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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. New Freebie is caged brass https://8dio.com/instrument-category/8dio-instruments-on-sale-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instrument-samples/
  2. https://cherryaudio.com/promos/holiday-celebration
  3. Pre Xmas Flash Sale! Today Only! ▪Satson Channel Strip - $89 (Reg. $149) ▪SonEQ Pro - $49 (Reg. $59) ▪Burnley 73 - $49 (Reg. $59) ▪Stoneq 4k - $49 (Reg. $59) And more: Increase and improve your Sonimus’ arsenal plugins. ▪Buy any other Sonimus products - 10% off
  4. 40% off Individual Products 60% off of Collections https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/?om_campaign=omme_c41ab0e0-c36_19514_60910&om_profile=297e-aa2f18-008cc960&om_send=4bf71a5cf53f492c83d64145d60c7af8&utm_campaign=omme_c41ab0e0-c36_christmas_wish_list_21_12_19&utm_content=customers_bought_before&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ometria
  5. 10% off with this code dfk8kd3zdbb-2664 making it $88.20, but it might cost you the freebie...
  6. Rhythmiq v1.0.7 — Update Improved audio performance during playback when HOST mode is enabled. Improved real-time syncing when changing DAW playback position. Improved GUI rendering performance. AAX Plug-in support for Avid Pro Tools 2019 (Beta). Fixed Scene launching not working correctly under certain playback conditions. Fixed Automation parameters not working correctly during host record mode. Fixed Drag & drop not working correctly under certain conditions. GET THE NEW INSTALLERS
  7. I'm a firm believer that the Ownhammer IR's are the best... mind you, that's just my opinion...
  8. This was the last day of the Sale...so who knows if they'll have something else... But there was some goodies in this one!
  9. END OF THE YEAR SALE - CODE EYS2019 2019 is coming to a close. The decade too. Let us make it go out with a bang. Save 40% on any pack available on the Two notes Store, now. Use the code EYS2019 on checkout. SHOP NOW Offer ends 1st of January 23.59 pm (Pacific Time). Terms and conditions apply.
  10. But let me be clear...I'm ECSTATIC that it IS!!!
  11. I agree!!! THIS should NOT be a "Free" reverb....
  12. ToneSpot Voice Express release! Introductory price $19 "No more tweaking. ToneSpot Express series helps you to mix quickly and efficiently."
  13. It does "hold" for a bit when loading on the "login" screen before it rolls over
  14. Rust is a hybrid metallic resonator and vintage analog aging effect. It combines a series of second-order resonant filters, a "ball-within-the-box" physically modelled space and Puremagnetik's tape effect from Driftmaker and Verv. Rust can make anything sound old and squeaky, time-worn with wow and flutter, or completely lost in time and space. $9 a month or $60 for a full year...learn more here https://puremagnetik.com/products/rust-chromium-iron-oxide-resonator
  15. offering up to 50% discounts for their paid products. The sale prices are: Spark - $60 (50% off, normal price $120). ReAxis - $54 (40% off, normal price $89.99). U530 - $39.99 (33% off, normal price $59.99). SS-11X - $27 (33% off, normal price $39.99). The sale closes January 3rd, 11:59pm PDT. http://mercuriall.com/
  16. 50% Off at $149.00 on the KVR Marketplace https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/the-88-series-pianos-bundle-for-kontakt-by-chocolate-audio
  17. $24.95 at Full Compass https://www.fullcompass.com/prod/554158-magix-videosound-clean-lab-tool-for-restoring-audio-tracks-in-video-download?j=20452&jb=0&l=401_HTML&mid=100027420&sfmc_sub=53212412&u=740538&utm_campaign=FCS2019_12_11-HAPPY_HOLIDAYS&utm_content=magix-videosound-clean-lab-download-banner&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email_marketing
  18. Blanks is a new drum sampler featuring all our cool drum stuff from Moonkits, Electro-Acoustic etc : Euclidean Beats, Beat Shifter, Poly Beats, plus lots of cool sample warping toys. Just drag'n'drop your own sounds. Fully Kontakt Player & NKS ready. €69 | $79 CHECK IT OUT NOW
  19. Well putting it in the basket doesn't work...so they must send it to you after a qualifying purchase....
  20. No idea Mesh...they don't say if you get it after your order, or if you have to put it in the basket, but it's only Angelicals...but AAS will swap it for something you don't have...they are good about that
  21. And you get an AAS Angelicals (which AAS will swap out if you already have it)
  22. at Time Space https://www.timespace.com/products/impact-soundworks-rhapsody-orchestral-colors
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