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Everything posted by DallasSteve

  1. I'm old school rock and I only know about 1 song from the Foo Fighters. Here's a link to a drug report on his death. If you did a toxicology report on me last night all you would find is Alka Seltzer. I also had no chest pains. LA Times - Taylor Hawkins Death Update
  2. Craigb There are a lot of musicians who also program, so I'll post one response here, and if anyone else has a comment they can add to it. I've looked at this link below in the past and I see in their list that Python has jumped to number 1 in popularity (that doesn't mean it's the best). I've seen it more in job requirements recently. C is listed as number 2 and I think specifically that Objective-C may be the hot version of C now. Java is similar to C and C# and it is still very popular. I like C#, but it's just not as hot as it once was. C++ is always in demand, and pays well, but I was never hard core enough to want to learn that. I'm pretty smart, but C++ hurts my brain. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
  3. That's about mine exactly. I can do an octave plus a second, but I have to cheat by playing on the edge of the keys. Normally an octave is pretty comfortable and most songs if they want the second in the right hand, I drop the bottom note. Sometimes if the octave is the four note chord with a big split in the middle I'll drop the bottom note. It usually doesn't make a big difference and it's better than hitting the wrong note. For me it usually depends how fast it is. The interesting thing I've discovered at about 4 years of playing from sheet music is sometimes you can cheat a octave chord that has two white keys together by playing two with one finger. Does anybody else do that?
  4. I learned C# and I made good money programming computers. That seems apropos for someone who wanted to be a musician. But C# is losing it's market share as a language and it would not be my recommendation for someone starting out today, although I like it a lot. As for going to college to study Music, I was in a garage band in high school, but I gave it up and got a college degree in Business. But I did it without any loans and little help from parents. I guess it wasn't so expensive in the 70s. If your child is a good book student, college can be worth the money, but a lot of kids just really aren't good students and college is too expensive today to waste the money on a child who is not a good student. Some just want a 4 year vacation.
  5. Thanks. I went back and did as you said. I Selected None (which sounds wrong to me) and I set the output to Buses - Master and it worked fine. I'll use that work process unless I learn something different.
  6. John You raise an issue that has always bothered me about Export in Cakewalk, both before the new Export dialog and with the new dialog and it reflects on what bitflipper mentioned too. When I export a song I have to Select All first. I don't know if that's even the correct method as I haven't seen instructions about exporting the finished product. The logical process should be you go to the Console View and set up you mix the way you want it and then that is saved to an audio file. In fact, the default Source Category as shown in my screenshot above is "Entire Mix". But if I don't do Select All first I get silence. What is the logic of having a choice for Entire Mix and that does not give you what you hear when you press Play on the mixed song? What's the point of mixing the song if it's not to produce the final audio? Then you have choices like Speakers/Headphones. It certainly doesn't qualify as 'intuitive' of 'idiot proof'. Is Select All the correct way of setting up an audio export of the finished mix? That's what I've been doing.
  7. Krupa Thanks for the reply. As for the plug-ins I'm using, that sounds like a possible culprit, because I am using Waves Ovox and Kontakt Evolution Strawberry. Besides those I'm just using the standard Cakewalk TTS-1, Cakewalk Drums, and sometimes Cakewalk Electric Piano. On a (maybe) related note, 2 or 3 times today Cakewalk crashed and referred me to a dump file. I submitted a report to Cakewalk support with the dump file. Maybe they will learn something and tell me where the problem lies.
  8. Krupa Thanks for the reply. I'll try to add my system info in my signature as you suggested. When I did the Export Audio (twice) that produced a file full of loud static I took all the default settings expect that I changed Wave to MP3 and I adjusted the range, if necessary. Since then I've run the operation another dozen times and that hasn't happened. It only happened twice. If no one can think of something I could do by accident that would change 5 minutes of music to 5 minutes of static, I still think it's a bug. Furthermore, I just did another export 10 minutes ago, then re-did it to adjust the start time and the second time it produced 5 seconds of silence at the beginning of the MP3 followed by the rest of the selected range. So I selected All again and exported again and it worked correctly the next time.
  9. I have been exporting my songs to audio in MP3. Cakewalk has a new dialog box for setting the parameters of the export. Most of the time it has worked correctly, but twice it did the export process including mixing down the audio for about 30 seconds. Then when I played back the track it was 5 minutes of loud static. So the second time it happened, just 10 minutes ago, I went back and I opened the dialog box again. I was very careful to not change anything. I wanted to see what would happen if I tried again with exactly the same settings, and the second time it exported correctly and clearly. I'm sure someone will blame it on my computer, or my mouse, or sun spots. It couldn't be a bug in Cakewalk.
  10. Where are these Arranger options located in the menu? I searched around and I haven't found any Arranger settings. Wait. I looked one more time and I found something under MIDI (screenshot below). That seems like an odd place to put them, but OK. Are there any other Arranger settings?
  11. musekamp Thanks so much for that reply. I did a test on Commit Arrangement last night and I couldn't recreate the problem, but maybe if I follow your steps it will happen. This is very frustrating. I think it happened when they "improved" the Arranger in one of their updates. Another example of why I didn't want to upgrade. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Cakewalk was working fine for me, and now this. Next they will probably fix this and accidentally break something else. I read the reply to your post about the workaround to add some lead in measures. Sure, that will probably fix the problem but it's a clunky solution to a bug.
  12. Steev Thanks for that thoughtful reply. That gets you some love. I think scook spotted the answer with the 'Controlled folder access' idea. I enabled that about a month ago. I will try running the update again with that disabled and report back, but it may not be today. Also, I tried doing an Arranger commit, and it did not appear to cause the nudge -1 tick on the tacks in the file, so I'm still watching carefully for any additional event nudge problems.
  13. Steev I didn't say it happened in 5 tracks. It happened in 5 different files to all the tracks in all 5 files. There's no way I accidentally nudged 5 different files. I think it's happening when I execute an Arranger commit, but I haven't tried to prove that, yet.
  14. scook That bit of sarcasm/humor was not directed at you. I'm sorry if you took it that way. I thought it was clear I appreciated your suggestion.
  15. Thanks for letting me know that you've asked "everyone else" who uses Cakewalk and they all run a smooth update. That's what I wanted to know. Now, I've got to get back to wiping my a**.
  16. scook Once again you provide some useful information. That may be the install problem. I'll check it out. As for all the notes in my projects that have been nudged one tick earlier, I guess my Windows Registry did that, or maybe it happened while I was trying to wipe my a** with will's comment. As for why Cakewalk's support didn't at least reply back saying, we don't know, or maybe it's your Windows Registry, they just didn't respond at all to 2 messages which for me qualifies as unprofessional behavior.
  17. It's not a 2 minute process. Maybe 5 minutes if everything works smoothly. I've spent more than 2 hours trying to get an update of Cakewalk to install without errors on my computer. I'm able to install other software without these errors so I don't buy the explanations that the error is on my side or in my Windows Registry, but thanks for letting me know that it works for you.
  18. I've been using Cakewalk regularly for about 6 months. I've completed one album and am almost complete with another. About 2 weeks ago Cakewalk forced me to refresh my authorization. To do that I had to upgrade Cakewalk. I hadn't upgraded recently because it's a hassle, what I have is fine, and I don't care about their new features. But they forced me to do so. That's not so big a deal except their install wouldn't run on my computer. I tried and it gave me some file error. Then when I clicked through that it said I was out of disk space, which is ridiculous. I have around 100 GB of free space on my disk and other installs have worked recently. I contacted Cakewalk support and they sent me a link to the same install which I ran again and the same thing happened. I asked them about the error message (screenshot below) and they ignored my further emails. Today I was looking at my events list and all of my notes in my recently touched files have been moved back one tick. I never nudge my clips or notes and there's no way I accidentally nudge 5 different files. This is a big problem because when I use the Arranger to commit a new version of a song it cuts off the first note if it is one tick before the bar. I just tried a new upgrade/re-install 5 minutes ago and it gave me the same out of space error, but the install completed and I was able to open Cakewalk. I hope that will fix the one tick error, but it probably won't. I won't waste my time contacting Cakewalk support because they are ignoring me. Is anybody else having a similar problem with install or events being nudged? Do you have any other suggestions for my nightmare? I may eventually have to bite the bullet and buy a better DAW, but Cakewalk has served me well up to this point.
  19. Thanks. That's a very important difference.
  20. I have a vocal track that is using the OVox Audio FX. I hear some crackling during playback and I want to see if freezing the track or applying the effect will eliminate that. I have frozen tracks before and I understand you would probably wait until work on the track is complete to freeze it because if you need to do more work you will need to unfreeze it first. Is there a difference between freezing a track and applying effects? When is the best time to take that step? Is it important to freeze an audio track before doing the final mix or will it mix the same frozen or unfrozen?
  21. I found the answer. I had to click the Synth button and then MIDI Out as shown in the screen shot below. Now it works.
  22. Note: I found the answer to this question and I posted it below. I have Ovox working in Cakewalk. I am using one MIDI track to pitch correct the vocals in my Audio track. That part is working like a charm. I hear my voice following the MIDI notes in the guide track. I would like to feed the output from Ovox to another MIDI track in Cakewalk to play a synth in Cakewalk. First, I enabled both MIDI Input and MIDI Output in the VST3 drop down box. Following the Ovox manual I set the Synth Source to Sidechain. I think that covers everything, but I'm not 100% sure what they mean by step 3 below. When I press play I hear my pitch corrected vocals, but I hear nothing from the synth in Cakewalk. Has anybody else done this or can anyone guess what I'm missing? Track 3 in Track Inspector is the MIDI track that is waiting to receive and play the MIDI output from Ovox. I set its Input to Ovox Omni. Here is the relevant instruction from the Ovox manual: USING AN EXTERNAL CARRIER OVox can also be used to manipulate external carriers. This option will turn off the plugin’s built-in synthesizer. It allows you to patch any instrument and manipulate it using the vocals—much like a talk box. 1. Open OVox on an audio track. 2. Set the Synth Source to Sidechain. 3. In your DAW route the external carrier to the plugin’s sidechain input. 4. Use the Synth Input controls, Drive, and Gain to adjust the level and the harmonic content of the carrier.
  23. I didn't see that. It wasn't intentional, Maybe it was a copy/paste error. I'll clean that up. Is there a CAL program or something that searches for duplicate notes?
  24. Hmm. My laptop doesn't have a 10-key pad so I guess it wasn't that.
  25. I guess I better dig into the Events for all the tracks and nudge any back to 0 tick to prevent future mishaps.
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