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Everything posted by Rogério

  1. nvm, it was because "Show Multiple Lanes" was enabled....?
  2. I use soft synths a lot and every time I need to include one, I have to click on the Insert -> Soft Synth menu and then choose the desired item. Is there any way to leave this soft synths menu open in some area to avoid going through these 3 steps?
  3. It could be, but this way I would always have to manually turn it on every time I open the project manually...
  4. I have a Sonarworks Reference plugin active on my final bus. I know I have to disable it when I will render my project, to avoid distortions. However, the plugin is throwing this message every time I OPEN THE PROJECT. I think nothing is rendered when opening a project, right? Does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. This was the problem. I have multiple monitors and for some reason the PRV was opening on the monitor that was turned off. I found the PRV open there, manually pushed it to the main monitor and saved the project and now it's working. Too bad Cakewalk doesn't have an easier option to fix this. Thanks.
  6. I think you're referring to "Manage Workspaces", right? Still, nothing changes. Maybe the problem has nothing to do with workspaces. Vídeo.mp4
  7. Found it, set to "None" (it changes it to "workspace") but sill can't open PRV. Also tested with other perspective views (advanced, arranger, etc.) and none of them can open PRV
  8. Sorry, I don't know what Perspective View is nor where it is, also I didn't find it in documentation.
  9. It's been a while since I've used Cakewalk. Today I went to open a project, performed the requested update (it was version 2024.02 build 098 64 bits), and I can no longer open Piano Roll. I created a project from scratch, opened a new midi track and the PRV still doesn't open. Neither by double-clicking on the midi clip, nor via the menu, PRV does not open, nor does it appear in the list of open windows, nor in the dock. Below is a video to show this: Vídeo.mp4
  10. This problem has existed for many years and so far has not been fixed. I have projects that involve multiple VST, audio tracks, and mastering plugins. A lot of RAM e a lot of time to completely load the project. In some projects, when I export audio with fast bounce, the result is imperfect (reverb errors, etc.). In this case, I am obliged to export the audio with the "Render in Real-time" option activated. But, to use "Render in Real-time", the VST libraries have to be fully loaded, all Windows cache operation has to be completed, and I have to play the track a few times for everything to get into memory correctly. Now, I think that fast bounce should be the most accurate option of all, that is, if a plugin or a VST is not fully loaded, fast bounce should wait until all this is resolved; a reverb should be completely calculated, right? That is, I think that fast bounce would be something like bit-by-bit, there shouldn't be any errors. But unfortunately, fast bounce rarely works perfectly. Will I be forced to go through the "via crucis" above whenever I want to export audio from a large project?
  11. Too bad, this should be improved. Actually I didn't know that, because I'm using mp3 files to send a preview to my client via WhatsApp... I'll look into it. What are you talking about?
  12. Every time I export audio to MP3, I always have to redo the MP3 encoder setups, as it always returns to this format: Is there any way to memorize the previous setup?
  13. http://forum.cakewalk.com/LEGATOCAL-Bug-I-created-a-revised-version-m3780325.aspx
  14. You can all stop these questions by adopting my solution on the first post.
  15. You're right, sorry, I think I'm suffering from dyslexia... ?
  16. As the scook's solution wasn't working either, I ended up discovering what the whole problem was: I have to focus the video window first, in order to be able to advance and rewind one frame. Nothing worked because I was focused on Track View. ? With the focus on Video View, you don't even need to create new shortcut keys: left arrow and right arrow already do the work of advancing and rewinding a frame, respectively.
  17. Have you tested before? Nudge won't work on track view, won't move the navigation ruler.
  18. I'm trying to assign a key to advance and back 1 video frame, it's not working: I've tried other keys, but it seems CbC is ignoring all these keys... How to advance / step back one frame?
  19. Also, you can clean the duplicate midi notes by using my Undupe2.cal script: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Deprecated-quotUNDUPECALquot-Bug-I-created-a-revised-version-m3779958.aspx
  20. Thanks, but my question is exactly how to create a tempo by tapping it on the keyboard, as it is done currently in Fit Improvisation. This is because the tempo variation is more intuitive this way.
  21. I have a 100% quantized midi track. I want to create a tempo variation, based on a manual tap of my keyboard. Apparently Fit Improvisation does the opposite, that is, if I had a midi track that is NOT quantized and I wanted to make it quantized using a reference track with the beat. How can I do this?
  22. Nudge is removing Sustain (CC 64). Even with no controllers selected, if I use Nudge left or right for some notes in PRV, it will delete some CC 64: I attached a sample project to confirm that. Nudge-Sustain.cwp
  23. While the bakers does not implement new keyboard shortcuts, I created an alternative solution some functions that I use a lot and that are currently only accessible via mouse. Below are the functions and their respective keyboard shortcuts, which will work via Autohotkey: Unsolo All Tracks: Win+S Piano Roll View-> Transform Toll On/Off: Win+T Piano Roll View-> Transform Toll -> Autofocus (On/Off): Ctrl+Win+T Piano Roll View-> View -> Show Multiple Lanes (On/Off): Ctrl+Win+L To install and use, follow these steps: Install Autohotkey on your Windows. Download "Cakewalk_Alt_Keys.zip" (attached to this post) and unzip in to a folder you want (example, Desktop) Double click on the script "Cakewalk_alt_keys.ahk" to activate it. It will be resident on the Windows task bar. Now, inside CbB, you can use the additional keyboard shortcuts above. Cakewalk_Alt_Keys.zip
  24. You were right! Now I remember that I had been through this situation once and "Zap All" solved the problem. ? Thank you very much!
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