Choose between 100+ plugins from nearly 30 international brands, such as AMEK, Ampeg, Focusrite, Maag, Shadow Hills, SPL & SSL – and so many more!
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Terms & Conditions
Use code 3BX-4999 during checkout. Your cart must contain exactly 3 plugins from the "Made by BX" category to work.
This voucher code can only be used once (1x) and it expires September 24, 11:59pm PST (California Time). We will pause all other voucher codes (incl. the monthly loyalty codes) during this sale! This voucher cannot be combined with any other voucher.
Products EXCLUDED from this promotion: AMEK Mastering Compressor, Brainworx bx_clipper, bx_masterdesk PRO, Harris Doyle Natalus DSCEQ, Looptrotter SA2RATE 2, THE OVEN, SPL PQ.