050bbk-wesn-5tb/p/N82E16822234385?Item=N82E16822234385
  5. Run the Steinberg Download Manager to update
  6. If you don't want the Soundwide Bundle, but would rather have these 3 plugins do this MC77 - use Voucher MC77-2499 Chop Shop - use Voucher CHOPSHOP-1499 Don't use the Voucher for Bx_Opto but DO use your Monthly $25 Voucher Total for all 3 will be $51.97! That's just slightly more than the $14.99 price each
  7. Looks like this is the best it's going to get - $43 at Thomann https://www.thomannmusic.com/izotope_soundwide_intro_bundle.htm
  8. That's a heck of a deal! You can get Reamp Studio and all of the guitar amps for $36 with the code!
  9. Man...I had to get off that site....too much temptation...LOL
  10. Steinberg is offering crossgrade to Nuendo or Cubase at up to 55% off until June 1st. The crossgrade to Cubase Pro 12 is €299 (reg. €359), while the crossgrade to Nuendo 12 is €449 (reg. €749). Check on the site the list of the DAWs you can crossgrade from. https://www.steinberg.net/promotion/
  11. $29 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/sephardic_vocals.html
  12. From $109 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=10359
  13. $19 each at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=10385
  14. Prices from $50 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=10384
  15. $24 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/72-Utility/4434-SigMod
  16. $39 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/7563-Multiphonics-CV-1-Modular-Synthesizer
  17. $49 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/58-Inst-Bundle/6698-Bass-Master-KHORDS-Bundle
  18. $59 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/58-Inst-Bundle/8057-Synthwave-Collection
  19. $49 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/81-Bundle/83-Genre-Bundles/9056-Softube-Modular-2-x-FREE-Modular-Techno-Sample-Packs-Superbooth-Exclusive-
  20. $15 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/2349-Glitch-Machine
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