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Everything posted by IgoRr

  1. I specifically emphasized: the graphics driver is the latest version, as are ALL other drivers for all elements of the system (C++ too), I always monitoring this very strictly. And my system is configured within the maximum possible limits, all (!) elements of antivirus and security programs and services, except for Firewall, have been completely removed from the system (Defender; Smartscreen). But these settings almost certainly cannot be the cause of such an anomaly, because I did not change anything in the settings, and such a failure appeared only in the latest version of Sonar. I opened ProChannel not in the console (mixer), but in the "Inspector" window in main project window, at that moment the thought did not occur to me to check the same thing in the console display. And such an incorrect display concerned any (!) audio or instrumental track, or buses when opened at the bottom of the main project window. But I have repeatedly tried to close/open the "Inspector", as I said above, and this does not solve the problem. If I have such an anomaly again, of course, I will immediately take screenshots and post them here.
  2. Good day! A couple of days ago, I discovered a small and very strange bug - after some time of continuous work with the project, when opening ProChannel, the display of modules is shifted to the left by several centimeters, so that only a little more than half of all the content is visible vertically. No actions can restore the normal display, neither by minimizing the project/Sonar window itself, nor by closing/opening the "Inspector", nor by changing its location to the right, the normal display is restored only after completely closing Sonar and starting the project again. Unfortunately, I did not take screenshots of these incidents, but this is the first time this has happened in the entire time I have been using this version. I have enough hardware for normal operation - Intel i3 8350K, all hard drives are SSD, two of them are Samsung 970 Evo Plus (NVMe 2.0), 32 GB RAM, Steinberg UR22C sound card, but there is no discrete graphics card, I work on the integrated Intel UHD 630 Graphics with the latests drivers, could this be the cause of such anomalies? Until this moment, nothing like this had ever happened before, which surprised me so much.
  3. No, but the basic version can be downloaded and installed for free using the "Check for updates" option in the "Help" menu, you will have all available free add. elements, among which there will be Melodyne. But it is best to have the "Pro" (studio) version installed, it works better and can be used in standalone format (Standalone).
  4. This bug concerns not only Sonar and not only the latest version, in older versions of SONAR Platinum, and in Cakewalk by Bandlab, this also sometimes happened. In some projects, an anomaly was noticed - a double click does not always work, tracks, a piano rolland some other elements does not open, etc. This happened to me literally 5-6 times in all the years of using Cakewalk products, but even in relatively new projects, made in Cakewalk by Bandlab versions, for unknown reasons such an anomaly occurs. I have repeatedly tried to copy MIDI tracks to a new empty project, I even tried to copy only notes to avoid transferring this anomaly to another project, but nothing changed - a double click works once in 10-20 attempts. And in the latest versions of Cakewalk by Bandlab and the new Sonar, in these projects this anomaly remains. Has something similar happened to any of the users, or is it just me? Poor mouse operation is excluded, because in other projects, even very old ones, this does not happen, but in some isolated cases it becomes almost impossible to control some elements by double-clicking.
  5. Thank you very much for your painstaking work on our favorite program! It is very pleased that with each new version, Sonar is becoming an increasingly perfect, complete and powerful instrument for convenient and productive work with music!
  6. Good day! Today I discovered a serious bug - I had previously saved a ProChannel configuration preset, and when I tried to load this previously saved preset onto several audio tracks, Sonar immediately crashed. I repeated the attempt 10 times, tried adding to a different number of tracks at the same time, but even when adding to 2 tracks, Sonar crashed again. The same situation is repeated when trying to add presets to buses. When adding to one track or bus, everything works normally. I did all this in an empty template without any content and with minimal consumption of system resources.
  7. Hello! Have you changed the interface scaling settings in Sonar? If you have, try to return the scale to 100%, apply the setting, close Sonar, and after restarting, everything should be fixed. And after a normal image in ProChannel, you can again adjust the scale at your discretion. And if you did not change the scaling, then try to change it in any direction by 5%, I had exactly the same problem after installing the very first "beta", which was fixed after changing the scaling.
  8. You need to select in the general "Preferences", in the "Playback and Recording" section - "Wasapi Shared", in the "Dithering" field select "None", then confirm "Apply" at the bottom right, and after that in the "Driver Settings" and "Devices" sections, you will see your Realtek sound device and sound will appear when playing projects.
  9. Hi all! I had a problem - I was not connected to the network for about 3 weeks, and did not use Cakewalk during this time. Now, when you start Sonar, a sign pops up at the bottom right: “Database connection failed. Assigned plugin categories and names will be unavailable,” and prompts you to "click here" on the button. The BandLab website opens, but then I can’t find a single hint on what to do. This is a very unpleasant incident, now the canopy has a network connection, but this sign does not go away, and I cannot organize the plugins section. How can I solve this problem?
  10. Hi all! I had a problem - I was not connected to the network for about 3 weeks, and did not use Sonar during this time. Now, when you start Sonar, a sign pops up at the bottom right: “Database Connection Filed. Assigned Plugin Category and Names will Be Unavailable,” and prompts you to click on the button. The BandLab website opens, but then I can’t find a single hint on what to do. This is a very unpleasant incident, now the canopy has a network connection, but this sign does not go away, and I cannot organize the plugins section. How can I solve this problem?
  11. This latest version 2023.09.062 is the last final release of this DAW Cakewalk by Bandlab. After this version, two new projects will be developed: Cakewalk Next and Sonar, while they are in beta versions.
  12. Thank you very much for the clarification! How can I download the complete (standalone) installer so as not to depend on the previous release? I already asked this question in the “early access” topic, and someone from your team answered me that most likely the full installer will be published. Did I understand correctly that if I don’t have Cakewalk installed on my system at all, or if a version earlier than 2022.11 is installed, then when I run the “Installer” file, the latest release will be downloaded in full format? If so, where exactly will it be downloaded, and how to save it on my hard drive?
  13. When you click on the "Download" button on the Bandlab website, the so-called "Installer" is downloaded, when you launch it, you can select elements to install, but the installer itself (full) cannot be downloaded, it can only be installed through this program. But I can’t do this either - it says “You already have the latest available version installed.” I have the Early Access version installed, and now I don’t know what to do to install the final release.
  14. Many thanks to the development team for putting so much effort into the latest release!!! Friends, tell me: how can I update the version if I already have Early Access installed? When you enter the "Help - Check for updates" section, a pop-up link at the bottom right says: "You already have the latest version installed." Is there any way to download the installer itself for this latest release? Thanks in advance for the information!
  15. This is a completely natural phenomenon when, in older versions of even the same program, new projects are harder and slower, because the purpose of updates is to refine old versions, optimize the consumption of system resources, etc. The program, at its core, remains the same, it’s just now more powerful, more flexible and more “packed” with modern tools for music production, and it’s completely logical that in the old version of Sonar, all these new features cannot work as easily as in older versions.
  16. I confirm - that everything is exactly the same for me, and this has been happening for at least 3-4 years, and maybe more, I just didn’t pay attention to it before. I think that this is a minor bug that simply no one pays much attention to and does not point it out to the developers.
  17. Greetings! A couple of my good friends had sound cards from Roland and MOTU for some time, and sometime they had similar problems after some random overload of Cakewalk. For them, this was caused by the fact that the audio card driver dropped, which had to be reinstalled after such cases. I am not an expert in driver issues, but some audio card manufacturers still have similar bugs until this day. First, check whether you have any system sound at all (play some music or video, open YouTube, etc.), and if you find any problems, reinstall the audio card driver. Personally, I was lucky, this never happened to any of the audio cards I used, but I remember such cases with my friends, maybe what I told you will help you.
  18. I dare to voice a proposal: since this version will be the last for the current Cakewalk by Bandlab, it would be excellent to have a FULL offline installer in order not to depend on the availability of the latest release. I'm sure that publishing the full installer will not be difficult for the baker team, and all Cakewalk users would be grateful for this! Thank you very much for your work, I am happy to work in the best and most convenient DAW for creating and editing music!
  19. Dear Steve! Thank you so much for your great tools to improve your Sonar/Cakewalk experience! I am currently using the latest version of CbB Tools_2.0.13 and would like to ask for a link to an updated resource with new versions. Version 2.0.10 is still posted on the official resource, I got lost and now I can’t even find the page from which I downloaded version 2.0.13 ? Bl would really appreciate a link to a page with updated downloads of new versions! Sincerely, Igor!
  20. You can try to load this project in the following way: launch Cakewalk (Sonar), and from the "File" menu (or CTRL+O), select this project in the browser, first hold down the Shift key, and double-click on the project file to start loading the project. This is the so-called "safe mode", in which Cakewalk will show you the options to load/refuse each plugin/instrument that is in the project. In most cases, even if you load all the elements in this mode, the project can load normally. But if still not, then do not download the Melodyne plugin in your case, after the open project, you can add it manually.
  21. It would not be superfluous to have the option of scaling the text size in different places of the interface, I don’t know how difficult it is to implement, but I’m sure that 99.99% of users would be most grateful for this option!
  22. For me personally, it will be enough to be able to make the background in the piano roll light (not negative, as it is now), and so that the current theme "Tungsten" remains.
  23. Personally, I will not switch to any other DAW under any temptations, and not because I am a stupid fanatic, but because I came to Cakewalk (still the old Cakewalk Aduio 4) consciously in the process of trying different DAWs. I liked the versions of the X line, especially the latest releases, I liked the Platinum version the most, and when the brand was closed, I was not too upset, because I had in my hands the best DAV at that time! And now I'm absolutely not worried, because I have the current version of Cakewalk by Bandlab. So, any one commercial or technical changes (except for deterioration), will change my admiration and pleasure to work with Cakewalk products! Thanks to all the people who took and take part in their development and bringing to perfection!
  24. So far, there is not even a rough interface for the new Sonar anywhere, but I am almost completely sure that for editing/creating custom skins, a new Theme Editor will be offered, as it is now for Cakewalk, or the current version will work for the new Sonar.
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