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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Some freebies in Reason Studios online Shop: https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/deals/?sort=price_asc
  2. $9 Celebrating our first ever VST product this weekend: Pick up the super versatile Minipol today for only $9 and let the fun begin! https://karanyisounds.com/product/minipol/
  3. $14.70 instead of $49. https://www.inphonik.com click the 'got a code' link at checkout and use 2612MADNESS2022 (it's displayed on the page too). Also 50% off their AKAI S950 AD/DA emulation.
  4. Boy, this is all wacked out... Kilohearts Website says current version is 1.8.5 Kilohearts Installer says current version is 1.8.28
  5. Kilohearts Installer is not showing V2
  6. https://2bplayed.com/product-category/products/bundles/
  7. At EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=19
  8. $37 in cart at JRR (you must put in cart to see price) https://www.jrrshop.com/arturia-buchla-easel-v
  9. $48.59 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-chop-suey
  10. WAVDSP has released Space Networks mastering plugin for Windows and Mac. The intro is 66% off - $49 (reg. $149) - until May 15th. https://wavdsp.com/shop/space-networks-mastering/.
  11. No Mark...I got it for buying Falcon
  12. Oops...wrong number...please hang up
  13. I decided to spend my $100 voucher and get "Meteor" for $4. I almost bought it a few times, and the voucher was going to expire at the end of the month, and who knows if there will be another/better sale before then. Most likely, now that I've spent it, there will be a better sale...LOL But $4 is a pretty good deal, so I shouldn't complain.
  14. Into and get them here https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/9-great-reference-mixes-for-modern-pop.html
  15. Atmospheric Collection (includes Cinescapes PRO 2, Deep Element X, Sounds of Mars) is 69% off today, https://rastsound.com/deals/
  16. https://www.reaper.fm/download.php REAPER 6.57: Big Pasta Changelog items below may include • links to more information. Timestretch add new Rrreeaaa (polyphase synthesis) stretching mode, useful for artistic stretches Video support native decoding and rendering of .wma, .wmv, and mpeg-4 audio/video via Windows Media Foundation support embedding FLAC audio in WMF-encoded MP4/M4V (Windows 10 and later) improve performance when using video-only or audio-only media support encoding audio-only or video-only files with ffmpeg update Grid of Videos preset deprecate DirectShow video decode mode, must be manually re-enabled in preferences Media items actions to activate previous/next/etc take do not affect locked media items allow opening and editing per-take FX on locked media items, but not alt/opt+click to delete all FX allow vertical autoscroll when moving/copying items using certain customized mouse modifiers • fix take marker display with certain zoom settings • improve interaction between item height preferences when using free item positioning • Razor edits fix editing bug when razor edit contains MIDI items in project with timebase time and partial measures • simplify display of pre-edited razor edit areas • add mouse modifiers to move areas disabling or temporarily enabling ripple edit fix mouse-position-dependent snapping • Render fix issues with peaks and dither when channel counts are conformed by output (e.g. multichannel forced to stereo by CD or DDP render) respect option to add rendered files to project when preference enabled to return to render settings window after render • support rendering to mp3 (as primary or secondary output) when processing at sample rates higher than 48k when rendering selected regions, if no regions are selected, render all regions improve error message details Appearance add separate preferences for drawing labels above media items, and hiding media item labels, at specific media item heights do not draw media item labels above the item if the item would be smaller than the label FX zero out PDC-compensated FX delay samples • show combined oversample rate in chain view when both chain and instance oversampling are used macOS add gen_vol*_dark and gen_pan*_dark theme elements for macOS dark mode • fix horizontal mouse drag on mixer send controls • MIDI editor improve behavior of mouse modifier to delete all touched notes when moving the mouse quickly support loading raw sysex from file in sysex edit window use fixed-width font for sysex edit window Performance reduce realtime CPU use when repositioning edit cursor with playback stopped • improve recovery from media buffering underruns when using heavy per-item processing Recent projects add option to display customized project title (set in Project Settings/Notes) in recent projects menu and prompt • add option to display either file part or full path in list Drag and drop improve preview display when dragging to insert-new-track area • Drawing improve drawing performance with thousands of very small items (6.54 performance regression) • FX browser allow removing LV2-created categories • lv2 support URL encoded filesystem specifications • Media explorer do not try to copy directories via drag/drop • Notation editor improve positioning of accidentals in chords • Opus ensure all samples are flushed to file when rendering at sample rates other than 48k Peaks fix various sample-level view glitches • Preferences include more information/help in video decoder details window ReaScript increase precision of razor edit start/end position as returned by GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_RAZOREDITS") • Theme add theme elements for inactive takes, applied separately from elements for muted/not-soloed tracks/items Undo improve undo behavior for actions/scripts that did not previously set the correct undo flags VST3 clear all parameter info on kParamTitlesChanged • WALTER allow specifying mcp.extmixer and master.mcp.extmixer to front command
  17. The sale will last until May 16th and since it's a secret one there will be no countdown on the website, so make sure to hurry up to not miss those special prices! Using the discount code in this email you'll be able to get Butterfly with a 70% discount, just 11,39€ instead of 37,99€ To get the special price for the plugin just enter the BUTTERFLY70 code on the checkout page. https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-butterfly/
  18. You were looking at the Package that has "The Cube" and "The Air" expansion... The Cube is $99 at Plugin Boutique EDIT: But the $139 price at Lunacy is the full package, which is a much better deal!
  19. Scan Score has released ScanScore 3 application for scanning printed sheet music and transforming it in digital scores which can be exported to almost any music program. From this version, ScanScore is available only with 1-year licenses, which are $9 for the Melody edition, $39 for the Ensemble edition and $79 for the Professional edition. The intro for the ScanScore 3 Professional is 38% off - $49 (reg. $79) - until May 18th. https://scan-score.com/en/products/
  20. is 70% off - $11.70 (reg. $39.00) - until May 19th. https://splashsound.org/ukulele.html
  21. 29 Euros Requires Full Kontakt https://wrongtools.com/kontakt-instruments/40-plateau/
  22. Get 'em here MAGIC VOCAL - An all in one vocal processing plugin, this is a paid for plugins, it’s $19.99. You don’t have to download it to access the free plugins. MAGIC 76 - Classic Analog Compressor Model 76′, two versions included - Blacky and Bluey. Free to download. MAGIC 2A - Classic Analog Compressor Model 2A’ Free to download MAGIC EQ - 4 Band EQ with HPF and LPF, Free to download. MAGIC TILT - High quality for tilt equalizer. Adjust center frequency for start magic tilt. Free to download. MAGIC Reverb - Simply Digital Reverb with HPF, LPF, Modulation and Equalizer. Free to download (Crashed my system using Pro Tools on a Mac). Our plugins required iLok Manager, Please download from ilok.com before launch our plugins. https://wavdsp.com/magic-suite/
  23. Offerings here https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/321-Lunacy-Audio
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