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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Sorry Jan...forgot to include the code
  2. $19 https://karanyisounds.com/product/technocolor/
  3. 99 Euros intro price https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/diamonddynamicsaturator
  4. Get it with our coupon code "CWTD2022" or directly via the link below! https://sonuscore.com/shop/trinity-drums/
  5. $29 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/2561-Tape
  6. IR1A Convolver is a convolution plugin that let you apply the sonic characteristics of one sound to another in real-time, using an impulse response file. |Buy now for only £21.95 / $29. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/17-Reverb/6695-IR1A-Convolver
  7. Boost is an ultra-low distortion, upwards limiter from UrsaDSP. Its revolutionary design gives you new ways to control dynamics without forcing you to accept distortion. Save 30% off exclusively at our store. $76 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/9-Limiter/7993-Boost
  8. $209 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/7791-Ferrum-Modern-Trailer-Percussion
  9. MAGIX Samplitude is a versatile DAW that brings everything you need for your music. Save 33% in our exclusive sale this Holiday season! $266 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/23-DAW/9370-Samplitude-Pro-X7
  10. Save 40% off this parallel dynamic and super-precise equalizer! Take advantage of the saving exclusively in our sale this Holiday season! $36 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/16-EQ/4656-TDR-Nova-GE
  11. Laser is a unique sidechainer tool with precise time domain controls, designed to make sidechaining more powerful and completely transparent. Laser will change the way you mix your music. Buy now for only £36.95 / $49 exclusively in our sale! $49 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/63-Envelope-Shaper/5604-Laser
  12. Collision FX: Delivering an exceptional palette of sounds to design, compose, score, sweeten and create astonishingly impressive cinematic elements. Save 47% in our exclusive sale! $99 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/4463-Collision-FX
  13. Relab Development create premium quality software that meticulously emulates professional and well-known audio hardware. In our Boutique Week sale, save up to 70% on their authentic reverb emulations, including crossgrades, with prices starting at just £22.95 / $29! Prices from $29 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12151
  14. Audiority provide high-quality plugins for all types of music-making. Save up to 50% off the entire range of individual plugins for a limited time only. Prices from $10 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12146
  15. DopeSONIX's Beat Machine range of virtual instruments will help you create everything from drum and bass breaks to rock rhythms, future bass bangers and tech-house standards. Save 50% on Beat Machines 1, 2, and 3 in our exclusive sale! Prices from $22 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12112
  16. Enjoy huge savings on industry-leading Producertech video courses including guides to Serum, Spire, Avenger, Scaler 2, Music Theory, Mastering, EQ, Compression, and many many more for all levels from beginner to advanced. Save 50% in our exclusive sale! https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12089
  17. Calling all owners of Spectrasonics Omnisphere. Grab 200 new presets for Trap, Urban, Future RnB and Hip Hop with 60% off for a limited time only, exclusively with us at Plugin Boutique. $16 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/31-Synth-Presets/3469-Omnisphere-Trapsphere
  18. McDSP is an innovative and award-winning audio software company. Save up to 72% on a selection of their fantastic plugin range in our sale this Cyber Monday. Includes both HD (ProTools DSP) & Native versions. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12118
  19. $29 Maliki is a collection of epic drum loops sorted into 20 themes, arranged by a selection of 4 acoustic and hybrid drum instruments, made for Kontakt. Buy now with 70% off in our exclusive sale! https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/6612-Maliki
  20. SoundSpot Holiday Sale (Exclusive) Save up to 95% off all SoundSpot plugins and preset packs, including Union and NEVO. Prices start at only £3.95 / $5! https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12117
  21. $19.95 https://audioplugin.deals/early-pianoforte-by-realsamples
  22. Run the East West Installation Center to update
  23. Save 50% on Iconic Neve Sound Red‑nosed reindeer? How about some red knob hardware! Add legendary sound to your mixes with 50% off all Neve plug‑ins during the UAD Holiday Sale. And use the code “HOLIDAYS2022” at checkout for an extra $25 off. Savings End 12/31 https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/on-sale.html
  24. TOMO Audiolabs LISA Modeled after the $15k hardware dynamic EQ! Six bands of smooth opto compression per channel! Fully approved by TOMO Audiolabs. $399 $29.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 92% with your checkout code: XMAS22-LISA Code expires Dec 6, 11:59pm PST SPL SPECIAL: Transient Designer Plus, TwinTube, Vitalizer SPL from Germany is one of the most innovative analog companies in the world. Their famous Transient Designer and many of their mastering products are staples in world-class studios around the globe. $199 $19.99/each Local VAT taxes may be added. No code required bx_masterdesk True Peak The complete analog mastering desk in your DAW, as easy as 1-2-3! Now with improved True Peak Limiter on board, and more! $299 $29.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code: XMAS22-MASTERTP Code expires Dec 5, 11:59pm PST ProAudioDSP DSM V3 A unique, spectral multiband processor. Capture the characteristics of any source, and apply it to any other sound. Incredible Mastering Tool! $199 $19.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code: XMAS22-DSMV3 Code expires Dec 5, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
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