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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $67.19 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia-hammond-b-3x-organ-plugin
  2. Just a very quick note to let you know that there have been some major updates to many of our plugins in the last couple weeks. This includes, especially: Infinity Synth Disarray Universal Plug Addiction Synth and all VST3s on Windows https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/
  3. $24.99 https://audioplugin.deals/product/speech-vocals-bundle-by-function-loops/
  4. SATV is an analogue modeled saturation plugin that can add harmonic depth and richness to any track. Equally suited to individual instruments or multi-track drum kits, SATV allows you to effortlessly enhance or boost the harmonic content and dynamics of your whole mix. $24.99 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/x-mellowmuse-sat-v.html
  5. 73% off Retronaut is a multi-voice vibrato and chorus with LoFi effects. It is inspired by old analogue gear such as bucket brigade chips, tape cassettes, vinyl records and voltage-controlled filters. The heart of Retronaut is its modulation. Thanks to its multi-voice engine, you can smoothly mix from a single vibrato voice up to 4, resulting in a rich chorus. And you may add that LoFi nostalgic magic with the Degrade section while the Diverge section gives you ultimate control of each voice independently. Don't miss the intro sale Retronaut is compatible with most VST/AAX/AU DAW applications on both Windows and macOS. The price is set to €89. But you may grab the intro price €24 until March 19th. Get the free trial version. https://unitedplugins.com/Retronaut/
  6. Requires FULL Kontakt 70% off "Eternity Church Organ" by Marcos Ciscar https://vstbuzz.com/deals/70-off-eternity-church-organ-by-marcos-ciscar/ 62% off "Fraktale Fragmente" by Zero-G https://vstbuzz.com/deals/62-off-fraktale-fragmente-by-zero-g/ 80% off "Project Alpha" by Hybrid Two https://vstbuzz.com/deals/80-off-project-alpha-by-hybrid-two/ 78% off "Riffendium 2" by Audiofier https://vstbuzz.com/deals/78-off-riffendium-2-by-audiofier/ 60% off "La Fisarmonica Accordion" by Xperimenta Project https://vstbuzz.com/deals/60-off-la-fisarmonica-accordion-by-xperimenta-project/ 80% off 'Floppytron Synth + Expansion' by Sampleso https://vstbuzz.com/deals/80-off-floppytron-synth-plus-expansion-by-sampleso/ 70% off "Artefact" by Dark Intervals https://vstbuzz.com/deals/70-off-artefact-by-dark-intervals/ 95% off "Aquiver" by Rigid Audio https://vstbuzz.com/deals/95-off-aquiver-by-rigid-audio/ 75% off "Bansuri Bundle" by Have Audio https://vstbuzz.com/deals/75-off-bansuri-bundle-by-have-audio/ 80% off "Putty Piano" by Riot Audio https://vstbuzz.com/deals/80-off-putty-piano-by-riot-audio/ 70% off "Transfer Sound Pro" by Silence+Other Sounds https://vstbuzz.com/deals/70-off-transfer-sound-pro-by-silence-and-other-sounds/ 92% off "Aurora Choir" by Aria Sounds https://vstbuzz.com/deals/92-off-aurora-choir-aria-sounds/
  7. $146.31 at EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/deals/shopby/manufacturer/soundiron.html
  8. $279.99 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BHZQGN26/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1
  9. Code GROUP works at JRR for a price of $24.36
  10. It was supposed to be APG...not D...force of habit typo EDIT: the email came from Audio Plugin Guy
  11. ⚡️ Our Algonaut Atlas 2 sale is NOW ON! ⚡️ $99 https://plugindeals.net/product/algonaut-atlas-black-octopus-leviathan-iv-combo/
  12. https://zero-g.co.uk/collections/valentines-day-special-offers
  13. Our first cinematic library has a great new update! Get cosmic guitar sounds for Kontakt 6+ with Continuo 1 Pro! ☑️ 18 sound modules, featuring heavily processed guitars ☑️ Multiple playing techniques recorded ☑️ Very easy-to-use Layer Designer Engine for instant inspiration ☑️ Including String Theory Expansion with 50 sci-fi themed presets $29 https://karanyisounds.com/product/continuo-1-pro/
  14. Now up at JRR and extra discount with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/computer-software?dir=asc&limit=72&manufacturer=42&order=name&sale=1&type=2
  15. $7.99 Get Duality Bass Studio EX For Only $7.99 Duality Bass Studio gives you the tools to craft your own unique sounding Bass tone. Featuring Parallel distortion unit, freely positionable mics on cabs, FX rack and more. Duality Bass Studio is the tool you need to get any kind of Bass Tone! And now you can get it with 80% Off! https://audioassault.mx/collections/plugins/products/duality-bass-studio ­
  16. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/365
  17. 40% Off Select Products https://www.leapwingaudio.com/products/
  18. Rock to fakie with our latest BOOM ONE Updatie. We've come grinding back to the scene with our latest upload of 603 files. In it, we cover all the smacking board sounds at the skate park and everything you could imagine needing for game UI sounds. SKATEBOARDS Roll • Drop • Slide • Pick up • Kickflip • Jump • Push • Move This pack is truly a treasure trove for those video game-oriented sound designers out there. Full of beeps, squeals, menu sounds, button clicks, and more, it covers you from power on to power off. Check out what sound designer Marcel Pfunder had to say about designing the 8-bit sounds on our latest blog. GAME SOUND FX Character Jump • Item Sounds • Text Scrolls • Transition • Melodic Jingles • Vehicles • Pinnball Game Jingles • Retro UI Sounds • Whooshes • Buttons • Clicks • Pops • Glitch FX • Swish • Charge • Computer • Data • Buzz THE NEW UPDATE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL BOOM ONE SUBSCRIBERS! https://www.boomlibrary.com/sound-effects/boom-one/
  19. EZKeys Synthwave now available! https://www.toontrack.com/product/ezkeys-synthwave/
  20. VALENTINE'S FLASH SALE 40% OFF ♥️ https://djswivel.com/products/
  21. https://www.adsrsounds.com/software-developer/limited-time-bundle/
  22. To quote Han Solo "...don't get cocky kid!"
  23. https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/universal-audio-uad-now-available-as-native-plugins
  24. Get 50% off select expansions https://www.thempcstore.com/mpc-beats-editions
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