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Fret Flintstone

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Everything posted by Fret Flintstone

  1. Anything that needs re-authing, we are of course using the new serial numbers from the new site?. Everyone is on Win10 v1909 or later? I'm still on 1903 and happy there, thus I haven't tried installing 3.4 as yet, all I've done is the site to site migration thing and that went without a hitch. After I make a backup copy of my System drive and my BFD drive I 'll let Win10 update to 1909 and give it a whirl.
  2. Here is a post on Gearspace from Drew regarding some issues
  3. True Iron is of course very good and well known, like Dirk would say, 'I use it on every track' but it's true I do. True Dynamics seems to fly under a lot of peoples radar, but it can be Truely Excellent in the right place, very nice piece of gear. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Although I was far from a fan of Thermionik, never use it to be honest, I am waiting to checkout his new Amp Sim AmpCraft when it arrives.
  4. Have you tried upgrading your BFD Eco for $49.00? It says it's eligible.
  5. https://forum.bfddrums.com/t/lost-in-migration/95
  6. The new Forum is starting to liven up, so that might be the place to go now. https://forum.bfddrums.com/
  7. I've got all of them, and every one of them is well worth the price of entry, even more so on sale.
  8. You can follow the discussions in the following threads if you like , most important to least in descending order. The person going by the nick 'Amberience' is Drew, an Ex FXpansion employee who is now with inMusic. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=543822 (Recent comments start around Page 13) https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=554563 https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=564127
  9. As mentioned before, the likely outcome for people with BFD(1) and or BFD2, is that they are going to give you either BFD Eldorado and or BFD London Sessions free. - - - - - - - - - - - - They have stated many times on other forums that their intention is that no one will loose anything they had before this change. So they will work any issues out, it just takes time.
  10. For the people who BFD(1) and or BFD2, and are have trouble getting that content to show up under BFD3.4, Drew had this to say . . . https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=543822&start=333 I miss out again as I already own these, purchased ages ago so as I didn't have to install BFD(1) OR BFD(2), anyway there you have it.
  11. Found it https://www.bfddrums.com/company/press-release/bfd-website-software-update-portal-expansion.html
  12. Well I read it somewhere, but can't find it again ATM. There is this from Drew (x FXpansion, now inMusic) I'll paste the whole post and highlight a few relevant bits. The page I can't listing what was changed that I can't find also list a number (10 - 12?) of AIR music FX that they apparently added to BFD3. (That bit made me a little sad)
  13. I was thinking that as well, but seeing as I think pretty much all of it is shit, I might draw the stop line here. IMO/YMMV
  14. Will still work with BFD2/3, at least pre sign over and 3.4
  15. hmmmm, a free expansion pack is of no use to me, I own them all already. I can live without 3.4, I'm already 1 or 2 versions back and quite happy there, I don't have any issues. I'm going to wait it out and see what gives, I can still download everything from the old site if needed, plus I have multiple copies of everything stored away. inMusic not a good sign, but will have to see what happens in the future.
  16. Seven - Seventh Black Sabbath - Seventh Star
  17. Screaming - Screaming Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance
  18. Latest IS a third WILL be required.
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