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Tony Carpenter

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  1. I reached that point about 6 months ago when all income dried up. Happy new year, may your inbox be free of plugin receipts :).
  2. Interesting, the advert says it's a V15 plugin, ok, well cool, that I have :). Thanks.
  3. requires V15 waves, so, upgrade time, that I can't afford with no income... so, oh well.
  4. Having no income for 4 months cured me :).
  5. @Bapu So, what's the ToneX like?, you like it?. No, I'm not buying, just curious LOL. I am in definite no spend mode. In fact, I'm in sell to pay the bills mode :((.
  6. I'm sure that will make some people very happy. I still have my original release TX81z rack hardware, still going strong.
  7. Gratz Bap, 35 years here soon, of marriage, 37 years later this year. Where has the time gone...
  8. Bargain prices at the moment for upgrade prices. I HAD been holding up in current circumstances from paying to go from 12, now, dang it |:).
  9. I almost forgot I had this already.. LOL. And hi thanks Larry :).
  10. In employment issues time… literally nothing this year.
  11. Very nice Kenny, great reason to practice. I have mornings where I don’t want to play, but I do. Then I feel better, even if it’s just drums most times now.
  12. To look at old projects occasionally and wonder how I used to write songs…
  13. I remember the first time I saw my awesome 8inch.
  14. Thank you, very comprehensive, and If I was still on Cakewalk I know it was easy back in the day. What I am planning to do is, have my wife make notes of each bit of my kit as it shows up on the window in SD3 and then map what isn't covered afterwards. Appreciate the reply very much. Waiting on wife to have the free time now :). Cheers, Tony
  15. Thanks, I have basically tried that, the window showing all the numbers was what I used. What I haven't successfully done is got them to stick where I need them. Back to the drawing board :). Cheers.
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