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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/?utm_source=8DIO+Newsletter&utm_campaign=6427fd88fc-Black+November_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bfb160c302-6427fd88fc-298264053&mc_cid=6427fd88fc&mc_eid=48c5d3390b
  2. Guitar Center refunded my money....
  3. I knew it was due to drop...kept saying that in the other thread and here it is...
  4. Soundtoys has started early Black Friday deal: 50% off upgrades! https://www.soundtoys.com/
  5. Overloud Choptones Tone Impera Rig Library for TH-U introductory sale, now $15.96 with code GROUP at JRR until December 2: https://www.jrrshop.com/overloud-choptones-tone-impera
  6. VSTBuzz: 55% off “Fog Convolver” by AudioThing - Normally €65 Now Only €29! https://vstbuzz.com/deals/55-off-fog-convolver-by-audiothing
  7. D-REZ Remove the annoying ring from drums without affecting the tone! D-Rez is more effective than an EQ for removing harsh overtones from drums, leave the character intact while getting rid of the junk! It's only $5 for the next 48 HRS! Offer Valid until November 15th 8pm CST I Want D-REZ!
  8. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plug-ins/boz-digital-labs-transgressor-2
  9. It appears to be Python based and requires a Conda environment...no thanks!
  10. That was the Summit Audio Grand Channel...and some people did get it (lucky)
  11. Always...if I can help someone else I'm more than happy to do it!
  12. https://8dio.com/?utm_source=8DIO Newsletter&utm_campaign=24780c378d-Black November_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bfb160c302-24780c378d-298264053&mc_cid=24780c378d&mc_eid=48c5d3390b
  13. SALE: HOFA IQ-Series DeEsser The best DeEsser thanks to speech recognition. For a short time only € 79.90 instead of € 99.90 Buy now
  14. Sold that one....waiting like everyone else on replacement!
  15. OMEGA TWK 70'S TRANSISTOR CLIPPING The lovely saturation/distortion generator pulled straight from the heart of Kush’s Tweaker hardware compressor is available NOW. NO iLOK DONGLE REQUIRED! ONLY $29 BUY : $29 DEMO
  16. Guitar Center says "Out of Stock"
  17. Prepare for refunds...it now says This Item Is Unavailable
  18. $29 https://harrisonconsolesstore.onfastspring.com/ava-ds-offer?utm_source=Harrison+Opted-In+Promo+List&utm_campaign=00a7a1588d-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_08_02_04_41_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3c5482c40d-00a7a1588d-13035317&mc_cid=00a7a1588d&mc_eid=[UNIQID]
  19. Bring your tracks to life with Deathlike MIDI... Grooves and fills by technical death metal pioneer Sean Reinert Expect the subtlety of jazz and the technical finesse of fusion merged with the hard-hitting attack and brutal onslaught of metal – all seamlessly meshed to a coherent blend where only one thing is holy: groove. EXPERIENCE DEATHLIKE FUSION >
  20. INSTANT DEATH. 50 guitar tones inspired by the past 30 years of death metal evolution. This is a collection of guitar tones that chronicles death metal as it was, is and will be as soon as you put it to use! Breathe some life into your death metal with these guitar tones today. START RIFFING
  21. Sounds warm and colorful, and has never been heard by anyone until today! The resulting sound can be described as a CP80-like but a bit more tuned due to the fewer number of strings. It also includes a noise (static) generator and hammer, resonance and releases control. (And it's MacOS Catalina Ready The original patent proposes a great idea about string vibration direction that results into a better and cleaner sound. (video and audio demos here) You can get it today for $39 (Limited time intro price)
  22. Introducing Transgressor 2, an updated and improved version of Transgressor, the first plug-in that has truly earned the title "transient designer." Not only does it increase or decrease attack and sustain, it enables you tonally shape them separately. Plus, Transgressor 2 can now trigger transients via MIDI. $29 intro price https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/transgressor-2/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Introducing+Transgressor+2+-+On+Sale+Today&utm_campaign=Boz+-+Transgressor+Update+Launch%2FSale+(Nov+2019)+-+EM%231+(non-owners)
  23. Same price at Guitar Center (same company) https://www.guitarcenter.com/Output/Portal-Granular-FX-Plug-in-1500000289050.gc
  24. At EveryPlugin http://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=103
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