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  1. I've never had such bugs, but there are a couple of unexplained bugs with the absence of text (name of modules) in the menu for adding modules in ProChannel, and in the pop-up hint field near the cursor on the "automatisms" line, I already wrote about these bugs here. But all the other functionality in Sonar/Cakewalk works completely normally and reliably, and in the latest build, this strange thing appeared. I checked the setting you specified - I had this option disabled, I tried to enable it, checked - the same thing, then disabled it again - nothing changed again. Do I understand correctly that most users do not have this (as in my GIF) in the latest version of Sonar?
  2. I am grateful to you for your help, but I already said - in any (!) project, the same thing happens to me - the buttons in ProChannel are not displayed as enabled, it does not depend on the number of tracks, or the number of instruments or processing. I can send any project, but I just thought - if everything is exactly the same in an empty project, is it easier to send an empty one? That's why I asked you - does it make sense?
  3. Yes, I have already updated the C++ libraries several times directly from the source using the bakers' link in the Sonar discussion. I updated these sets before using DaVinci for the first time (I have a portable version), and after using it, after installing Adobe Acrobat, after reinstalling Sonar, etc., I am sure that this can be excluded from the reasons. And regarding sending the project file - I can send an empty project (template), in which I have everything exactly the same as on the GIF, does this make sense?
  4. Yes, I understand that ProChannel is enabled but not displayed, and yes - when you press any "ON" button, all other buttons also start to display. That's why I published this GIF here, because in the previous version of Sonar this did not happen. And it happens in any project, even in an empty template, I don't even know what to send in such a case. At the moment, some problems with graphics continue, one thing is fixed, but other failures appear. I work on the integrated Intel UHD Graphics 630 graphics, on which absolutely everything else works completely normally (including Adobe Photoshop and the latest version of DaVinci Resolve), the latest driver is installed in the system.
  5. Hello! In the latest version of Sonar, when opening the mixer (console), the ProChannel power buttons are displayed as not enabled. After selecting tracks, the display becomes normal. This is repeated constantly each time the mixer is opened.
  6. A great alternative to your old headphones, in the price range you indicated, would be the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones, these are excellent studio closed monitor headphones, they fold quite compactly due to the hinged design, and have 3 different cables of different lengths in the set, which can be detached. They cost about $ 150.
  7. Try writing something similar about using Cubase or Logic Pro X for free, it would be interesting to hear their response. Why does everyone want to have the best of everything, but necessarily and only for free? Why is automobile fuel not free, bread, sugar, even quality water from the tap? And who's stopping you from using all those free DAW you're so optimistic about?
  8. Try the free program Avidemux portable ( the latest version is at the very end of the list), it has a lot of tools that you can use to do everything you mentioned - cut, join, cut unnecessary fragments, etc.. The program is very lightweight, stable, quite intuitive, and doesn't require any special effort to master, and leaves no traces in the system.
  9. I think this is the strangest statement possible, for I have Sonar working perfectly fine, except for a few graphical issues (for my particularly), but the rest of the functionality is fully functional and reliable. I used Waves Abbey Road TG Mastering plugin for several years, and it worked in all previous versions of Sonar/Cakewalk by Bandlab, I can't say now, because I don't use it now. From the outside it looks like you have problems in your system, since there were conflicts with this plugin and Sonar itself doesn't work for you. In what specific cases do you have Sonar crashes, at what actions, at what combination of plugins, can you post a dump file here, so we can try to reproduce your specific situation with crashes?
  10. I don't want to argue, but personally I look at these things differently: if we are talking about choosing a specific DAW for working with musical material (recording, editing, working with MIDI, etc.), then first of all I look at the capabilities and convenience of the program itself, how well I understand its structure, how convenient it is for me to control the functions, navigate in the workspace, endurance in cases of large projects, etc. And if all (or most) of these parameters suit me, or at least it is more convenient and understandable than some other DAW, then this will determine my choice. Of course, I would like the selected DAW to already have a built-in set of the most advanced and powerful plugins and other tools, but even if this is not the case, all this is now available in completely industrial quantities, and the bulk - at quite affordable prices, and some part - even for free. Regarding specifically Sonar/Cakewalk - this DAW from the manufacturer already has several sets of excellent plugins built in, which can hardly envy most of even the most modern paid plugins of the level of brands iZotope, Brainworks, IK Multimedia, etc. Even without taking into account the outboard plugins from the Sonitus set, in the ProChannel section there are 5-6 excellent plugins - PC2A Leveling Amplifier, PC Concrete Limiter, Console Emulator, Tape Emulator, a good set of one-handed plugins from the Style FX set. Specifically, PC2A Leveling Amplifier very accurately emulates the famous LA-2A from Teletronics, and PC Concrete Limiter, when turned on, saturates the sound with luxurious warm "transformer" harmonics without even crossing the threshold, as well as two more saturators - Console Emulator and Tape Emulator. And if you also use add-on plugins from Sonitus, the picture becomes quite favorable even without the need to look for something additional. But I repeat once again: when choosing a DAW, first of all, I evaluate the working environment itself, its clarity, intuitiveness, convenience and speed for productive work, and the factor of the presence of plugins is far from the most important issue, in my opinion.
  11. Try this one: TX16Wx Software Sampler, it works perfectly in both Sonar and Cakewalk, it's free (for a limited time) and the tool itself is well implemented, organized, and very intuitive!
  12. I described everything in detail in the very first post: at some point, Sonar stopped starting (opening), and I wanted to find out the reason and a way to fix it. I was already told how to fix Sonar starting, but I still haven't figured out the reason.
  13. What a coincidence - I've been using ASIOLink for years now and I have no problems with it either! Thank you very much for the tip, I didn't know about this method, it will help me a lot in the future! 🙏 @msmcleod While you are here, I wanted to ask: how can I make Sonar (Cakewalk) record a USB microphone (from a Logitech webcam), there is no ASIO driver for it, and I can’t connect it to the DAW audio path via ASIOLink. For OBS Studio (recorder display), I used a small utility Cockos ReaPlugs, which allowed me to connect the output from Sonar and the input to OBS Studio. Maybe there is a way to do the same but for the USB microphone input inside ASIOLink itself, so that it would be possible to record it into DAW? Thanks in advance!
  14. Yes, that's true, I checked that too, of course, but to be honest, the contrast of some elements in light themes is not very comfortable for the eyes if I work in daylight, even with intentionally increased brightness settings on the monitor, sometimes you have to make a noticeable effort to see them.
  15. The thing is that I didn’t figure it out, and I would really like to find out the reason for this behavior of Sonar, and find out if there is a way to launch Sonar with preliminary audio driver settings, but I didn’t get any answers.
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