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Jim Roseberry

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Everything posted by Jim Roseberry

  1. Keep in mind that we (DAW users) are a minuscule group (number wise) compared to the general-purpose and gaming computer users. That's why the reviewers don't worry about audio testing...
  2. As someone who's built DAWs professionally for going on 30 years, here are my thoughts on AMD's latest offerings: The 3970x (Threadripper) and 3950x (Ryzen 9) have very little OC headroom. Little to none... (same with the 3960x) If you get a Threadripper or Ryzen 9 with the idea of locking all cores at anywhere close to the maximum turbo frequency, you'll be disappointed. sTRX4 motherboards have active-cooled chipsets. You can get quiet 360mm water-cooler, quiet PS, quiet case, etc. If you're used to something like a i9-9900k (which runs near dead-silent on quality air-cooling), the high RPM fan noise (whine) is particularly annoying. Threadripper has a TDP of 280w. (large water-cooler absolutely necessary) Intel Socket-2066 i9 CPUs have a TDP of 165w (water-cooling necessary but will run relatively quiet - chipset not active cooled) The Ryzen 9 has a TDP of 105w (near dead-silent with large quality air-cooler) The i9-9900k has a TDP of 95w (near dead-silent with large quality air-cooler) Threadripper and Ryzen 9 excel at heavily multi-threaded scenarios. Video rendering is a perfect example. For video rendering, Threadripper smokes Intel i9 CPUs. Where Threadripper and Ryzen 9 are weak (compared to the i9 CPUs) is pushing heavy loads at super small ASIO buffer sizes (ultra low latency). This is a scenario that doesn't lend itself to heavy multi-threading. The higher clock-speed of Intel's i9 is a significant benefit in these types of situations. Not every process in a DAW can be multi-threaded. This is why clock-speed is still so important. Another thing to note is that performance gain from adding cores doesn't scale 1:1. IOW, Doubling the number of cores doesn't double performance. This is why you don't want to chose more cores at the expense of significant clock-speed. Doing so will result in a performance "hit" (for all but heavily multi-threaded scenarios). Why do I always mention the i9-9900k? At $500, it offers a great balance of performance/cost/noise. The 9900k can run all 8 cores locked at 5GHz. You've got super high clock-speed... and 16 processing threads. The 9900k will do so rock-solid... running near dead-silent. Based on all the above, I was ultimately more intrigued by the 3950x. I've tested it with both 360mm water-cooling... as well as large/quality air-cooling. With its significantly lower TDP (105w vs 280w for Threadripper), it'll run as quiet as the 9900k. Interestingly, when running 360mm water-cooling, there was no appreciable performance increase. If you're talking "all core" clock-speed, the 3950x will top out ~4GHz (maybe 4.1GHz). AMD is winning at IPC (instructions per clock). However, Intel is winning at overall clock-speed. Again, for all those scenarios that can't be heavily multi-threaded, the (relatively) inexpensive 9900k is going to best most CPUs. One other thing to keep in mind... is that with AMD, you may see some flaky behavior. Some of the motherboards don't allow you to disable things like onboard audio. Not all software/plugins are optimized for AMD CPUs. To be fair, this really isn't the fault of Threadripper or Ryzen 9. So what's my verdict on Threadripper and Ryzen 9? If you're fairly tech-savvy and know what you're getting into... and especially if you're working with video rendering, you'll be fine with Threadripper/Ryzen 9. I'd liken the scenario to old MG sports cars. Can be a lot of fun... but may require "turning the wrench". ie: During several months of testing Threadripper and Ryzen 9 (including using the 3970x and 3950x in my main studio DAW), I had to reset BIOS numerous times (across multiple builds using multiple motherboards). That's not a big deal for me personally, but for less-tech savvy... or those under pressure, it's not a welcome event. As someone who builds machines for professional composers on demanding tight deadlines, there's absolutely no way I'd build a Threadripper or Ryzen based machine for the likes of Fred Coury, Timothy Wynn, Wayne Bacer, Evan Jolly, Noah Lifschey, etc.
  3. If you're looking for a small tube-amp for the home studio, you might want to check out either the Revv D-20 or the Revv G20 (depending on the amount of gain you're looking for). Both are 20w tube amps (12ax7 preamp tubes, 6v6 power tubes) Embedded Two-Notes reactive-load (can be used without connecting a cab) and Torpedo Cab sim (can run two simultaneous Cab IRs) 9-lbs $1200-$1300 I just got the G20... and it sounds/responds great.
  4. I wasn't interested... until watching the video. I thought it was just auto-generated bass parts. The ability to drag drum/guitar parts into EZBass... is a whole different animal. For complex "tutti" type parts, that could save a lot of time/effort! Even if you prefer recording real electric bass, it would still be useful to (quickly) map out parts.
  5. Was only an issue on the AMD motherboards.
  6. Does your machine have Thunderbolt-3? How important is lowest possible round-trip latency? Do you have dedicated mic preamps? Impossible to make a good recommendation without more specific details. ?
  7. I've been programming a Montage for live use... and have really been enjoying the synth-engine. Unlike past units, there's no separate "single-patch" and "multi-patch" paradigm. All patches are "Performances". Each performance can use up to 8 internal parts (individual sounds). Each individual sound can be comprised of up to 8 "elements" (oscillators)... with some advanced triggering/switching options. Not as flexible as Kontakt, but you can setup some advanced/detailed sounds. If you're working with your own samples, John Melas' "Waveform Editor" is a tremendous help... as is Sample Robot. I like having a balance of hardware and software synths. Each have strengths/weaknesses.
  8. I've been programming a Montage for live use... and have really been enjoying the synth-engine. Unlike past units, there's no separate "single-patch" and "multi-patch" paradigm. All patches are "Performances". Each performance can use up to 8 internal parts (individual sounds). Each individual sound can be comprised of up to 8 "elements" (oscillators)... with some advanced triggering/switching options. Not as flexible as Kontakt, but you can setup some advanced/detailed sounds. If you're working with your own samples, John Melas' "Waveform Editor" is a tremendous help... as is Sample Robot. I like having a balance of hardware and software synths. Each have strengths/weaknesses.
  9. FWIW, I'd sit on the decision for a while... to make sure it's not "burn-out", "odd-times" we're currently living thru, etc. Speaking for myself, I've loved music since my earliest memories. I almost feel like it chose me (rather than me choosing to love music). My grandfather was an opera-singer (died before I got to know him), so it may be genetic. I can't imagine totally letting music go. The technical side has kept me occupied to the point where I haven't much time/energy to write/record my own music. The older I get, there's a growing sense of urgency to "find" more (some) time for writing/recording. I've watched my step-father go thru retirement. He's planned well and is fine financially, but he wakes up each day bored out of his mind. He's bought new "toys" (takes a custom truck to shows), but it seems like a poor substitute for things he was passionate about. If retirement means leaving behind things I've loved my entire life, I want no part of it. I want to be around music until the day I pass. In any event, take the ramblings of a 53 year-old for what they're worth. ?
  10. That's absolutely crazy... The whole idea is to discuss software/gear. If you bring to light that someone can get a good deal on tools-of-the-trade, good on you and them. KVR isn't what it once was...
  11. We've been building custom audio/video machines for ~30 years. If I can be of assistance, shoot me a PM.
  12. File this in the memory bank: Older HDMI cables won't work at 60Hz refresh-rates with 4k monitors.
  13. Nvidia video cards aren't particularly problematic. It's more of it either works... or doesn't type scenario. Check cables first... If that doesn't resolve the issue, I'd swap out the Nvidia card.
  14. Me too! Also have a pair of their Pultec clones.
  15. Hi Max, I would do the clean install of Win10 on a separate physical drive. Much easier to "clean-up" (once you've fully migrated)...
  16. Behringer gets a lot of flack for their past business practices (much of which is deserved). In the past decade, Behringer has absorbed some good companies, technology, and personnel (TC Electronic, Klark Teknic, Midas, etc). These days, Behringer is releasing original designs like the X32 series, Wing, etc... that are feature-packed decent quality pieces of gear. The Klark Teknic 1176 and LA-2A clones are both excellent (especially given the low cost). If you play live, the X32 series is used by many commercial sound companies. Was at a venue this past Friday night... and the FOH console was an X32. There's a trend recently to develop your own DAW application (UA, Behringer, Presonus, etc). Unless you're 101% committed, it's re-inventing the wheel. It's like trying to compete with Kontakt. It can be done, but it's a herculean task. Even if successful, it'll take years to catch-up to the competition. Behringer has the resources to develop a new DAW application, but is that the best use of their time/resources? They're admitting up front, that it's going to take a long while (18-months) for initial release. How long before it's able to compete head-to-head with the best DAW applications? From watching other DAW applications over the past 30 years, you're talking 4-5 years of sustained/committed development.
  17. Max, if the upgrade install of Win10 is a "mess", I'd start with a clean install of Win10. Yes, it's a pain to go thru... but well worth it for a rock-solid foundation.
  18. Max, I'm here if you need assistance. ? Nvidia video cards can work fine in a DAW. They can also cause high DPC Latency. ie: When the RTX-2xxx series were first released, they were causing high DPC Latency. BTW, This issue isn't limited to Nvidia. The latest v1909 Win10 update (with updated drivers for UHD-630 graphics) is causing high DPC Latency.
  19. With "Noise-Print" style noise-reduction, you may achieve better results using several passes (at lower reduction settings)... than using a single pass with heavier reduction. If the noise is almost as loud as the desired audio, it's going to be tough to achieve significant artifact-free noise-reduction.
  20. I have the UAD version of the Friedman BE-100. It's OK I've had a real BE-100 Deluxe. Running it thru something like a Boss Waza Tube Amp Expander or Suhr Reactive Load IR sounds/feels great. This combination sounds better than even the Axe-FX III. Only thing not great about the BE-100 Deluxe is the size/weight. I recently cycled back to tube amps. A few months later, I had "collected" three 50-60lb heads and numerous cabinets. They were starting to take up a lot of physical space... Finally came back around to the realization that the Axe-FX III (for me) is just a whole lot more practical. Neural DSP has released some top-tier plugins. They seem to have a bent for heavier gain. Their Quad Cortex (hardware) looks and sounds impressive. Release is on schedule for Sept of this year. From what I've seen/heard... it'll be right there with Helix, Axe-FX, and Kemper. Supposed to have a means of "Profiling"... in addition to modeling.
  21. Hi Craig, Yes, send me a PM or Email if you'd like details.
  22. I'm testing a new prototype. It's a "micro-tower" (mini-ITX) that has a handle (aluminum case). CPU is a i9-9900k with all 8 cores locked at 5GHz. Pair this with a 15.6" 10-point multi-touch monitor (essentially a laptop display with multi-touch capability). Put the multi-touch monitor and your audio interface in a 2U laptop rack case (rolling- easy transport and quick setup). Connect video and audio cables between the rack and micro-tower... and you're ready to go. All the power of a fast desktop... none of the limitations of a laptop... and runs near dead-silent. I use Ableton Live when playing gigs (trigger samples and to host virtual-instruments). I'm excited about this particular build... because I have all the speed of my studio DAW... in a form-factor that's practical for live use.
  23. Not here to argue... ? You could choose not to optimize Win2000, Win7, or Win10. Can you still work, yes... Is it optimal? Not in my opinion. By default in Win10; there's a lot of power-management, performance throttling, phoning home to MS, background applications running, scheduled tasks, automatic updates (including notifications), Cortana, OneDrive, etc.
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