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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I'm not sure if the $99 purchase price from musician's friend gets you the free upgrade. I did an online chat with MF and they said to ask Magix. I opened a ticket with Magix.
  2. wow. bestservice has the everything bundle for $478
  3. PSP is great. I meant I bought the same plugin twice (I liked it that much )
  4. hahaha! I was able to get a refund luckily even after I deposited it on an ilok. Also got credit for the psp stuff too
  5. What exactly is it? How do you like it?
  6. I once bought a plug-in that I could from mcdsp that was protools only. I don't use protools. I have bought pspaudioware stuff twice, I'm sad to say.
  7. Greg

    SampleTank 4.03 out

    https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/my-products/ Improved memory and processor usage. Added a Streaming tab in Settings. Fixed an issue with crashes on FL Studio macOS. Fixed an issue with infrequent crashes on VST, AAX, and Standalone. Fixed an issue with possible missing font on Windows. Fixed an issue with authorization. Fixed an issue with recognizing the current ST3 path at first launch. Fixed graphic artifacts while resizing window within a host. Fixed an issue with automation defaults within a host. Fixed Strummer steps sync within a host at first load. Fixed an issue with instrument saving due to unsupported characters. Added a brief install guide post installation. Improved the search responsiveness in the Phraser. Fixed an issue with loading ST3 Multis that include imported legacy instruments. Improved visual feedback for database rescan. A Sound Library Update 1.3 is available. This fixes various typos, macro errors and Multi and sample issues and includes additional Multis. Please download and install the Sound Library Update 1.3 available in your SampleTank 4 Sound Downloads dropdown menu. General reliability improvements.
  8. Greg

    Jamstix Sale

    It will keep what you generated until you force it to regenerate or change a setting. You can lock the bar to avoid this.
  9. Greg

    Jamstix Sale

    Plus you can use existing MIDI that you like, import it and use that as the basis for Jamstix to add realism. Just needs a little commitment to learn. Also the rayzoon forum is super friendly.
  10. Greg

    Jamstix Sale

    $59 for what this software can do is an amazing deal.
  11. Greg

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    Thanks. Just got notice of shipping.
  12. Greg

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    Any update on when USB is shipping?
  13. Run Native Access to update. Kontakt 6.0.4 — 2019-02-20 ADDED The Kontakt 5 Database feature is now also included in Kontakt 6 IMPROVED The 'Batch re-save' dialog now contains information about the potential effects of this action FIXED The 3-band EQ would not initialize correctly in certain cases, causing “filter sweep” artefacts FIXED Assigning one modulator on multiple targets would disable real time control of most of the target parameters FIXED Effects with longer tails would turn silent after manually resetting the playhead position in certain DAWs FIXED Files saved with Kontakt 6 would not show the correct "Created By" information on the Info Pane FIXED When changes were pushed from the Instrument Editor in Creator Tools to Kontakt, the upper key of a zone's range would not be updated correctly KOMPLETE KONTROL 2.1.0 — 2019-02-21 ADDED MIDI mapping support for third party controllers It is now possible to control some of KOMPLETE KONTROL's parameters via a third party MIDI controller. These include the 8 knobs of the NATIVE MAP, parameter page switching, plugin switching if more than one plugin is instantiated in the plugin chain, and preset switching. ADDED Sounds.com Integration Browse on Sounds.com, create your own collections of loops and one-shots, and sync the collections with KOMPLETE KONTROL. To make use of this feature, you must enable the "Download to All NI Apps" feature on the Sounds.com website. This can be found in your account settings, which can be accessed at this URL: "https://sounds.com/account/overview". ADDED Sampler plug-in When loading a sample from the new Samples tab in the Browser, that sample will automatically be loaded into the Sampler plug-in so it can be played immediately. The GUI for the Sampler provides access to some important parameters, but all parameters for the Sampler can be accessed via the Plug-in Panel or a connected KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard. This version of the Sampler supports loading of only a single sample at any given time. CHANGED There is now a single button for toggling the Browser between the Factory and User Libraries CHANGED Samples are now available in the Browser cataloged in separate Loops and One-shots tabs These new samples tabs will only appear when focused on the first slot in KOMPLETE KONTROL; the FX tab will be shown when any other slot is selected. Furthermore, for this version, all User Samples will be located in the One-shots tab of the Browser, regardless of whether they're tagged as Loops or One Shots. IMPROVED Instruments, Loops, and One-Shots in the Factory Library will have their tags updated to the new NKS 1.5 format ADDED Previews of loops selected in the Browser will be played in sync with the current project When a loop is selected in the Samples tab with Prehear turned on, it will begin playing immediately in-sync with the host if transport is running. If a loop preview starts part-way through the loop, the loop will play once more for its full length to ensure you get to hear the entire loop once in context with your project. IMPROVED Filters and product selections will be remembered when switching between content types and Factory/User Libraries in the Browser ADDED Browser content synchronization between multiple running instances When running multiple instances of KOMPLETE KONTROL, either as Standalone and/or as a plug-in, updates to the Library will be synced across the instances. For example, if you delete a sample from your User Library in one instance, the sample will no longer be present in the other instances. Similarly, if you save a preset in one instance, that preset will then be available in the other instances, too. ADDED Accessibility for A-Series keyboards via announcements in BROWSER, PLUG-IN (parameters, plug-in chain) SCALE, and ARP Enable / disable Accessibility Mode using SHIFT + IDEAS (top left button on keyboard + third button to the right in second row) Enter Training Mode by double tapping SHIFT when Accessibility is on Announcements for INSTANCE coming in a future update ADDED When browsing with A-Series, jump quickly to the results list by holding SHIFT and pushing right on the 4D Encoder ADDED Fast scroll through results list with A-Series by holding SHIFT and twisting the 4D Encoder ADDED Automatic Plug-in Focus (a.k.a. ‘Focus Follow’) and device auto-connect for A-Series when used with Ableton Live FIXED It is now possible to enter PLUG-IN from MIDI on A-Series keyboards REMOVED The dialog window prompting to download the Previews for the Factory Library The Previews are still available for download in Native Access if needed.
  14. Greg

    Overloud THU 1.02

    https://www.overloud.com/user/download-installers 1.0.0 -> 1.0.2 -------------- - Looper: added possibility to save the tracks to audio file - Cabinet IR: added support for short IRs in WAV format which could lead to a crash - Fixed a hang at startup that could happen under certain circumstances - Fixed: effects now regain full opacity after being dragged - Fixed: dragging a ZIP file that contains only a bank of presets now does not trigger the "Rig Model Library Installed" dialog window.
  15. just saw I had $31 in time space loyalty points. I had the full TH3 so I went for it for $24.95. Cool!
  16. there is a slate version to be included in their subscription. There is said to be an upgrade from the Slate version to the full, but I can't imagine it will be less than $59 from version 3.
  17. sorry - just copied from their forum. Need to use the manager to get the link apparently. I already have it.
  18. we have released The Grand 3.2.0 version. The Grand 3 is now Soft-eLicenser compatible and supports AAX and HiDPI. You can download The Grand 3.2.0 using the Steinberg Download Assistant: https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/co ... stant.html If you have already installed an older version of The Grand 3, please download and install 2. The Grand 3 - 3.2.0 only Please read the installation guide for more information.
  19. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=st4date
  20. Our first spotlight special is now active. These are special sales for a single expansion that run for a whole month. Simply connect with the JS4 manager tool and the sale will be shown with a purchase link, if you do not already own the expansion. Our first special is AIPak for just $15 versus the regular $29 list price. This expansion gives you 30 new styles and 8 new drummers. Isn't it a no-brainer to get more AI for your Jamstix? (I'm here all week, don't forget to tip your drummer...)
  21. Greg

    Slate VMR

    Gobbler wasn't working for me, so I got it from https://slatedigital.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115007782687 New Module Introduced the Blackbird module Fixes Reason only: Wrong settings recall when reloading presets or sessions Known Issues Everywhere Stepped Knobs exhibit continuous behavior on Automation Lanes Occasional GUI glitches when moving Modules Clicking on a Module while any popup menu is open causes random behavior Specific Modules U73b: Slight volume drop when switching from red Release (2,5/6/10) to black release (0,3/0,6/1,2) VCC and Pro Tools only: Default Preset randomly loads Parameters at 0 VCC: Laggy Knobs when using mouse wheels on grouped Knobs VCC: US A Console may cut the audio signal when several VCC are Grouped Specific Mac Tooltips work only with the focused Module Pro Tools 10 only: 401/116/Revival VU Meter stays visible when swapping Modules Specific DAWs Pro Tools and Reaper AU only: Parameter names appear as A-1, A-2, etc. Rack doesn't expand in Ozone Standalone Pro Tools/Cubase/Nuendo/Sonar/Reaper: Parameter names are not updated in the automation lines Triumph only: Offline rendering doesn't work Logic Pro only: LED and VU Meters not returning to Zero when you stop the playback Logic Pro only: VCC and FG-116 GUI delay glitch with I/O linked Sonar and VST2 only: VMR Default Preset is loaded with all Parameters to 0 Shared Framework Issues Live and AU only: Temporary white space when resizing plugin Adobe Audition and VST3 only: GUI disorder when resizing plugin Mac and Live VST2 32-bit only: Resize moves the GUI OS X 10.8.5 and Logic Pro only: AU Validation fails OS X Dual-Screen: Possible crash when switching from Mirror to Split Screen Mode Various issues in Harrison Mixbus Studio One and Intel HD 2000 only: Empty OpenGL area and crash Pop-up Menus doesn't close occasionally when clicking on the trigger button Mac and Wavelab VST2 32-bit only: GUI Disorder Mac only: Save/Save As still displayed when GUI is hidden behind another application Windows and Reaper VST3 only: Full-speed Offline Renders don't read correctly the automation Pro Tools 12: Committing or Freezing a track brings a Tail with Noisy Plugins Windows and VST3 DAWs only: Automation dialog may disappear quickly with specific key combinations WaveLab: Fade-out at boundary (rendering option) doesn't work in the Audio File Workspace OS X 10.11: Sluggish video when GUI is open (particularly in Pro Tools) Triumph only: Process is missing when rendering Wavelab and Audio File Workspace only: Silence added at the end of files (1s) when rendering Windows only: RHS Alt key not recognized Triumph only: Crash when closing sessions Triumph only: Plugins are not recalled when reloading a session Mac only: Launching Studio One 2 without iLok crashes the DAW Sony Vegas Pro only: Settings/Parameters are not recalled
  22. Feature Change Log ================== 1.3.20 - Jan 21, 2019 Added fader grouping for the Mixer. You can now select multiple tracks using the Shift and Command (on macOS) or Ctrl (on Windows) and they'll be grouped together. The Shift modifier acts as a clutch to temporarily free a fader from the group. Note that Adding or Removing a track clears the group. Note that the Mixer Fader now only responds to the mouse wheel if the “Mixer Faders snap to mouse click” option is enabled. download it from Platinum Samples (and likely Galaxy Drums) sites.
  23. Greg

    Amplitube 4.8.1

    AmpliTube 4 (ver 4.8.1) Release Notes Changes from version 4.8 - Added integration between AXE I/O and AmpliTube - General reliability improvements https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/my-products/index.php?FILTER=-&SORT=rel
  24. where did you find the info per kit, specifically # of MIDI patterns? I am looking where to find those MIDI patterns.
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