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About Psalmist35

  • Birthday July 22

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  1. No! I found zooming in wil cause the wave form to appear. This has happened on multiple occasions where I import an audio file. Strange
  2. Good day folks. Long time user here. I have a recent issue that is irratating me to no end. When importing an audi file into track view the wave form is not visible. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Hello Bit! Sorry for the delay in replying. I have Omnisphere installed on my Mac and PC. It was working fine on the Mac until recently and I just can't figure out why this is happening. This is the default screen I get and I am not able to get to the usual, familiar, screen. It opens up correctly with the stand alone executable. I think this might be isolated to Mainstage.
  4. So I purchased a Macbook Pro a couple years ago specifically for the purpose to play live with my keyboard sounds inside Mainstage. It is now my primary keyboard rig. Anyway, I noticed that Omnisphere isnt behaving correctly. Has anyone ever seen this screen before. I'm thinking I might need to reinstall omnisphere.
  5. This is a great tribute to your friend! Both diseases are devastating to both the victim and their families. I’m sure your friend would appreciate your kind gesture! Good job on the vocal and mix! Guitar is rock’n!
  6. Reese! Great hearing from you again! I was working in your neck of the woods this time last year for about 6 mo. Then I became a casualty of COVID and my employer decided to let me go. LOL! Another reason to be thankful! Thanks for dropping in!
  7. It's been a crazy year. I certainly have so much to be thankful for. This is a cover tune of a song performed by Kristian Stanfill. Harmony performed by my daughter! Everthing else by yours truly! https://soundclick.com/r/s8fpx5 Plugins used: Omnisphere, Keyscape, EZ Drummer, Unify and various
  8. **SOLVED**: I posted this issue in the wrong thread earlier. I am copy/pasting here with updated info: I was not experiencing any of the issues previously noted but I opted to do the update anyway ( Now I have several issues I did not have before. 1. When recording audio I do not see the waveform preview while recording. Once the recording session is stopped the waveform is generated as expected. However this is annoying since I am not able to receive any realtime visual feedback. 2. I have completely lost ALL ability to record MIDI. Another user posted a link allowing me to rollback to 2020.09 (Thanks Steve Harder), unfortunately reverting back to 2020.09 does NOT fix my new issues. Something is definitely broken now. Opening Sonar Platinum reveals all works as expected. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. EDIT: Note: Completely uninstalling and re-installing CW does not fix my issues. I might have to go into the registry to completely wipe CbB off of my machine. This is really frustrating. I was just starting a new project. Thanks in advance **SOLVED**: Project were corrupted after the update. My project is basically trash now and have to copy/paste to fix it! Rich
  9. Thanks Steve. I cannot explain why but, reverting back to 2020.09 does NOT fix my new issues. Something is definitely broken now. I am still having the same troubles. Opening Sonar Platinum reveals all works as expected. This really sucks cuz I have been loving CbB. Sorry for posting in the wrong thread. This should have been posted elsewhere. **SOLVED** See above post Rich
  10. **SOLVED** I was not experiencing any of the issues noted but I opted to do the update anyway ( Now I have several issues I did not have before. 1. When recording audio I do not see the waveform preview while recording. Once the recording session is stopped the waveform is generated as expected. Howeve this is annoying since I am not able to receive any visual feedback. 2. I have completely lost ALL ability to record MIDI. How can I roll back to a previous version? Windows restore did not work. **SOLVED** - Project was corrupted after the update. Thanks in advance Rich
  11. I know, Iknow! We haven't even had Thanksgiving yet but, the local radio stations started playing Christmas music 24/7 two weeks ago. So I thought I'd recycle a song I did in 2012 by updating the mix. I've learned a bit since then ? Feel free to post a cover of your favorite Christmas song here if you like. Please Come Home for Christmas: https://soundclick.com/r/s8f4ev Bass - Warren W. (Pugtones) Guitar Solo - Mark C. (Clean) Note: I knew the above musicians from the old Cakewalk Forum. I'm not certain they participate here. Regards, Rich Edit: Added song title and credits
  12. Nice job Daryl. Reminds me of Pomplamoose on youtube. Rich
  13. LOL! My primary instrument is Saxophone (Tenor, Alto, Soprano). Years ago I was part of a Smooth Jazz ensemble for about 10 years. I suppose I failed to remove the default "Smooth Jazz" category when I posted the song. Thanks for letting me know. I need to fix that! Rich
  14. Yeah! I feel your pain! I was soooooooo frustrated this morning trying play along with some youtube videos to learn a song! Regards, Rich
  15. Scook, Thanks for the reply. It was a driver incompatibility issue between Windows and my MOTU 896HD. **FIXED** Thanks!
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