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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. VOLUME K Based on a large digital rack reverb produced in Japan. This reverb stands out from the crowd, for creatives who want to experiment with sound. Used in acclaimed albums by many artists such as Robert Plant, Steve Vai, Klaus Schulze, Chris & Cosey and many others. 29 Euros https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/silvervolumek VOLUME L This is the Holy Grail of reverbs! The first plate reverberation unit designed in 1957 by Wilhelm Franz marked a significant change in recording history, simplifying the process of affecting recorded sound while providing the engineer with a more versatile and customizable interface. 69 Euros https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/silvervolumel
  2. $41.88 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/quickbass.html
  3. $89 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/ebx_the_sixties.html
  4. $19 https://audioplugin.deals/firechild-vst3-au-aax-by-tone-empire/
  5. Well, the only thing that I showed as updated was the Fairfax Vol 1 DEMO. It's the only thing I have installed.
  6. 8Dio has released Extreme Ensemble 10 Electric Guitars library for Kontakt (full version). The intro is 60% off - $50 (reg. $125). End date not specified. https://8dio.com/products/extreme-electric-guitar-ensemble
  7. Just received this email This is Denis from 2CAudio. I'm the creator, co-founder, lead developer and principal contributor to 2CAudio. I'm also the programmer behind more than 90% of all 2CAudio products and codebase. I'd like to share with you some important developments regarding 2CAudio and the products marketed under this brand name. Effective immediately, I'm no longer able to provide technical support to you and other 2CAudio users via official company channels. I present you my apologies for that. In fact, in late February 2022, Andrew Souter the other co-founder and contributor to 2CAudio, decided unilaterally to restrain my access to the 2CAudio website and email server. This is the reason, I'm writing to you from my personal email. Long before that, Mr. Souter stopped sharing proceeds from the sales of the 2CAudio. I had to retain an attorney and send an official Cease and Desist letter to Andrew Souter, in which we demand him to discontinue selling and distributing immediately the following products: AETHER B2 KALEIDOSCOPE BREEZE PRECEDENCE VECTOR So far I have received no response. 2CAudio and Andrew Souter continue to sell and distribute online products developed by myself, in violation of US copyrights legislation and my intellectual property rights. I urge you not to purchase any updates of the above products, as they might be based on my code and thus will be infringing my copyrights. If you have any questions regarding the presented information or need a tech support feel free to contact me. Regards, Denis
  8. Run the XLN Installation Center to update
  9. Run the Vienna Assistant to auto update
  10. This is a preview release - Run the Kilohearts installer to update
  11. Run Slate Digital Connect to update
  12. 40 % Off Everything https://wavearts.com/
  13. $32.76 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-xenon
  14. Lindell 80 Series An exacting emulation of the original Neve 1073 and 1084 preamp/EQs, the 2254 limiter/compressor, and 1272 line amplifier module for your DAW. $249 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 90% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-L80S Code expires June 15, 11:59pm PST Dangerous Music BAX EQ A smooth-sounding Baxandall EQ with world-class 1950s tone control and character. Use it to transparently enhance the low end and top end of your mixes. $249 $19.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 92% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-BAX Code expires June 15, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  15. Dowload here https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference/download
  16. Panda Sound We Are Back Sale - 40% off on all products until June 30th. https://panda-sound.com/products/
  17. a plugin that can modify any aspect of a MIDI sequence: rhythm, timing, accents, chords, voicings and shape. The price is $49, but during the Summer Sale, until June 26th, it can be purchased for $29 (40% off). http://www.musicdevelopments.com/midimutator.html
  18. Magix has released ACID Pro 11 loop-based music production software (DAW). which will be on intro sale until June 29th. It is available only in bundles: ACID Pro 11 Producer Bundle (with 2 Brainworx plugins, iZotope Ozone 9 Elements, Celemony Melodyne 5 essential, MAGIX Effects Suites, modernEQ, 12 GB ACIDized Loops) at 90% off - $199 (reg. $2,149); ACID Pro 11 Suite Ultimate Bundle (with 5 Brainworx plugins, iZotope Ozone 9 Elements, Celemony Melodyne 5 essential, MAGIX Effects Suites, dynamicEQ, 16 GB ACIDized Loops) at 91% off - $299 (reg. $3,434.99). (As always, it seems that the regular prices include the maximal value of all extras.) There is also a subscription option - ACID Pro 365 - at $19.99/month for a monthly plan and $7.99/month for an annual plan. https://www.magix.com/us/music-editing/acid/acid-pro/
  19. NEW RELEASE – The Hollywood Orchestrator Action Pack, featuring 24 new adrenaline-pumping presets that were designed for scoring everything from medieval warfare to modern spy thrillers. Watch the Official Walkthrough here: The Hollywood Orchestrator Action Pack is a FREE upgrade for all ComposerCloud subscribers and Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition owners. Also stay tuned for the Official Walkthrough of the new Hollywood Orchestrator Adventure Pack, the ultimate companion expansion for the Action Pack (coming this Wednesday)! Haven't tried ComposerCloud+ and Hollywood Orchestrator? Test drive it with a Free 30 Day ComposerCloud+ Trial: https://www.soundsonline.com/composercloud https://youtu.be/PHIydnKYSuk
  20. New code SPECIAL OFFER 60% OFF ALL PRODUCTS using code PLUGIN60 at checkout
  21. This version (1.0.1) fixes some of the most critical issues reported (you can read the release notes here Resolved Crashes Resolved Issues Explorer no longer crashes when importing audio with UTF-16 metadata Explorer no longer crashes when quitting while processing audio metadata in background Explorer no longer crashes when exporting audio with some channels disabled Fixed error on AIFF format import for both .aif and .aiff extension Explorer will not become irresponsive when choosing “show all metadata” on inspector Explorer will not become irresponsive when switching between files with all table fields turned on Waveform no longer disappears when converting to mono with disabled channels Explorer can now export non-interleaved files without errors Fixed playhead not returning to beginning when auto-play is active Fixed issues with selection limits when applying Whoosh effect Fixed inspector updates when parameters change Explorer will not become irresponsive when showing new updates Spot to Nuendo now asks for Accessibility permissions to work properly Fixed issue where Spot to Nuendo would fail if Nuendo window does not have the focus https://soundparticles.com/products/explorer
  22. https://www.pspaudioware.net/UserArea/store/view
  23. Originality begins with Sound Design! Happy Monday! And as I always try to do every week, here is your Monday Pick-Me-Up! I just released Reiya, a multi-layered instrument, on the website today! BTW, it's on sale for only $24.95! But Wait, There's More! If you grab Reiya today, you can get an EXTRA $5 OFF with the coupon code below! Code: RLSI52022 https://newnationllc.com/product/reiya-layered-sampled-instruments
  24. Up to 3 Free plugins Spend $50 get 1 free plugin Spend $90 get 2 free plugins Spend $120 get 3 free plugins https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer[]=6
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