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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. Cheers Mark.. I try to step away from conventional song writing much of the time
  2. Only went to court and this happened when i got home...... i guess its a classical mix bag of composition music haha.... Hope you like it, i had fun with the release ....
  3. Mysterious vibe was my last song... ive not done any animation since, takes to long and still learning Cakewalk
  4. you gorra have some lol ... i need to try that red horse beer
  5. I did the animation, took me ages. I could do better and higher quality but takes so long. However i do like doing animation and music
  6. Try refresh its youtube or your system lagging
  7. Friends beach resort that asked me to do a theme tune for a laugh.. he actually loves it....
  8. Nice and bouncy with a touch of old school Floyd to it
  9. whoisp

    A WORD

    Nice and chill, enchanting voice...
  10. If they were both my Ferraris i would give you one nige for the great comment. i drive a rusty van and sold my pride and joy R1 as i needed the cash for my music hobby...
  11. I spent a bit of time at Zephyrhills skydiving, then stayed at Fortbragg for a month training before having 2 weeks holiday at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina’s Atlantic coast, awesome place. i was pretty juiced up on Jack Daniel's with a few navy seals and British para's, i can't really remember too much, was a bit of a blur and mad party's haha
  12. Yorkshire born and bread, west coast rock feel is good enough for me, cheers... maybe a bit of hip hop rock next haha
  13. Finished, that's the direction it went haha
  14. I am real happy with the idea and creativeness of this track wrote on acoustic. i have to be happy with the mix and mastering, best i've done and 5th song now using a DAW, cakewalk is awesome. First time i've used the comping function to some effectiveness. Got carried away with the video intro haha
  15. whoisp

    And Rest

    You can achieve great results with panning, i kept expecting a beat to come in lol
  16. I liking your track. mortal Tears... I see you like doing some video work to. Hopefully i will finish my latest track today Mysterious vibe and then can knock up a video. Probably will keep it simple or get carried away haha
  17. I'm polishing the mixing and mastering, near final stages. Should have a video knocked up with it by next weekend, it takes a different twist
  18. iv'e never been big haha still learning
  19. See where it takes me, its still a mystery haha
  20. My intention to have a busy intro, the mix will sort it out how i want it, this was an idea to get down to do a full song, had to get it down whilst was in head. i will do some more tonight and see what happens. The whole idea was to practice comping as i normally just do a couple of takes and choose one, as i just like writing but ive never done comping as i tend not to get ***** with detail, i like to keep it real and raw, but using a daw is changing me lol
  21. I will try to turn into a good track, the idea is there, see what happens, i just wanted to try some comping for the first time. My acoustic needs a service, its not had one for 10yrs and fingers getting old, there's some buzz ..
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