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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Was using this track for updating my templates and admin on my machine after updates, been a long slog which put me off doing anymore to the track. Not sure whats next as ive been helping a couple of people which sort of interrupted my workflow.
  2. whoisp

    Just be this LOVE!

    Yes and she loved it ?
  3. man i will be sending you tacks over to stick guitar on lol
  4. So you have "SELECT ALL" all the tracks from zero seconds to however long your track is, i then use "EXPORT" to "Bounce" export to wav as a 24 bit 48khz track so i don't loose all that work if i need to change something, then drag and drop to a track or import in....
  5. Had real fun with this one ? builds up all way through, a combination of vocals and rap with samples i created in the layers. Was such a beast to mix the low end with the guitar feedback coming in which was tricky when it hits the guitar section and a cheeky little solo. Had a bit of a cold and i think i could have done the vocals better and let go a bit more... The video does get a bit naughty as the track builds up..... but i have these ideas
  6. Do these free plugins come with a plugin that costs £15 a month ?
  7. I wanted more Aliens and less Demons ?
  8. So its £25 a month for a £29 plugin haha That the only plugin i was interested in testing lol
  9. Waves Scheps Omni Channel was £29 but now of you want to buy it £15 a month is the reality ? All this creative access nonsense, we just want to get on a create music not play with a million plugins
  10. You can create pretty much ANYTHING with the cakewalk stock plugins and some very good free plugins. What is actually worth buying apart from Instruments like synth etc? Maybe Mastering like Ozone, correction like Melodyne and maybe some type of filter like FabFilter (fancy multiband and comp) even though you can do that in cakewalk stock like most of the FX. Waves Scheps Omni Channel was £30 now you got to pay £15 or £25 a month is bloody robbery. Solid Sate Logic do the same £15 a month and i can see more following but they will suffer the wrath of the customers and plugin warehouses like plugin boutique that sold their products fore years making them popular.
  11. Thanx T, iv'e got something in the pipeline now, mojo is back for this one P
  12. Yes i been updating my templates and learning some tricks i wanted to try out. I do love a good experiment
  13. FOUND THE ANNOY ING F**K !!!! ? Sorry for the language but its been a thorn in my ***** So i had a "reference track" in my project template which i also use in the mastering template! After deleting all the common plugins in my project template and mastering template, still no change hmmmm So, i opened a new project and had no issues. So to make sure, i open couple of old projects and still no issues. So hmmm the only different was my latest project and latest mastering project, what was different ha ha harrrrrr "reference track" i was using for mixing and mastering. The strangest issue ever! The reference track must have been 44khz but properties wouldn't tell me if it was 44khz and it had some sort of bug because it kept forcing my projects to 44Khz, my UMC Control Panel whats defaults at 48Khz and my project templates at 48Khz would switch to 44khz on first opening the project and crash or hang. I could hear the click in headphones and opened windows setting and then could see the switch in real time on sound properties switching. Then on 2nd open i notice the project be only working at 44khz and windows sound properties be on 44Khz. Delete refence track and fixed! So for whatever reason the "reference track" had a issue when i dragged and dropped it in given i did not add the track.
  14. I have my own 50 track template with 12 buses and patch's. All my tracks and buses also have pro channel templates with plugins. I best check the latest plugin updates and the latest installed plugins within the time it started (last couple of months). Last thing i want to be doing is starting a new project template. One guy had same problem and he can't remember how he fixed it, sods law
  15. Hi guys, anyone know if this is a known problem to easy fix? Please don't guess with telling me to reinstall or a audio driver issue or install NASA mainframe, unless you know what the issues is with all due respect i don't want to be wasting everyone's time with guessing. THE ISSUE: When i am opening a new project it either hangs on Creating Ui........ which is the last stage of opening project or just disappears so i have to open project a second time. HOWEVER, the second time i open the project, it always works without fail and then the system runs very well, maybe very rare dropout or crash which is not related to this problem but normally me running a million plugins and tracks/buses. I run windows 11 which runs better than win 10 on my system, faster anyway. My system is a beast, its not the CPU or 32gb ram or my ADATA TB drives and fully up to date. It could be something to do with a shortcut filing somewhere and finds it on the next load? The only difference since it started is a CW update, not sure if that caused it or maybe 1 of the 3 plugins i installed in that time or my Novation controller but i would suspect a bug somewhere. Its all happened within the last month or two and because mums been in hospital and ive not been using CW much I'm a bit unclear when it started because my head been stressed with mum hospital etc. Before i start going looking into this myself i was just wanted to know if anyone actually knew what it was so i am not wasting hrs myself or anyone's time kind regards P
  16. whoisp

    Question - not a song

    Sometimes i will record PC or my Phone screen and then cut it up in the video editor The depending where the video is located on social media i may use a Facebook, twitter and youtube downloaders. Careful with copyright but fair use an exception to copyright. Fair use is one of the exceptions in copyright which allows use of copyrighted materials without obtaining permission as long as the use can be considered fair. examples like criticism (politics the system etc) , comments, culture, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research —as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. Open solely to illustrate a point with artist expression. PLEASE NOTE: This does not stop trolls or jealous people reporting you because the system is automated it has flaws! I have had one copyright strike on YouTube because of a troll "claimed" i used his music which i had to rebut with my copyright of music which took months because troll gave fake name and address etc! However then YouTube seen the video then pulled same video but now for Warner Bros copyright (few seconds of a matrix clip) . However YouTube "should" give you 30days to dispute any claims with the owner. Youtube then gave me the wrong owner and not Warner Bros so i could not dispute it as fair use. Fact Youtube then screwed up by going against their own rules which took months to sort out. What i am saying is be careful because peole hide behind keyboards to cause you trouble. However all that should help you, good luck P
  17. Hi guys, anyone know if this is a known problem to easy fix? Please don't guess with telling me to reinstall or a audio driver issue or install NASA mainframe, unless you know what the issues is with all due respect i don't want to be wasting everyone's time with guessing. THE ISSUE: When i am opening a new project it either hangs on Creating Ui........ which is the last stage of opening project or just disappears so i have to open project a second time. HOWEVER, the second time i open the project, it always works without fail and then the system runs very well, maybe very rare dropout or crash which is not related to this problem but normally me running a million plugins and tracks/buses. I run windows 11 which runs better than win 10 on my system, faster anyway. My system is a beast, its not the CPU or 32gb ram or my ADATA TB drives and fully up to date. It could be something to do with a shortcut filing somewhere and finds it on the next load? The only difference since it started is a CW update, not sure if that caused it or maybe 1 of the 3 plugins i installed in that time or my Novation controller but i would suspect a bug somewhere. Its all happened within the last month or two and because mums been in hospital and ive not been using CW much I'm a bit unclear when it started because my head been stressed with mum hospital etc. Before i start going looking into this myself i was just wanted to know if anyone actually knew what it was so i am not wasting hrs myself or anyone's time kind regards P
  18. Im not feeling music in general at the moment
  19. haha i have a pair of Bose Studio, i think they were £399 when first bought them maybe 5yrs ago, the low end is nutz, not good for mixing or tracking but great for playback, they are good for detecting rumble in low end. Iv'e bought a second battery for them as my original was not chartering but it was that charging cable, common problem
  20. Ive always preferred the Sony MDR 750, wasted some serious money on headphones and pretty much tried them all. I can not fault them for price, comfort and sound. Your talking maybe £500 to get something close in my opinion. I never take offense at my work, i like critical feedback because i normally learn something. i know when its just a average track at best what i bang together but i will finished it knowing its weak but use the mix to try things. In a engineering sense i learned much from the track, i did some nice sound design and creating the vocal samples. This track does have clever patches and gate. Patches are good for sidechain and smashing parallel comp. Some of the bass bites i pushed in parts with drums, sort of know what to do but also not what to do... However its a good track when i was riding mountain bike Good tracks just happen and sound great played on dustbin lids lol
  21. Iv'e been updating my templates on last three tracks which have had me distracted, so my mind been concentring on my templates and not the tracks. This was do as a tongue in cheek track for my friend that likes a glass of wine, i can't stand the stuff haha Iv'e not even got any ideas in the pipeline due to home life at moment, so i must sit down and write somethings. I was going to do piano, then Acoustic but today now thinking EDM lol
  22. whoisp

    Sad Day

    It is definitely one of the toughest things ive taken on Wookie. I am a vet, ex para and you can forget all this elite British forces nonsense, nothing compares to getting up at 3 in the morning to screams when you mum falls out of bed and breaks her tib and fib, lifting her in bed when she naked, puke everywhere from her pain, her heart monitor machine flashing red and then waiting 13hrs for a f**king ambulance. She got a heart monitor device by her bed what sends signals to the hospital but did not speed up the process due to her triple heart bypass, kidney disease and diabetes. I don’t even know what’s the point of having this state of the heart (pun) £1000 bit of useless kit by her bed, well some government private firm (Tory Donor) on a large mark-up probably. Yeh it can send a signal to hospital faster than I can call the hospital to wait 13hrs, insane illogical system. The medication Dr always get wrong, now we order it online, Dr authorises it, go and pick it up and only half of it is there or its wrong at least 4 times a year, more petrol and parking for a second trip after number 19 in the queue to speak to the Dr that screwed it up haha. I have to laugh. I’ve only been doing this from 2019, ruined my relationship and I am constantly managing stress, thank the universe for music and cakewalk haha. Unfortunately, I live in the south UK down in Plymouth and all our Family is up North in Leeds which means I do everything on my own without much of a break which as you know is distressing at times, an emotional punch bag and you have to make life sacrifices. I lost a big contract in Philippines that would have pretty much helped me for live financially, to now scraping by but was my choice. All the decisions have been the hardest thing I’ve done, its my mum and totally understands you 100% regarding the Family. People don’t understand, not even Family that are not fully involved doing the work, I get the vibe in the song, we put everything we experience into music, that sometime we can’t say or express. I all always appreciate people’s music and can hear where people’s moods and emotions were at the time of writing. Theres two types of songs, (i) the people that just writes a song, traditional verse chorus etc chooses something to write about, maybe a experience they had in the past or they have a idea from a riff etc mush of these can sound manufactured. Then there’s the songs what we just write in the moment, from what’s happening in our life, the feelings and emotions we going through, they are the best songs, the real songs we write with mood which your doing here.
  23. I did a few vocals in my friends studio and used his headphones for tracking, he spent £500 on them and they were awful, my £70 Sony MDR 750 are miles better, all i could hear was low end and that was with him cutting. Sent me the stems and they were weak as hell haha People prefer different set ups for sure
  24. I tested it through sub and its sort of on the limit in places, headphones is always tricky given every bodies system and now the modern headphones with pre amp bass boast
  25. whoisp

    Sad Day

    My mums out of Hospital for the 3rd time since I moved her into my place in 2019. I give a good level of care and totally understand how hard it is with anyone close. Well it can ruin relationships or you can find out who someone really is. Its stressful, lonely and can create that sad vibe for sure. I try to stay away from sad songs but i do appreciate listening to other peoples real expression. Nice work Wookie
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